

I write this story just to pass my time so don't expect anything from me and please bear with my poor English. "Fuck,this shit is real?"I scream as i watch the screen that popped up infront of me. "Looks like my system has finally arrived,I am going to be the most OP hidden MC with hundreds of beauties in my harem,hahaha......."

Littlemonk · Urban
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2 Chs


'This year will be my last year in college,what will i do after college?'

'Getting a government job will be the best,but with just my bachelor's degree and to top it up with my ridiculously low percentage,i don't think I can get a government job.'

'i don't want to work in the farm if possible,my weak body is just not suitable for working in the farm.'

'As for working elsewhere,i don't think there is a job that pays enough.'

'fuck, do i really have to live off my parents for my whole life?' these thoughts keeps repeating in my head as i lay on the bed.

Well,let me tell you guys about myself, my name is Raymond Bay.I am 22 years old.I am still in my last year of college because i skip 2 academic years after my 10th standard.I am jobless and still living with my parents.

As i was deep in thought,a voice suddenly sounded in my head,"DING.. ATTRIBUTES UPGRADE SYSTEM loading....."

"loading completed."

"Host can now check status and attributes."

"Fuck is this shit real"i scream as a screen popped in front of me.

"Looks like my system has finally arrived,i am going to be the most OP hidden MC with hundreds of beauties in my harem,hahaha.." after laughing to my heart content i start checking the screen that popped infront of me.

Host-Raymond Bay






Skills-Farming(beginner) English (beginner) Mathematics (apprentice)

Attributes points-0



'look like my attributes are a bit low and 10 should be the average points.'i though to myself as i look at the screen.

'fuck,my skills are only farming, english and mathematics! does physics, chemistry, biology and the other subjects are not proficient enough to even be considered as my skills? that is some high expectations you have there.'

As i am looking at the screen and talking to myself i saw the SKILL STORE and i thought,'this might be where you buy skills'.i click on it and another screen popped infront of me.


Apprentice level Skills

Beginner level Skills

Intermediate level Skills

Expert level Skills

Master level Skills

Grandmaster level Skills

Pinnacle level Skills

Sagely level Skills

Godly level Skills

'so my skills are at the bottom level,'i thought as i saw the different levels of skills on the screen.I click on the apprentice level skills and another screen show up.


Driving apprentice level skill - ₹100

Singing apprentice level skill - ₹100

Acting apprentice level skill - ₹100

Dancing apprentice level skill - ₹100

Programming apprentice level skill - ₹100

Hacking apprentice level skill - ₹100

Flirting apprentice level skill - ₹100

Painting apprentice level skill - ₹100

Sculpting apprentice level skill - ₹100

Gaming apprentice level skill - ₹100

Boxing apprentice level skill - ₹100

After scrolling for a while i am shock,'Damn every skills you could think of is here.'

'is this ₹100 the price of the skill?'i ask myself in disbelief, because it is too cheap.I have been studying mathematics all these years till i feel like my head is going to explode and it is evaluated as apprentice level,but here,you just have to pay ₹100 for the same apprentice level skill.'fuckfuckfuck' i can not stop cursing .

"This is too unfair"i said to myself dejectedly at seeing the worth of my years of hardwork.

Then i remember that i am the one that has the system,so it should be unfair to others.For i can have as many skills as i want as long as i have money.

After remembering this i happily click on the beginner level skills.Just like the apprentice level skills there are countless beginner level skills,only the price is different.For the beginner level skills each skill is priced at ₹500.

After that i check the different levels skills,they are the same skills only the level of expertise and the price differ.

Apprentice level skills - ₹100

Beginner level skills - ₹500

Intermediate level skills - ₹1000

Expert level skills - ₹1500

Master level skills - ₹2000

Grandmaster level skills - ₹10000

Pinnacle level skills - ₹100000

Sagely level skills - ₹1000000

Godly level skills - ₹10000000

"My system is a friendly system,not like those system in the novels which ask a sky high price." I said happily.

Satisfied with the price of the different levels of skills,i go back to the previous menu and click on the balance icon.

Balance - ₹6000

"Balance is link to the host bank account.Any purchase will be deducted directly from the host bank balance.Attributes points can also be redeem with money.To continue enjoying the services of the system please deposit more money into your bank account."

"The old saying is true,that if you have money you can even make the devil work for you."I said and then look at the measly ₹6000 in my account.

I look at the attributes points and click on it.

Attributes Points - 0 (+)

1 AP = ₹100

AP can be use to increas your attributes.