
AU Villain Deku

Izuku Midoriya, grows up in a hostile environment without a quirk. He's greeted with an opportunity, however in this timeline. He doesn't receive one for all. Hes neglected by the hero's he love most, baring anger towards them accepts help from another.

Jaxsin · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs


I wake up in a dark room, it looks like a jail cell. I think I'm in a basement... Whats with all the random plot devices making me get hit in the back of the head and unconscious recently?

I look around... my hands are bound in rope. The person who kidnapped me can be heard from outside.

[Are you sure this is really gonna work?]

[Yeah. I think so, If we can take his friend, we can lure him out.]

Friend? I dont have many friends... The only person I can think of is Katsuki, but why would they take me? It cant be him. The door slides open as the man who put me to sleep steps forth...

[You're awake? Good. a Quirkless kid like you should be enough.]

[For what exactly? to lure someone out?]

[Oh, you overheard me? Well yes, you are merely a tool to lure out Bakugo. You see, he was a friend of hours a while back, he caused us issues and abandoned us when we were looking for help. Now we want revenge.]

It really was him... Why I am always getting in trouble for others stupid problems!?

[Katsuki wont come for me, he hates my guts.]

[Lets see about that...] He says as he pulls his phone out from his pocket, he presses a button on his neck.

[Bakugo. We have a friend of yours, Izuku Midoriya, come to *** alone and we will make sure he stays alive.] As he moves his phone towards me, he puts it to my ear, as if he wants me to talk. Before I can say anything, Katsuki interrupts with...



Hahah..... Thats perfect just like it should be, a hero acting like a villain and a villain trying be a hero... How ironic it is...

As I start to fuel with rage, screams echoes around me. The darkness... around me starts to speak to me... Is this my quirk? I can feel the suffering of the dead... It was mortifying.

[[Help Usss]]

[Stop himmm]

[[[KILL HIM]]]

As if the souls of the dead were screaming in my ears to kill him.... I will never kill... I WONT. As my thoughts turn bleak, the man tries stabbing me in the hand to get a reaction. I stay quiet as he puts on a surprised look, he cuts me again and again and still nothing... As my thoughts start to drift due to boredom...


[Ha...ha..haaaa, you really think a bastard like that would even try to come for me? You're more idiotic than I imagined..]

[You can cut me, you can make me bleed but there is one thing you can't do to me.]

[What is that?]

[You can't make me suffer. Myself on the other hand... ]


The phone dropped as Murmurs were coming from it. Katsuki must have called the Heros by now. I need to leave. The shadows around me rises up and bursts outwards... throwing and forcing the man against the wall, I need to remember... This feeling... This power.. It's mine...


[Is this all you are? You try to make me feel fear yet you cower in response]



[We? Oh yes, you have friends as well don't you.... How about you meet... My friends?]

I command the shadows around me to rise up... I grunt in pain as I fall to my knees, the shadowy figures that were once rising falls into a puddle of its shadow once more... I tried to call on the victims... of that murderer, to help me fight. They must have refused... Or my quirk is too weak to be able to pull off something like that, right now. My vision suddenly blurs slightly as I get a wince of pain in the back of my head.

[I guess that's too much for me...]


[Are you in a position to talk?] I say as I pull his knife away from him, stroking it on his face, making small cuts on his cheek as I suddenly slam down and stabbing his hand causing him to rile in pain.

[If you want to see what I can really do... You only need to ask.]

I try to manipulate the shadows to pull on his arms and legs, like a rope, binding him. I pull both of his arms in opposite directions as he begins to scream in pain, just from the feeling of his flesh and bones being stretched. I can see why All for one said this was powerful...

[Lets try this one on for show...]


[That may be true... However, you arent really capable of thinking either are you? To use me as leverage to bring Katsuki-kun here? Hilarious]

As I move the shadows around, I start to learn how to control them better... I try to use my shadows much like how I used the strings on my support equipment, I attach them to each of his joints and to each of his body parts... Slowly learning how to move his body. He's like my puppet...

I try to use the shadows on the ceiling and grab him... Pulling him upwards, I attach it to each parts of his body, pulling him around like a puppet.

[Mind me for a second, these strings are like inverted controls, hahahaha]

I move him to open the door, using a shadow to press down on his throat to stop him from speaking, as he walks into the corridor...

[Hey Boss, whats up?]


[Wh... Boss why]

The puppet screams in murmurs as he watches his subordinates fall one by one... Of course I try to prevent them from dying.. That wouldn't be any FUN... Slashing at their joints to separate their tendons. Stopping them from moving. The screams of agony coming from them must be torturing this guy...

One by one, we start to move outside the building, how many people fell along the way? 20? 30? 50? Who knows. But seeing their expression when their "Boss" betrayed them was absolutely hysterical...


[Ppl.. please let me go, I didn't know who we were dealing with... Please don't kill me..]

[I wont kill you, I only want you to suffer and repent.]

I try to force my shadows into his mind, all the screams, agony and sorrows from his previous victims all barraged him at once..

[NO... NO I DIDN'T DO IT... I DIDN'T DO IT] He starts mumbling and whispering to himself over and over again. The shadows have stopped, the voices around me quieted down as all the left over screams of agony starts to vanish as well. He still screams in repentance.

[Hes... Broken.]

{Bakugos POV}

I've arrived the location of where that stupid Deku was being held. I walk into the building as I see a man cowering in the corner.

[Hey, dude, whats wrong with you?!]

[I didn't do it... I'M SORRY.. don't hurt me... I didn't mean it]

[I'll get you some help..]

What the hell? I walk further into the building, blood covered the floors, bodies filled them as well. They all seem to be alive. Most of them are unconscious, some of them are screaming in pain... Who could have done this. I pull out my phone and call the police. Wait.. Where the hell is Deku?!

I start running through the halls in fear as I imagine the quirkless Deku, dead on the ground. More and more bodies are seen as I finally arrive at a dark room, no one was here. It was a prison cell... It was covered in blood.. What the hell? Where is he?


For this chapter, it might be controversial, this might be because of Deku's morals, the fact he learned to use his quirk quickly or his mental state

His quirk, he managed to manifest by the pain and anger he's experienced in the past. He can recall his years of suffering or the torture he experienced, this strengthens his quirk because it links with his state of mind, as he becomes more mentally unstable his quirk becomes stronger.

His morals are degraded because his quirk corrupts him, this is only when he uses it and the amount he uses it. His morals will still be there they just wont be his priority. Its a sense of pain, physically and mentally slowly causing physical symptoms and mental symptoms such as insanity and blindness. If used to the extreme. As I said before this only happens when he uses his quirk and wont be long term as he will recover from them, soon after he stops using it.

Hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters. Oh yeah I also drew an image, of Deku's current appearance without his mask, which changes his hair color. I will put it in the comments as well.


Jaxsincreators' thoughts