
Author's Interference

Revenge, Becoming the strongest, living a wholesome life, protecting the world? Nope, I was just curious. Curious about how a world would be like if there wasn't a single main character. I have always hated main characters who take all the spot light for themselves and make a fool out of everyone just because they can, I wanted a world where everyone can be a main character. A world where the antagonist can kill the protagonist, a world without a protagonist. I always thought that it was an impossible task... however fate wasn't so cruel as everyone thought it to be. Or, maybe I was just lucky... Lucky enough to get a second chance. Lucky enough to create a world where everyone can be a protagonist of their own story (Maybe not everyone but I tried my best), a world without a protagonist. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Doctor_11th10 · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Instinct is based on pure Mathematics?


Allen Household


Training Ground


"Your battle with that Negative Speed Force user was truly spectacular, young master," said Alfred. "However, I noticed you didn't use your 'Instinct' correctly. When I taught you 'Instinct', I wanted you to use it for every situation. However, maybe your skill level is too low. So, we will practice Math today."

"Why?" I asked.

"Calculations. Instinct is based on pure calculations. If you could calculate the shift of the angle and radius of an object moving towards you, you may be able to dodge or change its angle towards a different direction. That is the power of mathematics." Alfred explained.

"But too much Mathematics can hurt my brain," I said.

"Young master, who told you that?" Alfred asked.

"Uncle did," I answered.

"Sigh... Master Allen can be stupid sometimes. Do you want to be stupid, young master?" Alfred asked. I shook my head.

"Then I will begin our lesson." Alfred started to write on the whiteboard.


10 minutes later


"Uhhh." I tried to remember a sign.

"You forgot something?" Alfred asked.

"I can't remember if tan is equal to perpendicular by base or hypotenuse," I asked.

"Tan means-"

"Wait, I will check!" I flipped through the book, scrolling through the pages with super speed and checked the answer. "Base, I knew it!"

"I could have just told you the answer," Alfred said. "That is so annoying..." he mumbled.

'He really is similar to Barry. He even acts like him. Did the Speed Force choose him because of this? After all, he was like her son...' Alfred thought.


2 hours later


At the Workshop


"What will you do with so much dark matter ores, young master?" Alfred asked, looking at the dark matter that was getting moved by the nanobots.

"I am trying to create a suit to enhance my destructive ability. Although I am fast, I can't do any damage to my opponents if I am like this." I answered. Speedsters may be fast but they lack the destructive output and defensive strength.

Dark matter combined with Vibranium can make a material strong enough to withstand a punch from a 4th-dimensional being. That is as strong as an SSR Rank. However, because of the lack of Vibranium, I can only make armour strong enough to withstand a S Ranker.

"I will only create the outer layer for now. I will probably make the inner layer after I grow up." I said. "Can you make sure the nanobots are cutting the pieces correctly?"

"Why? These things are automated beings. I don't think there is a reason not to trust them with this." Alfred questioned.

"Alfred, tell me one thing... What would happen if an AI had a mind of its own?" I questioned back.


"There is one thing that I have learned from my journey to the Yellow Zone. Trust is never an option, Alfred... Unless you are a hundred percent confident in yourself, never let your guard down." I started to hammer the pieces once again.

The upper layer of my suit would probably be similar to an armour without any gaps. However, the inner layer would be flexible, like a speedster's suit. That is a lot of work. At times like this, I think I may be blessed because money is not a problem for me.

"Young master," Alfred called.

"Hm?" I looked back.

"Have you thought of an Alias for yourself yet? You will go to the Paragon at the age of fifteen. So, you will have to go on raids from now on with Master Allen. You would probably need an Alias." Alfred asked.

"I haven't thought of that," I answered.

"Then what about Savitar?" Alfred asked.

"Savitar? Do you mean that version of Barry Allen that became a broken hero? The one that was shunned by his teammates?" I asked.

"...Did you read it in the history book that I wrote?" Alfred asked.

"Yes, it was a sad story... He was just a broken hero, but everyone called him a villain. He was shunned by his own teammates because he was not the true Barry Allen... He was a Time Remnant. Someone who was misunderstood... He just wanted the pain to end... He led a horrible life." I said.


"I will use that name. I am not good at naming, so Savitar it is," I said.

'... I had never thought someone would resemble him so much. Young master, you have a good way of thinking.'



"How many meta-humans have you seen in your years?" I asked.

"Many, I have seen an uncountable number of meta-humans," Alfred answered.

"Which ability do you think has the best compatibility with The Speed Force then?" I asked.

"Best Compatibility? Hm, why do you ask?" Alfred looked me in the eyes suspiciously.

"I will need a partner in the Paragon," I answered.

"Hm, then I would say Light Elemental users or a Kryptonian. They are the only ones who can keep up with your speed. You could also look for other speedsters, but that will not help you because you are faster than regular speedsters." Alfred explained.

'A Kryptonian... Can I copy their ability? Kryptonite is a bad weakness, though. Almost everyone nowadays has kryptonite.' I thought. 'I guess I need to tell Alfred about my Ability. Although I wrote this novel, I don't remember every ability.'

"However, there was one ability, The Still Force. Only Speed Force users can comprehend The Still Force. It is an important milestone to reach a rank higher than S," Alfred added.

"How do I comprehend it?" I asked.

"Simple, just understand the concept. Your uncle did it. I believe you can that do it as well."

"So, Still Force is something that I need to comprehend?"

"Yes, you can not get Still Force with any other means."

'We will see about that."

The link to the discord server is in the synopsis. Join it to make changes in the story line and add my novel in your library if you like it. Thanks! (I will also post the character designs there.)

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