
Is This The Final Battle?

The armies of Ardora gather at the foot of the great mountain, Tormyr, where the final battle is about to take place. Sir Galahad and his forces are joined by the twelve allied kingdoms, each bringing their unique strengths and skills to the fight. As they march toward the mountain, they can feel the weight of history bearing down upon them. This is not just another battle; it is a struggle for the very survival of Ardora and everything it stands for.


Emperor Necros' son, Velvidy, has mustered his own forces and approaches the mountain from the west. His army is just as formidable as the allied forces, if not more so. He is determined to avenge his father's death and make a name for himself in the process. As the two armies close in on each other, the air is thick with tension and anticipation. The battle for Ardora is about to begin.


The first clash of steel echoes through the mountains as the armies collide. The dwarves of Dunfallon and the smiths of Tyr's Well have forged weapons strong enough to withstand even the mightiest blows, while the elves and fairies of Elysion and the sea-faring folk of Ys have enchanted their armor to turn aside arrows and spells alike. The armies of Ardora advance in a sea of steel and sorcery, their discipline and coordination a testament to the strength of their alliance.


Against them, Velvidy's forces are no less formidable. The Vikings of Thule and the berserkers of Prydwen charge forward, their bloodlust burning bright as they seek to carve a path through the ranks of the enemy. The sorcerers of Hibernia and the samurai of Nippon stand side-by-side, wielding magic and steel in equal measure. The sea serpents and merfolk of Ys swarm the eastern shore, protecting their allies from any flanking attacks.


The battle rages on for what seems like an eternity, neither side gaining an advantage that would spell the end for the other. It becomes a test of wills, as much as a test of arms. Sir Galahad, rallying his forces, urges them onward, promising them victory in the name of Ardora and the memory of their fallen king. Velvidy, driven by vengeance and ambition, does the same, his voice carrying over the din of battle.


As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the field of battle, the tide of the conflict begins to turn. The combined might of the elves and fairies of Elysion and the sea-faring folk of Ys prove too much for Velvidy's forces, who are forced back toward the western shore. The armies of Atlantis and Lemuria, working in concert, begin to wear down the defenses of the Vikings and berserkers, forcing them to retreat as well.


In the thick of the fighting, Sir Galahad finds himself face-to-face with Velvidy, their blades clashing in a duel that will decide the fate of Ardora. The other leaders of the alliance watch from afar, their hearts in their throats as they wait for the outcome. The battle continues to rage around them, but it seems as if all eyes are on the two men locked in combat.


The duel between Sir Galahad and Velvidy lasts for what feels like an eternity. Neither man yields an inch, their blows as powerful as they are precise. Finally, with a mighty swing of his sword, Velvidy manages to disarm Sir Galahad. The sword flies through the air, spinning end over end, before landing at the feet of a young page. The boy, his eyes wide with fear, hesitates for only a moment before picking up the sword and rushing to Sir Galahad's aid.


The page's name is Percival, and he has been trained in the ways of the sword by none other than Sir Galahad himself. He leaps into the fray, his sword flashing like a bolt of lightning. Velvidy, caught off guard by the unexpected intervention, is forced to defend himself against Percival's relentless attacks. In the meantime, the other forces of Ardora continue to push back Velvidy's army, until they are finally driven off the western shore and back into the sea.


As the last of Velvidy's forces are routed, Sir Galahad turns his attention back to the boy who has saved his life. He clasps Percival on the shoulder, thanking him for his bravery and loyalty. The other leaders of the alliance gather around, congratulating the young page on his heroics. It is a victory for Ardora, but it comes at a great cost. The dark forces have been vanquished, but the threat of Velvidy still looms large. The allied kingdoms must remain vigilant, for they know that he will stop at nothing to regain power and exact his revenge.


In the aftermath of the battle, the armies of Ardora begin the arduous task of burying the dead and tending to the wounded. Sir Galahad, seeing the devastation wrought by the conflict, is filled with a profound sense of sadness and loss. He knows that peace will not come easily, if at all, but he is determined to do whatever it takes to protect Ardora and ensure that her people live in harmony and prosperity.


As the survivors of the battle begin the long journey back to their respective kingdoms, they carry with them the memories of the fallen and the lessons learned from the struggle. The alliance between the kingdoms of Ardora has been strengthened by the ordeal, and the bonds of friendship and trust that have been forged in the crucible of war will serve as a bulwark against any future threats. But for now, they must all turn their gazes homeward, knowing that the road ahead will be long and fraught with peril.


In the years that follow, Sir Galahad continues to lead the kingdom of Ardora with wisdom and courage. Percival, now grown into a noble knight in his own right, stands at his side, always ready to defend the realm against those who would do it harm. Velvidy, driven into exile, plots her return from the shadows, gathering her forces and biding her time. The people of Ardora live in relative peace, their memories of the great battle fading with each passing day, but the leaders of the alliance know that they cannot let their guard down for a moment.


The news of Ardora's victory spreads throughout the lands, inspiring other kingdoms to band together in defense of their homes and loved ones. A network of alliances and treaties grows, forging a web of mutual protection and understanding that stretches across the face of the world. Trade flourishes where once there was only strife, and the arts and sciences thrive in the new era of peace.


But as the years pass, the shadow of Velvidy grows darker and more ominous. Her agents infiltrate the kingdoms of Ardora, sowing discord and planting the seeds of dissent. Sir Galahad and his advisors know that they must remain vigilant, for they know that the day will come when Velvidy will make her final move for power. They must be ready to face her with all their strength and courage, for the fate of Ardora and the world itself hangs in the balance.