
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 36: Lost


The year 844, 2 years passed since Hange joined the special squad,

She became one of the most important people in the survey corps, she discovered a lot of new things about Titans; she was a genius just like her father.

In the bustling corridors of the Survey Corps headquarters, Hange trailed alongside Roku, her mind buzzing with the latest discoveries about Titans. 

"Hey Roku, did you know that titans don't have digestive—" she began, but Roku's distant expression halted her words.

"Leave me for now, Hange. I'm feeling a bit tired," Roku interjected, his tone curt as he brushed off her attempt at conversation.

Hange frowned, sensing his disinterest. "You don't seem tired at all," she remarked

Roku's response was sharp, "It seems you want to get punched for-eyes,"

"Violence isn't always the answer," Hange said, 

 "Just go." Roku Said again

With a resigned sigh, Hange backed off, raising her hands in a gesture of surrender before retreating down the hallway. 

Roku continued on his path, his thoughts swirling with a tumultuous mix of frustration and exhaustion.

As he approached his office, he spotted Erwin lingering outside, a familiar figure in the sea of faces. "It seems I'm in luck," Roku commented dryly as he stepped inside, gesturing for Erwin to join him.

"Take a seat, Erwin. I need to talk to you," Roku said, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity as he settled onto a sofa, Erwin mirroring his actions.

"What is it, Roku?" Erwin inquired, his gaze steady as he met Roku's troubled expression.

Roku hesitated, grappling with the weight of his thoughts before speaking. "I'm tired of this. Years have passed, and yet we've made little progress," he confessed, his frustration palpable.

Erwin listened in silence, his brow furrowing in concern as he absorbed Roku's words.

"I understand your frustration, but we can't lose hope. I believe everything is falling into place," he offered, his voice gentle yet resolute.

Roku shook his head, a bitter edge creeping into his tone. "I can't see it, Erwin. The death toll rises, and we're no closer to our goals. We're like ants, moving aimlessly and slowly in the darkness," he lamented, his disappointment evident.

Erwin's expression hardened, his resolve unwavering. "Believe in me, Roku. We will find the answers we seek," he urged, his voice unwavering.

"I believe in you, Erwin. But I've lost faith in myself. I'm tired of the deaths, the failures. I can't bear to see more lives lost," Roku admitted, his voice heavy with resignation.

Erwin's eyes flashed with a mix of disbelief and anger. "So, what? You want to abandon your responsibilities? Become a coward like those you once mocked?" he challenged, his words cutting through the air like a blade.

Roku met Erwin's gaze head-on, his expression unreadable. "Commander Shadis and I have discussed this. He sees potential in you to lead the Special Squad," he revealed, his words shocking Erwin to the core.

"What do you mean? Are you shirking your duties, Roku? That's not the man I know you to be!!" Erwin shouted at Roku, his voice rising with indignation.

"Lower your voice," Roku commanded, his tone firm as he held Erwin's gaze.

Erwin's anger simmered beneath the surface as he struggled to process Roku's words. "But you're the Survey Corps' greatest asset. You've single-handedly defeated Titans," he argued, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Strength alone is not enough. You possess the intellect and leadership the Survey Corps needs. That's why I'm offering you this opportunity," Roku explained, his gaze fixed on the horizon beyond the window.

Erwin fell silent, the weight of Roku's words sinking in. "I've lost everything. Passion, dedication, comrades. I'm tired of it all. I want to serve humanity one last time," Roku confessed, his voice tinged with weariness.

Erwin's curiosity piqued, his eyes narrowing with interest. "And what do you have in mind?" he asked, his tone tinged with anticipation.

Roku turned to face Erwin, his expression unreadable as he revealed.

"I have a plan, but I've only shared it with you. It's time for humanity's final gambit," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

Erwin nodded solemnly, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. "I'm listening," he replied, his voice steady with resolve.

"Reaching the sea,"

"The sea? We don't even know if it exists," Erwin remarked skeptically, his voice tinged with doubt.

Roku's gaze remained steadfast, his resolve unwavering. "If we reach the sea, I'm certain we'll uncover countless mysteries. I know it's out there," he insisted,

Erwin regarded him with a mixture of concern and disbelief. "And how do you propose we find it?" he inquired, his tone laced with skepticism.

"According to the information I've gathered, in the summer winds blow from the sea to the land due to low pressure inland. We can follow the wind and potentially locate the sea," Roku explained, his voice steady with confidence.

Erwin's expression darkened with worry. "But it's too dangerous. We don't even know if we can reach such a distance. Titans roam the land, and many soldiers could lose their lives," he cautioned, his concern evident.

"That's why I'll go alone, accompanied by just three handpicked recruits of my choosing," he declared, his voice resolute.

"Alone? Are you suggesting suicide? You can't do that," Erwin protested, his voice rising with frustration.

"Four people offer greater mobility. With fewer supplies, we'll be more agile. And if any Titans approach, I'll be there to protect them. It's the perfect plan," Roku countered, his conviction unwavering.

Erwin's gaze softened, his concern evident. "You may be right, but you're venturing into the unknown. It's a gamble," he warned, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"That's precisely why it's worth the risk," Roku replied, his eyes reflecting his unwavering determination.

Erwin shook his head, his worry evident. "No, I can't allow you to do this. The probability of your death is too high. And many of the higher-ups won't agree to such a mission. We can't afford to lose a soldier as valuable as you. You've become a legend within the Survey Corps," he argued, his voice laced with concern.

"And legends must come to an end. I know of someone who may be even more skilled than I am with ODM gear, he can replace me" Roku revealed, his voice tinged with resolve.

Erwin's curiosity was piqued as he listened intently. "From which branch is he?" he inquired.

"He's not a soldier. He's more of a thief," Roku stated matter-of-factly, causing Erwin to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"How could a thief possess such skill with ODM gear? And why would he assist us?" Erwin questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"I taught him myself. And if you want him to join the Survey Corps, that will be your first mission as the new captain," Roku stated firmly, his gaze unwavering.

"His name is Levi Ackerman. He resides in the underground, and recently, he's been spotted with two others navigating the underground with ODM gear. The Military Police have had difficulty apprehending them. It's up to you to devise a plan to recruit him. Good luck," Roku concluded as he exited the room, leaving Erwin to ponder the weight of his words.


End of the Chapter

"His name is Levi Ackerman" - Roku Ackerman

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