

A regular student enjoying his high school life playing idle games on his phone gets isekai'd into a different world with a game-like system and mechanics. He was given the power of "auto-battling" as his innate unique skill. We will follow his journey as he explores this new world. Character Progression Page can be found in the Auxiliary Volume. The Cover Page is generated from Gencraft.

Shuri_Suki · Fantasie
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272 Chs

The Encounter (PART 2)

PS: starting from this point onwards, I will be using a parenthesis,"(.....)", as indications for the main character's inner monologue.


They were on their way toward the Kingdom's capital city.

(It's a good thing that I didn't try to fight them. I really don't like to fight against a human especially since I don't have good combat prowess over my body. My Unique skill: Auto-battle would also suck since I would be taking their hits as well. I also don't have an ample amount of skills for such combats yet.)

"Uhm, say... what kind of trial am I going to have?"

"Let's just say that it'll be a quick one. Since Lady Alice deems you a good person."

(Is that why they are calmer now beside me? I almost thought that they are quite the people who are hard-headed but I guess I was quick to judge as well.)

"Can you look out the window, Gester? I think we are close."

Gester looked at the window as he screamed.

"We are close!"

(By the way, the "System"' notices are pretty helpful. They always pop up in my most needed moments. Hmmm...)

Seth accessed his character menu and read his unique skill description. He looked around and see if the others can see his character menu but they didn't.

(So it's just the basic information that is shown when you want to look at the stats of someone. well the character menu is a personal thing so I think that is why we cannot see each other's menus.)

AUTO-BATTLE (lvl 10/10)- ascension to the next level is unlocked.

Activates the inner voice of the user to take control of the body and actions whenever the user is in danger. Acts with adequate intelligence. (activation prompt includes encountering higher-level enemies within a 25-meter radius).

This skill adds 20% bonus stats to all stats (Vitality, Intelligence, Speed, attack dmg, magic attack dmg, defense, magical defense)

Message prompt for activation needs permission.

(It says that it activates the "inner voice of the user" as well as "Acts with adequate intelligence". If I don't consider it as a skill that needs activation, then doesn't that mean that the system notices are from my skill, Auto-battle? I guess that makes sense since it always prompts a notice to activate it when I encounter a higher-level enemy. It was self-aware that within those 25 meters, it knew that there was an enemy stronger than me. Even before when I fought the Slime King, It was just a question in a desperate manner if I can use prioritize running away and it responded by giving me an option to do so.)

Seth was going in places in his head as he thinks about his unique skill: Auto-Battle. to test his theory, he asked a question in his mind.

(Hey system, where am I now?)

Notice: The user is on the outskirts of the Holy Kingdom's Capital City.

(It responded! Wait, what? Holy kingdom?)

"Holy kingdom...?"

"Did you say something? you looked like you were spacing out earlier."

"Nothing... "

"Nice we finished the Escort Quest."

"We are not done yet until we bring Lady Alice safe back into her home."

"Good luck on your trial later! Finally, we are back in the Capital City, Panos."

The Carriage entered the gates. After a while, they stopped at a big mansion in the south area of the City.

"Time to get off."

Seth and the others got off the carriage.

Lady Alice called out to Seth to come to her inside the Mansion along with Aila and Gester.

On the other hand, Zeal was tasked to accompany The Lord to finish the escort mission.

"I'll just accompany Lord Roman towards the Capital Church to finish the delivery of this wheat. Let's just meet later on at the restaurant near the Guild."

"Take care, Father."

"Take care, Zeal! Yeah, Let's eat later after this."

Lord Roman, Zeal, and the rest of the Knights continued to head deeper to deliver the goods to the Capital Church that was towering over the Capital City, Panos.

(So this is the Capital City of the Holy Kingdom? It looks pretty modern. Wait, I thought I was going to be tested?)

"Aren't I going to be tested?"

"The Trial is inside."

The four of them entered the mansion.

(It's my first time seeing a mansion and I'm impressed. The hallway is so big! I guess I'll put it on my list of goals to own a mansion this big as well.)

Seth was brought to the big living room as Lady Alice called someone.

"So what kind of Trial is this? I was expecting an actual trial with judges and stuff."

"You'll understand it once you experience it."

(Experience what?)

Lady Alice then came back to the living room and beside her was an old woman. The old woman then sat in front of Seth.

