
Aunty jenny the wicked aunty

Act 1 scene 1 Emmanuel sitting in the palour with his mummy and daddy.it was holiday,thy were discussing about the long holiday. Emmanuel; mummy, daddy I will like to spend my holiday with Uncle. Mum: is ok if your daddy will agree to it. Dad: yes so we can have some rest from your noise. Emmanuel: ( happy) thank u mum thank u dad.i love you guys. Mum: tomorrow you will start packing your things ( laughs). Dad: greet them for me. Emmanuel: but dad I haven't reach there ( laughs) Thy continue watching there films, To be continue.

Isi_Bekee · Teenager
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2 Chs

Aunty jenny the wicked aunty.

Chapter 2

Aunty jenny the wicked aunty.

Emmanuel was sitting in the back sit and a beautiful girl named isabella he fell in love with and is finding it difficult to Tell her



Emma:what is your _ _ _ _

isabella:why did u stop I am listening

Emma:what is name

isabella:(laughs)my name is Isabella

Emma:why are you laughing

Isabella: cause it took you hours to ask for my name(laugh's)

Emma: what part of nigeria are you heading to


Emma: seriously (happy)

isabella: yes why would I be joking

Emma:both me

Isabella:ok great

(bus stop at badagry emma and isabella step out)

chapter 3

isabella was heading the same direction Emma was going

Emma:why are you following me

isabella:no i am not following you I am going to my grandparents house

Emma:oh ok (smiling)

Isabella: so what your address

emma:20bokiki street

Isabella: I stay at 20aokiki street

Emma:wow like wow

Isabella:so I guess we will meet tomorrow

Emma:(still excited)ok by what time

Isabella :by 5:30pm sharp outside my gate

Emma:bye bye


chapter 4

Emma knocks on uncle david door with a smiling face

uncle david:(surprised) Emma

, Emma: uncle david good afternoon sir

(hug them selves)

uncle david:it been a long time since you visited.

Emma: yes oooo.

uncle david: what a pleasant surprise.

Emma: can I come in now am so exhausted.

uncle david: of course yes,you don't need to ask for permission.

Emma: I am glad to see you,by the way were is aunty jenny.

Uncle david: she is inside.

( emma sit on the chair why aunty jenny comes in).

Aunty jenny: oh emma how was your journey.

Emma: it was great afternoon ma.

Aunty jenny: do care for water.

Emma: yes ma am very tasty.

Aunty jenny: ok cold or normal.

Emma: cold one thank you ma.

( Aunty jenny brought the water for emma,emma drank it.aunty jenny show emma to his room

Chapter 5

it was morning aunty jenny poured a whole bucket of water on emma

Emma: Aunty jenny what did I do ( he receives a hot slap from aunty jenny).

Aunty jenny: can't you greet now go and wash those plate.

Emma: ok ma good morning ma.

Aunty jenny: get out.

Emma: ok ma pls if am done can I eat.

Aunty jenny: first wash those plate then come back b4 I decide

( emma wash all the plate and enter aunty jenny room).

Emma: Aunty jenny am through washing the plate..

Aunty jenny: take my clothes and wash them .make sure it clean

Emma: ok I Will after I have eaten

Aunty jenny:(shouting)go and wash them first

(emma wash all the clothes then went to meet aunty jenny for his food )

Emma: aunty jenny I have finished washing the clothes

Aunty jenny:ok go to the dinner your food is there

Emma:( happy) ok ma.

(Emma go to the dinner only to see one slice of bread and tea in a teacup emma runs up to his room crying.)

Emma:( talking to himself) why does aunty jenny hate me so much what did i do.

uncle david: ( comes in) what do you mean by that .

Emma: (cleaning his tears). nothing just practicing how to act.

uncle david: oh what film are you acting.

Emma: (lying)a film where by my aunt maltreat me because my parent are dead.

uncle david: oh that is great news so I will live you so could practice well.

Emma: ok sir.( about to cry).

uncle david: what is wrong.

Emma: nothing.

uncle david: ( goes next him).I no when something is wrong with you so tell me

Emma: ( narrates all what aunty jenny have been doing to him.since he stay).

uncle david: what!!how there there she do such thing to my nephew.( angry).

Chapter 6

The end.

uncle david: shouting aunty jennys name angrly.

Aunty jenny: why are you shouting my name,angrly.

Uncle david ( still angry) so you have been matreating my nephew all this while.

Aunty jenny: eeh so

Uncle david: (getting more angry).and you have the gods to say eeh so I. fact I can't bare it any more (shouting)get out of my house.

(Emma peeping while laughing at aunty jenny).Aunty jenny crying and begging uncle david.who was packing her things and throwing them out.



never matreat someone child because a day can come you will also get matreated.

from miracle solomon ikhim.