
Avatar: Legend of Korra

A lost soul finds its way into the Legend of Korra, its presence alerted one being called the Spirit of Time. "Hmm? The future has changed for the worse..." The Spirit of Time muttered. "If that is the case, I shall create a team meant to prevent such a future and I have a perfect idea." ___________________________ Haha! Do you wanna see a fanfic with all the legends in their prime in one timeline!? Aang!? Toph!? Katara!? Maybe Sokka? Then please do come read this fanfic, a story of a reincarnate being pitted against the world's legends with his one and only partner Kuvira beside him. Watch as the glorious Metal Clan becomes an unbeatable empire!

Luxuriant · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Ash vs Amon

Once Amon neared the ground, he rolled immediately and landed perfectly, as he glared at Ash under his mask.

"Come on, show me what you got." Ash smirked as he lightly hopped around in a casual boxing stance.

"It will be my pleasure." Amon's husk-like voice replied as he lunged at Ash.

Ash watched as Amon rushed at him, quickly sidestepping, Ash pushes Amon's hand to the side. Amon quickly retaliated with a backhand, which Ash promptly dodged. From then on, their hands moved at inhumane speeds as they continuously countered each other's punches at a stalemate. Until suddenly Ash weaved under his punch and appeared behind Amon, effectively tripping him with his foot, making him fall onto the ground.

"Not bad! Imagine if I used earth bending, you'd be dead, haha!" Ash remarked with a smug expression.

"Tch." Amon clicked his tongue as he stood back up.

But this time, Ash didn't wait, he quickly dashed toward Amon.

Amon quickly raised his hands and tried his best to block the barrage of kicks being sent from Ash. he even attempted to punch back. But it proved to be useless as Ash simply sent out a final powerful kick, sending Amon tumbling back once again.

Amon didn't panic as he simply glanced around as if to make sure no one was watching.

Ash didn't stop as he sprinted toward Amon, intending to finish him off until suddenly, as if time froze, his sonar senses flared with danger.

Ash quickly came to a skidding stop as he watched a barrage of icicles zoom onto his body.

Quickly slamming his foot into the ground, a wall made of earth raised from the ground and defended his body.

"He's a waterbender!?" Lin couldn't help but exclaim from behind Ash.

Ash ignored her as he dispersed his wall into the ground and narrowed his eyes at Amon.

'He's using the rain, I need to end this.' Ash thought inwardly as the rain continued to pour down on them.

"You're not gonna beat me like that." Ash muttered as he approached Amon's figure.

'He'll probably use his blood-'

Before Ash could finish his thought process, his body suddenly stopped moving as it continuously shuddered, as if resisting.

"You have forced my hand General Beifong." Amon coldly stated as he approached Ash's figure with his hand extended toward him.

"He can blood bend!? No Ash!" Lin exclaimed with widened eyes, she vigorously tried to break out the platinum cables but it was for naught.

"DAMN YOU! If you do anything to him, I will make you regret it Amon!" Lin continued to struggle with her binds, as she watched Amon approach Ash.

Amon simply ignored her, as he was only a couple of feet away from Ash.

"Time to take your bending away-"

"I don't think so." Ash abruptly cut off Amon's words.

Amon's eyes couldn't help but widen.

Ash had a smug smile on his face, as his right fist suddenly connected with Amon's mask.


Amon was sent flying dozens of feet away, as his body roughly crashed against the ground.

His mask then broke into pieces as his 'burnt' face was shown.

"How did you resist my blood bending!?" Amon questioned with a surprised expression, as he slowly got up.

"A man's gotta have his secrets..." Ash replied with a mysterious smile.

Amon ignored his words and quickly extended both his hands toward Ash.

Ash's body once again froze momentarily, but his body slowly inched forward as if blood bending had less of an effect on him.

'Damn it! This is as far as I can do it!' Ash cursed inwardly as he watched Amon slowly back up while blood bending him.

"It seems you can partially resist blood bending, but not entirely, I did not plan to fight an opponent such as yourself, so consider yourself lucky. We will meet again, and I won't lose so easily next time." Amon remarked as he reached the edge of the island.

"Shit!-" Ash's body was set free as Amon simply stepped off the cliff.

Ash quickly ran toward the edge of the cliff and noticed Amon already water bent away over hundreds of feet.

"Tsk, if I see him again he won't get away so easily." Ash muttered, as he watched Amon's figure disappear into the water.


Ash turned around as he heard his mom calling for him, he quickly jogged over to her and freed her by cutting off the cables with his metal.

"Are you okay son!?" Lin quickly hugged Ash, as she questioned his welfare.

"I'm fine mom, what about you?" Ash questioned back as he returned the hug.

"*Sigh* I'm alright, but you were way too reckless out there!" Lin frowned as she pushed Ash back to look at his face.

"That was pretty cool wasn't it?" Ash jokingly raised his brows.

Lin looked at him unamused with a stern expression.

Ash continuously looked at her, playfully raising his brows.

Lin's stern expression couldn't help but break as she slightly smiled,"Maybe it wasn't too bad."

"Haha! I know right!?" Ash remarked as he stood up and helped Lin up.

Lin simply rolled her eyes but a smile could be seen on her face as she watched his antics.

"Ah, give me a sec." Ash muttered as he quickly turned away and pulled out a small walkie-talkie from his coat.

"You guys can come down now, and where's the air bender family?" Ash stated as he spoke into the walkie-talkie.

[Yes sir! And their approaching right now.] A static-like voice replied from the walkie-talkie.

Ash nodded in satisfaction as the 4 Laats from before, reappeared, and all 5 Laats slowly lowered their attitude as their engines roared.