Notice: Unique Skill: Forced Bewilderment EX (max) used on the user. Resistance is impossible. Entering override status.

Lady Alice then asked the bewildered Seth a question.

"Are you a member of the resistance that served Lord Vlad?"

"No. I don't even know who this Lord Vlad is or what the resistance is all about."

Lady Alice looked at the old woman as she smiled back.

Notice: Unique Skill: Forced Bewilderment EX (max) effect has been lifted.

"What, what did you do to me?"

"Well, it's just a form of controlling you're mind and forcing you to answer truthfully. To be honest I never did doubt my intuition that you were a good person. But just to make things clearer for everyone, it was necessary."

Seth looked at the old woman.

"My name is Sycia. I'm one of the only Unique skill users in this world."

"It's true! There are only a countable number of them. Well, most are dead."

How does it feel being under my skill? It isn't a very strong skill but it works out in niche situations like this."

"It felt as if my whole body was under a trance. The exact feeling of being controlled by someone and I couldn't do anything about it."

(She said it was not a very strong skill but this skill is one of the strongest skills that can destroy a nation from the inside out. It's lucky that it was given to someone like her. Hmm... Hey System, is it possible to resist the Unique Skill: Forced Bewilderment?)

Notice: The possibility of the current state to resist such a skill is impossible.

(I'm curious a bit about why those people started a rebellion. Is the Holy Kingdom one of those common tropes in movies and games where they end up being the bad guy? Can't be right? Also, there are only a countable amount of people with unique skills. Well, it's coined as unique so no wonder.)

Gester then walked in front of Seth as he apologized.

"We are really sorry for thinking ill of you because of our quick and bad judgment earlier."

"It's fine. You were on your mission to escort the Lady. I probably would've freaked out when I see someone who looked like they are part of the organization that brought an uprising in the Kingdom."

Aila also apologized.

"I also want to apologize for not thinking straight. Well, where were you going exactly? Since we just encountered you near the road. If you are going somewhere then we can escort you to where you go as a form of an apology."

"Uhm. I just left our village on the other side of the city. I was hoping of traveling and exploring the world."

(Mix in a bit of truth towards the lie to make it believable.)

Lady Alice also joined in on the conversation.

"I rarely go past the forest and stray away from the roads so I barely know any villages. Well, I guess you are in luck since you can stay here in the capital for as long as you like. We can accommodate you here in the mansion. Or do you prefer an inn near the middle of the city so you can explore it better?"

The conversation went on and on. Seth felt like laughing a bit after everything that happened.

(Although I was a flesh and blood gamer back in my old life, I was just an average person. I wasn't socially awkward and I blended in talking with everyone else. I'm grateful that I've had experience with my social skills and don't freak out around women. Average, huh.)

"By the way, is there a library near here?"

"We have a small library here in the mansion but if you want a bigger one, there is a library in the guild."

"Oh, right! We are going to eat later and meet up with Zeal. Want to come with us and eat? We'll show you around the Guild after as well. Take this as a treat from our apology."

"I would love to."

(Finally! I can visit a library, learn more about this world and gather information as I stay here in this City. I also remember that I need to find a dragon to kill to level up my Unique Skill as well. Maybe I'll join the Guild and go for a kill quest? Well, let's take it slow since the adventure has just begun.)

"Before you leave, Seth. Take this."

Lady Alice gave Seth somewhat of a card pass with a royal stamp on it. Apparently, it is required by visitors so they can enter and leave the Capital City of Panos as they please.

Seth, Gester, and Aila then said goodbye to Lady Alice as well as Sycia.

As the dawn enveloped the sky, the three of them made their journey towards the restaurant near the Guild to meet up with Zeal.



Unique Skill: Forced Bewilderment EX (max)

-Bewitches someone and puts them into an Override Trance State. Under this state, the affected user is forced to either, truthfully answer a question or- be controlled by the Caster until the effect is over.

-debuffs applied to the user affected by this skill are temporary immobilization, mental confusion, and kinesthetic absence.

-Passive skill that can be activated and deactivated whenever.

-Drains 30% mana every 10 seconds of usage.

The next chapter is the last extension of this 3 part Encounter Arc. We will learn more about the world and explore more stuff inside the city. A character progress report will be added to chapter 10.

Shuri_Sukicreators' thoughts