
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Self-Insert fanfic)

What happens when a normal guy is reborn in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender

FairyPeak · TV
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4 Chs


"Where am I?" I groaned. All I saw was a darkness I would have tried to open my eyes but, I saw a light in the distance. I couldn't stop myself from following it. It was like my body was naturally drawn to it. But, as soon as I found the source of that light, I realized that the light source was a person. My eyes attempted to adjust to the light, but they couldn't. It was impossible.

"That's only natural," the light said suddenly. I heard the sound of a snap, and I saw a somewhat human shaped light.

"What are you?" I asked baffled

"The matters of who I am do not concern you. What concerns you is the fact that I.." it paused "Is that I made a mistake, the plan was to let you live another five years but, that wasn't fulfilled. We can't just save your life because that will only cause more problems. So, in return, I have decided to allow you a second chance. In any world of your choice." The Deity finished sensing a question

"What about my family?" I asked

"The plan for your family is still the same. Now, what world would you like to go to?" the Deity said

"Fallout?" I said randomly

"I can fulfill that request but, I personally don't think you should do that." The Deity said with a sigh


"I personally believe that movie is overrated." The Deity said with another sigh

"No, the cartoon."

"The Legend of Korra or Avatar: The Last Airbender?" The Deity asked not very familiar with this series.

"The Last Airbender. Also, can I make two more requests?" I asked, hopefully.

"Possibly, it matters the request."

"I want to be able to bloodbend like Amon, so I don't need the full moon to bloodbend," I said confidently.

"I may be able to fulfill that. What of your second request?"

"To bloodbend, I need to be a water bender. Did you never watch the show?" I said, somewhat amused.

"No, I only know the basics. I am quite busy, after all. You forget your position." The Deity said I swear that if he had a mouth, he would be smirking right now. Wait, is it a he or she? Do gods have a gender? Wait, does that mean God is white? Also, is he God? Wait, is it a he? Is God a woman? I have no problem with God being a woman it's just? Weird. Wait, is that sexist.

"I don't have a gender. I am not white in your terms I am just a light, and you can consider me a 'god'" The Deity said. Did he just read my mind? Wait, who was right? What religion was right?

"Yes, I just read your mind. I will not say what religion was correct about my origins? I will see what I can do about your requests. Now." he paused or was it a she. I really don't get this. "Begone!" the Deity suddenly screamed with the sound a snap.

Suddenly I fell into a pit of darkness.

Sorry about the slow start. I hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter. Please comment about how you like it so far and if you have any ideas.This story is also going to be on my wattpad account with the same name.

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