

I woke up with enthusiasm on Saturday. I had long waited for this day and finally, it is here. I jumped out of the bed, brushed my teeth in the bathroom and went downstairs. Getting to the kitchen, mum was already making breakfast. I kissed her good morning before assisting her. While I was setting the table, she spoke.

"I think you should wake Isa up, otherwise she will sleep until noon."

I laughed and went up to Isabel's room. I saw her sleeping soundly with Cherish by her side. I smiled as I thought of something to lurch her out from sleep.

"Isa," I called softly. "Mum wants to buy more set of clothes for Cherish," I said cunningly.

"Clothes," she said with a sleepy voice.

"Yes, beautiful clothes for Cherish and you have to go with her. She is already waiting downstairs."

She woke with a start. "Oh no! Mum will leave soon," she said, flying off the bed.

I burst out laughing, holding unto my stomach and she stopped in her tracks.