Eventually, once the engine noises died down, dozens of soldiers in the new Zaofu armor, ran out of their Laats and created a perimeter.

"I want squadrons 1 and 2 to focus on zipping up all the Chi Blockers, squadron 3 I need you to search the airships above for prisoners, once you find them, squadrons 1 and 2 will help free them after they're done with their tasks, and I want the rest to maintain the perimeter!" Ash barked out orders as he glanced up at the few Equalist airships.

The soldiers quickly started dividing up as they did their tasks.

Ash glanced to his left as he noticed a group of people in orange/yellow outfits leaving a Laat.

Lin recognized the figures as she quickly ran up to them.

"Tenzin, were you guys captured!?"

Tenzin simply nodded as he stared at Ash's figure that was a few feet behind Lin.

"Yes, but fortunately Ash's men rescued us from them. Thank you so much, Ash, it's also nice to see you again." Tenzin approached Ash's figure with his hand extended.

"Same as well Tenzin." Ash smiled as they shook hands.

Three small speeding figures, sped past Tenzin as they lunged at Ash.

"Ash's back!"

"Yay! Ash's here!"

"Hi Ash!"

Ash smiled down at Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora, who were currently hugging him.

"Haha! How's it going guys!? Meelo you've gotten so big! Ikki you too! And look at you Jinora!" Ash happily exclaimed as he scuffled all their heads.

"Can you tell me more about Zaofu?" Jinora questioned with a curious smile as she looked up at Ash.

But as Ash was about to reply, Ikki suddenly cut him off.

"Hey Ash! Don't I look taller!? Also, is Zaofu really only made up of metal!?-"

Before she could continue her words, Meelo suddenly slapped her mouth shut.

"Ash doesn't wanna hear you talk, lady!" Meelo exclaimed.

"How dare you!? Argh!-"

"Guys calm down-" Jinora attempted to diffuse the situation but was continuously ignored.

Meelo and Ikki suddenly started to fight as Jinora attempted to break it up.

As they started to fight, Ash noticed Pema's approaching figure as she sighed at the behavior of her children.

"How're you doing Ash?" Pema questioned as she walked with the help of ladies in air nomad attire.

"I'm doing fine, what about you?" Ash replied with a smile.

"You know how it is, haha." Pema and Ash chuckled as they watched the kids fight, with Tenzin trying to break it up.

"Lady Pema, you need to rest, you just gave birth." One lady in air nomad attire worriedly stated as she held one of Pema's arms.

"Well it seems I have to go, I'll see you later Ash." Pema smiled at Ash before heading into the air temple with her aides.

Ash looked around as he noticed Zaofu soldiers walking around and tying up Chi Blockers, with the rest holding a perimeter.

Lin then walked back toward Ash as she looked at him with a raised brow, "As much as I'm happy with you being here... Why are you here?"

"Isn't it quite simple, I obviously came here for you, but I do have something else I need to do here." Ash explained with crossed arms as he looked around.

"I see, thank you." Lin thanked.

"Of course, your my mom, I'll be there anytime you need me."

Lin's eyes widened before muttering, "Same to you punk." With a smile.

Ash nodded as he spoke,"Well mom, I have to go somewhere, I'll leave my soldiers here to defend Air Temple Island, should Amon attack again."

"Your leaving already?" Lin questioned, her voice dropping slightly.

"I'll be back don't worry." Ash replied with his ever-so-confident smile.

"Alright, stay safe sweetie." Lin stated as she hugged Ash, who returned it.

Once letting go of Lin, Ash jogged toward one of the empty Laats and stepped in, he then pounded the wall of the Laat twice.

"Take me on top of a tall building in Republic City!" Ash ordered.

"Yes sir!" The pilot instantly started the Laat as its engine roared to life.


The Laat rose in altitude as it then accelerated toward Republic City.

This time, Ash didn't close the Laat's door, he simply held onto the handle above him and watched as the cold rain and breeze pushed against him while looking at the high view as he flew past the blue water.

'I'll make sure to kill Amon, and maybe Tarrlok depending on what happens. Most likely they are trying something different because I doubt they can escape from Toph's senses if they're in Republic City. But by now, they might have taken over Republic City just like in canon.' Ash thought inwardly.

He glanced down and realized they were already above Republic City, equalist airships were flying everywhere, as Chi Blockers could be seen in the streets.

"Stop above that red building!" Ash exclaimed as he pointed at a tall red apartment building.

The pilot rearranged their course and started to hover above the apartment.

"Return back to the Air Temple, I will relay further orders later and be careful of fighter planes." Ash remarked.

The pilot was about to say something but Ash simply stepped off and lightly landed on top of the red apartment.

Soon after, the Laat quickly accelerated away back toward Air Temple Island.

"I'm a bit tired, so I'm gonna lay down for a bit." He muttered before sitting down and leaning his back against a large AC box.

Crossing his arms, he closed his eyes and relaxed as the rain poured onto him.

But suddenly, he started to hear shouting at the bottom of his building on the streets.

"Come and try me bastards!"

"Capture her!"

"You think I, the greatest earth bender in the world, is going to lose to a bunch of chumps like yourselves!? Come on! Come at me!"

Ash's brows twitched as he couldn't sleep because of all the noise.

With a simple movement, he tapped the ground, and a sonar-like radar was sent out to all his surrounding environment.

Ash's eyes immediately widened as he noticed who it was.

'She should have the answers to my questions.'

Getting up, he leaned at the edge of his building.

"This should be interesting." Ash smirked as he hopped off the edge of the building down toward the voices.


Let me know yall thougts!