
Chapter 4 : Results and Toph

After a week of the painstaking process of elimination, I have a rough understanding of all the chi channels in my body. Building on that I created a movement set that maximizes chi flow.

If I didn't have panmnesia to compare even the most minutest of processes happening in detail, my progress might have been not in a week but in a year if not years so I have nothing to complain about.

Additionally, with all the earthbending I've been doing I noticed that even without my new chi flow technique I can earthbend slightly longer, further, and more efficiently. So either way, my training paid off.

Besides the chi flow technique, I started lightly working on my physique. Nothing too extreme, just some running, swimming, squats, push-ups, that sort of stuff. Everything is done in moderation as I am still six years old, if I overwork myself at this age stunting my growth is a real possibility so no bench pressing mountains just jet.

Right now I'm working with sand… Well, working is not what most would put it. I've been struggling with sandbending all day but moving thousands if not millions of grains of sand simultaneously is next to impossible! The worst part is that I know that I knew the trick for sandbending but just can't remember it!

My memories from the past life are foggy at best as it is not to mention the six years here and even before I wasn't the biggest fan of the show, I watched The Last Airbender as a kid and Legend of Korra as a teenager.

"Aghhh! Fuck this!" I yell in the small training grounds I made for myself a little further from the camp. Now

destroyed by my earthbending fueled by anger.

"Huff… huff… This is getting me nowhere." I say as I feel like I ran a marathon from my outburst.

" You can say that again. Throwing a tantrum over nothing and screaming like a girl afterward!"

"Hey! I wasn-" I turn around as quickly as my tired body allows me only to see a shadow looming over me.

"Yeek!" Alright, I might have screamed like a little girl this time.

"See! I told you so." The shadow figure says as it locks its dead shallow eyes on me.

As it comes out I get a better look at it and it's a she, an old lady with dead eyes, droopy hair tied up in a bun at the back. She is clothed in old traditional earth kingdom clothes. Wait!

"Stop gaping your mouth like a fish. Never seen an old lady before?" She said in a brash voice.

"Oh, I have seen old ladies before! But not old hags scaring little children in the middle of nowhere! What if I had a heart condition! My death would be on your conscience!" I provoke Toph as I know being polite with her won't lend me an apprenticeship.

"Bah! You're fine. Don't kid yourself, if you had problems you wouldn't be able to do this." She says pointing at the area around us.

The place is wrecked. Four-meter-long earth spikes protruding from the whole area in a radius of 10 meters, fissures in the ground all around.

"Well then even more of a reason to announce yourself! What if I had hurt you? I don't want to murder a small defenseless old lady." I proclaim myself righteously.

She smirks at me and crosses her arms. "You wish! I could kick your butt blindfolded with my arms behind my back!"

I laugh at her. " What can yo-" only to get sent flying back by an earth column.

Toph turns in my direction only to see a shit-eating grin, well not see but 'see'.

"Why are you smiling, kid? Like the taste of ground that much?"

"I know who you are." I say standing up.

"Oh really? Do tell."

"You're old, blind, grumpy. Your Toph Beifong. Inventor of metalbending, part of Avatar Aang's team in ending the hundred-year war, previous Chief of police of the Republic city and temporary holder of the title of the best earthbender in the world." I list off her titles and feats and give extra attention to pronouncing the word temporarily.

"Temporary?" She asks with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Of Course! You're only holding on to it until I decide to take it. It's only a matter of time really."

She stays silent for a minute before bursting out laughing. "Bah..haha..ha… Do you think YOU can take my title away!? Some snot-nosed brat! Bah! My pinky toe has more talent than you. You clearly have no training, otherwise, you wouldn't lose control of your bending."

"Then teach me! I know you don't teach anymore but maybe you could make an exception for me?" I ask her carefully.

"And why would I do that?"

'Hook line and stinker!' I think to myself as I straighten my back and prepare all the selling points while she creates a chair under herself to sit down.

"There are four main points." I say holding up four fingers, fully knowing she can 'see' them.

"First I am extremely talented." Toph scoffs. "Don't scoff! I know you've been watching me from the moment I stepped into the swamp. And I know you've seen what I can do in a week." I scoff at her.

"So what. You memorize some new style, big deal." She retorts.

"So what! MEMORIZE! Woman, I created the chi flow technique! I did something in a week that would take others YEARS. And I did it all by myself, no teachers, no scrolls, no badger moles, nothing, nada." I huff in anger at her comment.

Toph herself looks a bit shocked herself especially because she knows I'm not lying. Who can blame her? What I said is comparable to a six-year-old becoming a pro-bender champion after a week of training.

After shortly composing herself Toph says to me. "Fine, fine you have SOME talent. Now you were saying something before throwing that temper tantrum."

"Anyway, my talent doesn't end there. So far I haven't found anything that is difficult to me, be it science, music, dancing, steaking, anything really, as long as I put the effort in something I seem to instinctively improve at a rapid pace." I explain.

When I first asked for quick mastery I didn't realize just how op it is. For example, when I was five one of the newly brought in babies Yue just wouldn't sleep and kept on crying, even Nana was helpless. So I decided to sing it a lullaby every night out of pity and to finally get some shut-eye.

So I sang to Yue every night, at first my voice was ok and she didn't feel much of an effect and still kept on screaming but by the end of the second week all I needed was a few seconds and Yue was out. I instinctively felt how to regulate my breathing, how to adjust my voice, and much more. Until Nana pointed out my unusual talent for singing I didn't even notice.

"The second selling point is my perfect memory." I state while waiting for the inevitable.

"You must be kidding right? So what if yo-"

"I can remember the moment I was born like it was today." That shut her up. "I remember everything so perfectly that it feels like I'm still there. The only reason I know this is real and not a memory is because I don't know the future." I try to convey the experience.

"And what if you see something horrible?" Toph asks me with concern.

"I can suppress the bad memories for the most part, so no need to worry over me reliving my personal hell over and over." I try to relieve her worries about my mental health.

"Ok, with that out of the way, the next thing is I can promise to help and protect the next Avatar to the best of my abilities."

This time Toph doesn't comment on anything and just sits there with a contemplating look on her face.

"Fine! I will teach you if you want it so badly." She says with a sigh.

'Score! Earthbending master acquired!' I celebrate internally as a legend of Zelda tune plays in my head.

"Thank you so much!" I state while bowing. "Master Toph."

"No need to use formalities with me… what did you say was your name again?" She realizes I haven't introduced myself.

"I didn't and Hanzo, my name is Hanzo. Nice to meet you Toph." I smile slightly at my lack of manners, but I guess Toph would be the last person to care.

"Well, Hanzo pack your things and follow me. From now on we are going to live together."

After quickly getting my stuff we went towards the center of The Foggy Swamp. We approached a spacious cave with unlit candles here and there. I guess she doesn't need light and the candles are for the occasional guests.

"So do I light the candles or use seismic sense?" I point out as she doesn't seem to notice.

"You can do it?" She asks me.

"Yes but I'm not very good at it, at least not as good as you. I need to continually do it, plus all the information can sometimes be overwhelming." I try to explain.

"Then you will use a blindfold from now on. I Am going to teach you how to really 'see'." Then she stops in her tracks and turns towards me. " Didn't you say there are four reasons why I should train you? You only mentioned three."

"Ahh yes. My fourth reason… well I imagine it gets quite boring so you can always have me as a punching bag to blow off some steam." I sheepishly say.

"Hah..ha..haha… I already like you!" She laughs already liking my suggestion.