
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 33: Hange Zoe


A group of new recruits, including a brown-haired girl, walked down the hallway of the Survey Corps headquarters.

Excitement fills the air as they discuss their first day as scouts.

"It's our first day as the scouts, aren't all of you excited?" one of them asks, breaking the chatter.

"Of course we are! The Survey Corps has grown so much since that guy joined them," a girl responds enthusiastically.

"You mean Captain Roku? This man is unbelievable. I heard he kills Titans effortlessly. Is he even human?" another recruit wonders aloud.

"I doubt it. It may all be talk just for reputation," an arrogant recruit scoffs dismissively.

Throughout the conversation, the brown-haired girl remained silent, her thoughts consumed by her own excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.

"Hey, Hange, are you okay?" another girl asks, noticing her quiet demeanor.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine," Hange replies, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

"It seems like you're afraid of Titans four eyes," the teasing tone of another recruit breaks in.

Hange's expression hardens with determination. "No, I'm not. I'll face all Titans," she declares firmly, her resolve shining through.

As they continue down the hallway, they spot a man approaching. He's grey-haired, and there's a sense of authority in his stride. 

"Psst, I think that's him," one recruit whispers, referring to the captain.

"You mean the captain?" another asks,

As Captain Roku approaches, the recruits stop in their tracks, ready to salute him and introduce themselves.

However, to their surprise, Roku didn't even acknowledge them. He walks past them without a word, clearly in a rush.

"What was that?" one of them asks, taken aback by the captain's dismissive behavior.

"I told you he's full of himself," the arrogant recruit sneers, seizing the opportunity to mock Roku once again.

"Well, he seemed to be in a rush," one of the girls remarks, trying to make sense of the encounter.

Meanwhile, Hange, who had been observing Roku intently, suddenly remembers where she'd seen him before.

He's the recruit who visited her when her father passed away, offering his condolences and support.

A flicker of recognition crosses Hange's face as she realizes the connection, her curiosity piqued even further by this unexpected revelation.

As the group of new recruits continues their journey through the corridors of the Survey Corps headquarters, Hange's mind remains preoccupied with thoughts of Captain Roku.

She can't shake the curiosity that gnaws at her,

As they navigate the bustling hallways, they encounter a group of seasoned veterans, their weathered faces a testament to their experience in the field.

Approaching them eagerly, Hange strikes up a conversation. "Excuse me, sirs, could you tell us more about this place? We're new recruits and eager to learn."

The veterans exchange knowing glances before one of them, a grizzled older man, steps forward. "Ah, fresh blood, eh? Welcome to the Survey Corps headquarters. This here's where we plan our expeditions and prepare for battle against the Titans."

Hange listens intently, absorbing every word as the veterans regale them with tales of past missions and the challenges they've faced.

"And what about Captain Roku?" Hange ventures, unable to resist her burning curiosity.

The reactions among the veterans vary. Some look apprehensive, while others regard Roku with a sense of reverence.

"He's a force to be reckoned with," one of the veterans remarks, his voice tinged with awe. "A true leader and a skilled warrior."

Another veteran nods in agreement. "Captain Roku is like no other. His skills on the battlefield are nothing short of genius."

But not all the veterans share the same sentiment.

One of them, a younger recruit with a hint of fear in his eyes, speaks up hesitantly. "he's ruthless, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve victory."

Before the conversation can delve further, the squad leader approaches his authoritative presence commanding attention.

"Listen up, new recruits," he addresses them, his voice firm but not unkind. "You're here to train and prepare for battle. Captain Roku expects nothing but the best from each of you."

He offers a nod of respect. "But make no mistake, he's earned his reputation. Captain Roku is a brilliant soldier and fearless leader. You'd do well to learn from him."

The squad leader's words hang heavy in the air as the new recruits absorb his message. Excitement and nervousness mingle in the atmosphere, the weight of impending missions looming over them.

But amidst the apprehension, Hange feels a surge of determination. She's eager to prove herself in the field, to stand alongside her comrades and face the Titans head-on.


End of the Chapter

"he's ruthless, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve victory." - Recruit

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