
Attack on titan: To the end

Dying to death. Starting from the beginning to the end and manga too.

Rktaze · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 A life for a life

I died and get sent to the god of reincarnation.

God:" 5 wishes and choose where you want to go."

?:" Can i go to attack on titan world?"

God:" Yes."

?:" Okay. 1. I want to be born into Erens family. 2. I want to make my own titan before I go their make it so i heal faster then other shifter." 3. I want to be able to enter the path. 4. I want royal blood. 5. I want want creation."

God:" okay bye."

I then wake up lying down in a crib.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time Skip

By a tree Eren is sleeping Mikasa is sitting their waiting for Eren to wake up. I'm sitting on the branches waiting.

Eren:" Huh? Mikasa?"

Mikasa:" Let's start heading back."

Eren:" Why am I here?"

Mikasa:" You were sleeping that soundly?"

Eren:" No, it feels like I was having a really long dream. What was it again? I don't remember a thing."

Mikasa:" Eren? Why are you crying?"

We then walk back home when we meet Hannes.

Eren:" Don't tell anyone. About me crying."

Mikasa:" I won't But for you to start crying for no reason Why not ask Uncle to take a look at you?"

Eren:" Don't be stupid! As if I could tell Dad."

Hannes:" What're you crying over, Eren?"

Eren:" Hannes-san."

Hannes:" Did you get scolded by Mikasa?"

Eren:" Huh? What makes you think I'd cry? You reek of booze! Your drinking again?"

Hannes:" Why don't you two join us?"

Eren:" Well uh, what about work?"

Hannes:" Ah, we're wall guards today. Having been here all day, hunger and thirst were bound to catch up to us. The fact that alcohol happened to be in our drinks is but a trivial matter."

Eren:" But will you be able to fight when you need yo?"

Hannes:" And when would that be?"

Eren:" Isn't that obvious?! When they break down the wall and storm the city!"

Drunk 1:" Hey, Eren, don't start yelling so suddenly. You're real lively, doctor's son. If they ever manage to do that, you bet we'll get the job done. Then again, it's been nothing but peace and quite these past 100 years."

Eren:" Even so, my dad said it's the most dangerous when everyone lets their guard down like that!"

Hannes:" Dr. Jaeger, huh? Come to think of it, Doc was the one who saved this town from an epidemic, and we're all greatly indebted to him. However, they're an entirely different matter. If you're a soldier, they'll be times when you see them wandering outside while reinforcing the wall. Still, I can't imagine them being able to do anything about this fifty-meter-tall-wall."

Eren:" W-Wait so you're saying you don't even have the resolve to fight them to begin with?"

Hannes:" Pretty much."

Eren:" Seriously?! Quit calling yourselves the 'Stationed Army Corps', and go by 'wall construction corps' instead!"

Hannes:" That doesn't sound half bad. But you know, Eren, to see soldiers working wouldn't bode well for us all. It's when we're criticized by people who call us useless free loaders that everyone's living in peace."

Eren:" Even if we're confined within these walls, we can keep on living, just eating and sleeping. But.. That would be as if...As if we're just cattle."

Eren and Mikasa then leave.


Me now

I'm at home helping with the chores and cleaning. I'm am going to be staying at home so that once the colossal titan comes ill be able to save Carla me and Erens mom.

Eren:" We're home."

Carla:" Welcome home."

Eren dumps all the wood he has into the box.

Carla:" My, Eren, I see you've worked harder than usual."

Eren:" Y-Yeah."


Skip to talking about joining scouts

Grisha:" Eren. Why do you wish to venture outside?"

Eren:" I want to know what's become of the outside world. I don't want to simply live out my life within the walls like this! Besides, if nobody follows in their footsteps the sacrifice of all those who lost their lives would be in vain!"

Grisha(dad):" I see. The ferry will depart soon. I'll be off now.

Carla(mom):" Wait, dear! Say something to Eren!"

Grisha:" Carla, a human's spirit of in query isn't something that can be talked down. Eren. When I return, I'll show you the basement that I've always kept a secret."

Eren:" Really?! Have a safe trip!"

Grisha then leaves.

Carla:" I'm still against it. Only fools would consider joining the Survey Corps."

Eren:" What? Fools?! To me, people that are content with living like cattle seem way more stupid!"

Aiko(me):" Eren I don't know who you calling cattle but I think you're the only one who feels like cattle."

He then runs off. Armin is getting bullied mikasa scares off the bullies and then they all go to the river or stream of water and talk to eachother I am still in the house. I then feel the vibration on the ground.

Aiko:" It's here!"

Carla:" What's here."

Aiko:" the Colossal titan!"

I then here the wall get destroyed I don't know why everyone was standing still anyways. But before anything else I get Mom out of the house but the house falls on me instead. Eren and Mikasa get here. Hannes also arrives.

Hannes takes all of them away The smiling titan then reaches down for me and picks me up the same thing it did to Carla in the anime happens to me and I get eaten.

God:" You're already back."

Aiko:" No that's not even fair send me back I saved a life let me get a chance."

God:" You're gonna have to wait I got a line of people waiting to be reincarnated. Here is a chair sit and wait."

Aiko:" Fine."
