
Attempting to live a (Normal) life in a RPG world

In this world ,everyone is born with a system , however , that does not mean that everyone is special. And honestly, people live their normal lives knowing their not special . Meet Haruki , a normal boy just trying to get by in life . But how can he when he is drawn to the Protagonist of this world Or one of the protagonists.... This novels power system is mainly built on a system as time goes by i will gradually explain the power system to the best of my ability I'm going to try my utmost best to update chapters . So , please, in return give me power stones. I hope you enjoy!!! I will update 2 chapters every saturday!!

MageSlayer255890 · Urban
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1 Chs

Prologue :Hopefully

It was a bright early morning , or at least , Haruki hoped it would be . It was actually 8: 39 , so he was beyond late for school . This was his fifth day of school , and he had managed to not get into any conflicts with any students , which was hiw he liked it anyway , but he has also managed to not have made a single freind apart from the people who had said "Hi" as he passed by in the hallway . But that was not his fault . You see , Haruki had a slow reaction time , so if you told him a joke , he would react like two minutes later , which would cause severe akwardness.

But , Despite that Haruki decided he should get the day going , hoping he would make some freinds .

As he stood up from his bed , he decided to check his status window for his missions that day .

Haruki Yamada

Level: 23


Height :5.6

Race: Human

Class : Snack master




Active skills

Passive skills



Daily missions.

He tapped the daily missions icon .

Daily missions

Get off your ass and get ready for school

Go make a damn freind

Make breakfast for Mom .

Failure to achieve these quests would result in ???

As he stood up from his bed, he was hit by a wave of tiredness from the previous night 'Probably shouldn't have stayed up all night Gaming, i suppose.' was what he was thinking at the moment, he didn't know when his life had gotten like this, playing games all Night, having nothing to do in the daytime, no friend to meet up with after school, even though he had been in school for, maybe like a week now .

It was pathetic, honestly. 

But he decided to not let the intrusive thoughts get to him, he still had a lot of time to make new friends.

He went to his bathroom, and removed his shirt . He had a finely toned body, but that was mostly due to his skill, 'Sugar Rush', which allowed him to get bursts of energy from eating candy, during those times, he would go to the gym and get some pumps in, if not, he would have had an average build, but hopefully, he would get some Girls when the opportunity came for him to take his shirt off, and Girls would probably start screaming, but he knew that wasn't possible, as Girls were more of a personality guy, which, in all honesty, he wasn't sure he was. Apart from his body, he had average black hair and blue eyes, he looked like a generic teenage isekai protagonist. After that, however, he took his bath and got ready in his school uniform. He went downstairs, and took sometime pondering on what to make his Mom for breakfast "What do i make her, that will probably make her forget me being late ?. Applesauce?, no, i made her that yesterday, Hey!, what about i make her some Pasta?!.". After considering that option for a reasonably long amount of time, he finally found himself making pasta for his mother to eat.

This is my first novel , be nice . No spamming .

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