
Auxiliary Immortal

The world of immortal cultivation was always a grand one, filled with powerful swordsmen who could cut planets in half, divine doctors who could bring the dead back to life, and naturally the beautiful female cultivators who's single glance could stop the hearts of thousands of mortal men. Unfortunately for Minos, a poorly talented handy-man disciple of the Green Barrel Sect, that was a life he was destined to never know. That was until he figured out he actually was talented, though not in the conventional ways!

OmniverseSage · Fantasie
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372 Chs


Beyond the Royal Family, Minos also invested adequately in some of the stronger noble families, making it so that all the most powerful figures had a piece of a pie, which kept them from causing him any problems.

Of course it was only natural that a few people were left out of the loop, but with such strength behind him, they could only accept their defeat gracefully.

Naturally a few people weren't willing to go down without a fight, but with Minos's strength, plus the small army he had hired for his personal protection, such attacks were useless.

After one such attack, the emperor was so furious that he ended up slaughtering the assailants entire family, and after that, Minos was never bothered again, his guards being more for show than anything else.

Like this, months passed, and soon enough it had been a year since Rovo Enterprise was created, and nearly three years since Tinka and Rinka had left him.

He had naturally tried getting in contact in this time, using his money to his advantage in this regard, but he was told time and time again that new recruits had a five year training period before they were allowed back into the world.

Having already spent three years waiting, two more was nothing, so using his free time, Minos kept expanding his business empire, allowing the entire Aleph City to see a new golden-age by his hands alone.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" A beautiful young woman asked towards the chair that was turned out towards the windows that overlooked the entire city.

"Just thinking about life." A deep voice replied, the chair soon turning to reveal a large man with a thick white-beard that reached down to his chest.

"Boss, you should really cut that beard, it makes you look like an old man." The secretary said with a giggle.

"Does it? Well I feel old at heart, so maybe it suits me." Minos smiled, turning his chair back towards the windows.

"Well I hope the news I have will make you feel young again." The woman said, suddenly catching Minos's interest.

"Go ahead."

"It's about the Nine Yin Maiden Sect, the apprentice period has ended, and your wife and daughter sent you a letter."

"Really!" Minos said, shooting up out of his chair in excitement.

Laughing at Minos's behavior, she handed the envelope over, which Minos tore open in a blink of an eye.

As he read the letter, his face rapidly changed emotions, from worry, to joy, to laughter, to sadness, and finally, settling on happiness.

The letter went over everything the two had experienced these past five years, from getting bullied at the start to slowly making a name for themselves, to both of them being accepted as personal disciples by the Grand Elder of the sect, a person even more powerful than the Sect Leader.

Beyond all that, they finally were allowed to travel out of the sect, which meant after five years of no contact, Minos could finally see the two of them again.

Hearing the good news, Minos's heart that had been kept in limbo for five years finally dropped, relieved that his wife and daughter were doing good, even without him.

"Prepare my finest flying-boat and the all-female guard team, since my wife and daughter are coming back, I want them to travel in luxury." Minos commanded.

"Right away, Boss!" The secretary said, quickly running off to do as Minos said.

Meanwhile, at the Nine Yin Maiden Sect, Tinka and Rinka were finally allowed to get news about the outside world after having been kept in the dark for so long.

"Mom, have you heard anything about dad?" Rinka asked her mother curiously.

"Not yet, everyone's just talking about this Rovo Enterprise that came out of nowhere." Tinka complained, naturally having no idea that Minos was the one behind it.

"Rovo Enterprise, what's that all about?" Rinka asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, but apparently their most popular device is a thing called a Rovo, which, come to think of it, is a lot like that communication device your father was trying to create."

"You don't think…?"

"Maybe, your father is a genius after all, so it wouldn't surprise me if it only took him five years to take over Aleph City." Tinka said with a giggle.

"Does that mean I'm going to be the daughter of a richman!" Rinka said excitedly.

