
Auctioned to The Mafia King

"What do you think happens to those who step inside the filthy world of Mafias, hmm Princess? You will have to stay beside me, for the rest of your life now. Since your life will end the moment you try and run away"

Jannat_876 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Do or Die Part 1

Jannat only payed attention to her surroundings when the counter lady said

"Mr.Kaelus" in her greetings .

She looked back as fastly as her team mates had looked earlier on the arrival of a savior.

Her eyes once again stared deep into his green ones and yet awarted as fastly as she did earlier this morning.

None of them said anything and he left as soon as the bill was payed .

The three of them left as well but before hearing to bring their IDs the next time they come from the counter lady .

Still as politely with her business smile .

"She is indeed quite professional"

Hadia remarked as we sat down in our van.

Alex and Jannat nodded in union.

Then Hadia added.

"If it was me J would have called the moment we said we left our IDs in our office ."

And once again Alex and Jannat nodded in union.

"Now onto our Job"

Said Alex as he drove the van and suddenly Jannat screamed "Aggggh"

As she covered her face with her palms of both hands .

"What Happened Janny?"

Hadia asked worrily and Alex as well pit his ears in the back and glanced back some times between driving.

"We just met the man we have been dying to meet for the last some days !!

And yet we didn't ask some simple friendly questions ?''

Alex stopped the van on the side of the road and they both just looked like they realized it now .

"DAMN Jenny, he even called us his employees?

We could have taken some friendly pictures as well !!!!"

This time Hadia screamed in her palms .

Alex on the other hand asked if that hospital belonged to Kaelus as well?

Well the counter lady verified that it does !

The three of them sat there is pure agony and silence.

Jannat was the one to break it and speak

"You know what?

I am quitting.

I can also earn as a novelist"

Jannat announced as she gathered her things .

Hadia listened and stayed silent for minute before also announcing that she is quitting as well.

Alexs Jaw dropped, he quite liked this team and all three of them were like friends .

He would quit too, but unlike them he does not have any other choice .

He could go for a free willed photographer but he doesn't have any savings for that to happen .

"What do you say ?

What will you do?"

Hadia asked him as he was the only one left in their team who didn't decide to quit .

"We do have some savings, I think you should become a free willed photographer.

Just travel the world do photographery, work on your own blog and earn money the way you want "

Jannat tried to convince him .

"This job is just Killing your skills, you know "

Hadia added .

Alex let out a sigh and started driving again.

"Even if that is the case, I will not accept money from some ladies .


Alex said as they were nearing Jannat and Hadia's department.

"Come on Alex we are not some random ladies.

Don't hurt us with your words !"

Hadia shouted and Jannat at this point was just angry beyond words.

"You know that's the problem with you women!

You go around saying to men that

" We have some savings here take it ",

That is how people fraud you !"

Alex remarked in return.

Hadia and Jannat both stayed silent for the rest of the ride .

Alex parked the van in front of the building and waited for them to leave .

He would have to park the van in the company's garage before returning home .

Suddenly Alex was grabbed by his hair very ferociously by none other Jannat who tried to make him bald and Hadia started to shout at him while grabbing his neck .

For an outsider this could look like a murder scene.

"How dare you Alex!

We have some savings here take it,

That is how people fraud you !"

Hadia said while mimicking his voice from earlier.

"You damned bustered.

We Raised You !"

Hadia said emotionally.

Alex tried to remove his hair from Jannat grip while replying

"No, You didn't.

My mother did!!"

(With bewilderment)

Hadia clawed at his neck a bit while shouting,

"Yeah sure in home,

But in office and outside home ?

We did !

We Raised You !!"

Alex was so shocked at her words and their current behavior that he could not say a single word.

Just struggled pitily to get out of their hold.

Since he didn't want to .

He was pretty strong and athletic .

Taking care of two women would have been nothing for him but these two are exception.

" I am planning on working one more month,

Just one more than I would have enough money to start my career the way I want "

He explained and Jannat put more force in picking his hair .

"And I am telling you brat that you don't have to wait one more month !

Just take the momey from your elder sister ."

Hadia said and stood up somehow trying to look proud.

"Are you out of your mind!

I don't have an elder sister and you already know that!"

His reply created a far worse scene than before.

"You are really a Brat ,

Than who are we !!

Are we not your elder sisters !"

Hadia continue to hold his breath by trying to crush his neck .

"And I am telling you that I don't need your money !"

Alex replied in return .

The long ferocious fight ended with Jannat and Hadia's defeat and Alex left to return the van .

Both of them walked up to their apartment.

There apartment was on the seventh floor .

Jannat lived alone since she was an orphan and Hadia moved in here since she started working.

Hadia is a Pakistani girl who came here to earn money .

Both of them work for a secret detective unit .

And mostly spy or stalk someone.

Jannat went straight for a bath and Hadia after doing her wudho entered the kitchen .

She knew Jannat will take her time since she would have to redj her bandages .

She remembered Jannat saying that she had loved her home land dish Biriyani the first time she cooked for her .

Hadia started preparing the Biriyani and after sometime Jannat entered the kitchen as well.

"What are you cooking?'

Jannat asked while eyeing the ingredients.

"Biriyani "

Hadia replied shortly as she was focused.

"Let me help you as well"

The moment those words left Jannat's mouth, Hadia stopped whatever she was doing and looked at her threateningly .

"You dare try anything funny in my kitchen !

We are well aware of the disasters that you can make instead of cooking something edible!"

Jannat flinched at her remarked but also realized that she was saying truth .

She let out a sigh and said

"Then at least call for me, when it is time to set plates or washing dishes"

Hadia gave her a thumbs up at that and than jannat sat down in the living rooms couch.

As Hadia cooked Jannat talked with her about different topics and they both stopped at one .

The new mission their embassy had given them.

To spy in a bar on some mafia men .