
Avatar Supreme

After Avatar Roku passed on, a new avatar was born. But on the day he was birthed there was a strange vibration in the cosmic energy of the universe and only those of the spirit world and Vaatu, including Raava could sense it. This caused a few changes to the entire world that were very subtle, but the most evident to the alarming harm it caused to the soul of the new born avatar. Raava tried all she could, using her knowledge and understanding of the cosmos, before she managed to save and replenish the soul of the new avatar but after that she sensed some changes she couldn't quite understanding but she also noticed that she had fused more with the soul of the newborn and more than their connection being stronger she became he submissive one in their fusion which shocked her but she threw it to the back of her mind as the avatars are of good hearts because of her influence too. But how could she know that the original Aang's soul had fused with the soul of another human from a planet called Earth, a world where the universe of the Avatar was just mere fiction? "There are so many possibilities here in this world, that is often underated. I shall unearth every potential this world has to offer...even potentially true immortality." ============= Update 5 chapters/week Update days: Monday to Friday. Early access to chapters? Visit my Patreon to support this humble author and I shall say thank you with early access to ALL chapters of this fanfic and my other one (Stark Infinity -marvel fanfic) way ahead of the webnovel updates. www.patreon.com/marvelstark Have a nice read!

marvel_stark · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Rebirth and First Attempt

After Avatar Roku passed on, a new avatar was born.

But on the day he was born there was a strange vibration in the cosmic energy of the universe and only those of the spirit world, Vaatu, including Raava could sense it.

This caused a few changes to the entire world that were subtle, but the most evident effect was the alarming harm it caused to the soul of the new born avatar.

Raava tried all she could, using her knowledge and understanding of the cosmos, before she managed to save and replenish the soul of the new avatar but after that she sensed some changes she couldn't quite understanding but she also noticed that she had fused more with the soul of the newborn and more than their connection being stronger she became he submissive one in their fusion which shocked her but she threw it to the back of her mind as the avatars are of good hearts because of her influence too.

But how could she know that the original Aang's soul had fused with the soul of another human from a planet called Earth, a world where the universe of the Avatar was just mere fiction?

The cry of a baby echoed in the room as the little boy was brought out.

As the birth of the new born was celebrated, there was also an atmosphere of mourning.

"She didn't make it," an old lady sighed as she handed the baby over to his father.

A middle-aged man held the baby in his arms and looked at him with affection.

'Rest on Kya. I will take good care of our child,' he thought.

Kya was a non-bender. But she had a strong love for bending. Hence one of her wishes was to have her child be the greatest air bender in history.

'I will also make sure our boy shall be the best Airbender in the world,' he took an oath in his heart as he looked at his son with resolve.

Meanwhile the baby in his arms struggles to open his eyelids and when he finally did he took a lot of time before he could make out the figure in front of him.

'A giant?' he thought as he attempted to move but failed terribly.

'What in the world?!' he grew alarmed as he cussed out but only weird sounds came out of his mouth.



'Huh? That isn't my voice. Wait, don't tell me...'

At this time he finally came to a realization that felt unbelievable.

It took him some moments to come to terms with what has happened, while during this time the middle-aged man kept staring at his baby with a worried expression.

'Why is he so quiet? Is something wrong?'

As he was about to give the newborn a few butt taps, an old lady came and asked.

"So what will you name the boy?"

"Huh? Oh, Kya and I already decided on a name. He shall be called Aang."

Meanwhile the newborn heard what was said and snapped out of his daydreaming.

'My name is Aang?!' only now did he make out the figure of the man holding him and saw the clothing and most of all the arrow tattooed on his head.

'So I came to this world huh?'


It's been half a year now and it has been hard for Aang to have an adult's mind in a baby's body.

But this six months were not spent in vain. He had focused on deep meditation with one goal in mind.

To access Raava mentally.

Aang recalls that from the show, the first Avatar, Wang could communicate with Raave telepathically this should be something that is available to all Avatars.

This was his conjecture and he feels it is feasible.

As for how to go about it, the only thing he can do for now is to meditate, meditate, and meditate!

Asides from trying to come in contact with Raava, his mains reason is to get the earliest access to training.

With Raava's direct help, his speed of growth will be much more fast. Moreover, if he could master his spirituality to a certain extent he will be able to access the guidance of all the past avatars and if things work out our he hopes he can receive training through a certain method he had thought.

Aang let out a breath in his crib as he tried again.

His mind calmed down and he was able to enter a meditative state instantly and dived deep withing his spirit.



He tried to communicate with Light Spirit within him as he used his thoughts as a transmission to contact Raava.

After a number of tries, his thoughts was getting deeper and clearer, and soon.




Aang was beginning to feel strained and if it continued he would lose consciousness but he felt he was closer to his goal tha ever before, hence he pushed with all his might.



There, he saw it a soft light in depts.

But before he could communicate further, he passed out.