"Maybe, but this may also have nothing to do with your father, so don't get too excited."

"Either way, no matter what dad did, I just want to see him, whether he's the richest man or poorest!" Rinka said, having missed her dad after all these years.

"Well our letter should reach him soon, and knowing your dad, once he gets the greenlight, he'll be here as fast as he can, so we just have to wait patiently." Tinka said.

"You're right." Rinka replied, agreeing with her mothers analysis.

With the two agreeing that Minos would be here soon, they decided to wait near the gate of the sect, which surprised a few disciples considering the two's status as personal disciples.

"What do you think they are waiting for?"

"Who knows, but it's best not to annoy them, I don't want to get into trouble for no reason."

"Good point…"

With everyone too afraid to ask any questions, Tinka and Rinka waited in silence, and fortunately, their wait didn't last long.

With the sound of swishing and whirring, the clouds in the sky were suddenly shattered as a massive flying-boat made its way through the heavens, the sight immediately catching everyone's attention.

They had naturally seen flying-boats in the past, but one so large was a rare sight, not something an average person would ever have access to.

After a slow and gentle descent, the flying-boat finally landed right before the sect gate, a few female guards jumping down from above before one of them cleared their voice and spoke.

"On behalf of Mister Rovo, I am here to pick up Miss Tinka and Rinka. Please board the ship at your convenience."

The guard's loud voice immediately spread through the sect, causing everyone to stare and Tinka and Rinka in shock as they wondered what the relationship between them and Mister Rovo was.

As normal disciples, it was natural that they were aware of the Rovo Enterprise, the majority of them having even bought products from the conglomerate.

By now, everyone knew that Mister Rovo was the richest man in Aleph City, his personal wealth so vast that it eclipsed entire sects.

Tinka and Rinka were already personal disciples of the Grand Elder, so for them to also have a relationship with the richest man on the continent was a bit too much for a lot to handle.

Meanwhile, both Tinka and Rinka looked at each other with surprise, having anticipated such a possibility, but neither of them actually thinking it was real.

After a slight pause from both of them, they slowly made their way towards the boat, the both of them vanishing up onto it under the envious eyes of the crowd.

"Miss Tinka, Miss Rinka, please follow me." The guard said, leading the two towards Minos's chamber.

Opening the door to the bottom deck of the ship, the two were greeted by a massive lounge that was completely decked out from a bar to a swimming pool, everything one could imagine.

After making their way through the lounge area, they arrived at another door that was trimmed in gold, the name Mister Rovo carved into the front.

Opening the door, this time the guard didn't follow, just nodding towards them as if to say go ahead.

With the guards' signal, the two walked inside, the first thing they noticed being the fine-white rug on the floor made out of the fur of an unknown demon beast.

"Welcome back." A voice said, knocking the two out from their reverie.

"Dad!" Rinka was the first to respond, immediately jumping into her fathers arms, nearly knocking him out of his chair.

"Honey…" Tinka soon followed, her eyes red as she joined Rinka in embracing Minos.

With the two hugging him tight, Minos couldn't help but laugh loudly, the most joyous he's been in years.

"I missed you so much!" Rinka cried, her tears and snot staining Minos's fine coat that was worth more than most people's lifetime salary.

But in Minos's eyes, this coat was worthless compared to his daughter, so he didn't care at all, just hugging her tightly as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Me too." Tinka said, joining in on the tears.

Smiling, Minos helped both of them clear their tears and calm down, before finally having them take a seat on the couch, taking this opportunity to talk about everything they had experienced these past five years.

As the ship slowly flew back to Aleph City, Minos, Tinka, and Rinka all chatted, exchanging stories as they slowly got up to speed on everything that had happened between them.

Minos was already aware of most of Tinka and Rinka's experience due to their letters, but since they didn't have a chance to hear from him, most of the time was spent on Minos telling them everything that had happened to him.