
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 21: Special Meeting


After the tragic incident and the delayed arrival of reinforcements, Roku was seen walking solemnly with Gerrard's body.

The commander approached, concerned for Roku's well-being. Gently placing his friend's body down, Roku requested a proper burial for Gerrard.

Understanding the depth of Roku's attachment, the commander consented, acknowledging the loss of valuable soldiers during the expedition.

A week passed, and Commander Shadis summoned Roku to his office. Entering with a crisp salute, Roku's countenance remained its usual calm and stoic self, his face portraying an aura of cold seriousness.

The commander expressed his condolences for the loss of Roku's friends, but Roku, with a firm and composed voice, assured the commander that he didn't bear any blame for their deaths. Despite his serious demeanor, Shadis wondered if Roku was grieving inside.

"Are you not saddened by their deaths?" Shadis inquired, hoping for a more emotional response from Roku.

"Of course, I am, sir," Roku replied with measured composure, "but my grief won't bring them back. I've promised to live in accordance with their will."

Shadis, slightly relieved by Roku's mature outlook, informed him of his assignment to join the special squad starting the following week.

Roku saluted sharply and responded, "As you see, sir," before leaving the room, his face remaining unwaveringly calm despite the turmoil inside.

As Roku left, Shadis couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the young soldier's strength and determination amidst tragedy, hoping that Roku would find solace and purpose in his new role within the special squad.

A week passed by, and it was time to meet the members of the Special Squad, Roku stepped into the room, feeling the weight of every eye on him.

The place seemed strange with only three individuals present. He quietly surveyed the room, gauging the members silently before breaking the silence.

"I'm Roku Ackerman," he began, his tone conveying an air of reserved confidence. "I'm glad to be working with all of you."

Approaching him was a tall man with blond hair, extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Roku. I'm Erwin Smith," he introduced himself.

"This is Miche." He gestured to a man whose long hair partially obscured his eyes, towering even more than the others.

Lastly, Erwin pointed at a woman sitting in a corner with short blonde hair. "And that's Nananba," he said.

"Nice to meet you," she said with a formal gesture 

Roku nodded in acknowledgment, noting the apparent resemblance among them. As they exchanged pleasantries, "Why are they all tall and blond?" Roku thought to himself

"Who's the captain?" Roku inquired, curious about the leader of this special squad.

Erwin replied, "He's not here at the moment, but he'll join us soon. Please, take a seat."

Before anyone else could respond, the door swung open abruptly. A man dashed in, panting as he caught his breath. With brown hair and glasses, he seemed apologetic. "Sorry, am I late?" he asked hurriedly.

"Not so late, but you should care more for your time, Captain," Erwin replied. Roku observed the man closely. "Is this the captain? He looks a little idiot. And why is he tall too? Levi would look like a lost child between these guys." Roku thought to himself

"Hello, I am Marc Zoe. Nice to meet you. I am the captain of the special squad. Hope you get comfortable with us," the Captain greeted Roku warmly.

"Nice to meet you, Captain" Roku responded politely.

"I heard a lot about you, Roku," Captain Zoe said, observing him intently. "How many titans have you killed so far?" he inquired, his tone enthusiastic.

Roku paused to recall. "I think around 20," he answered.

Everyone in the room seemed impressed. "That's quite a count for a new recruit. Erwin has been a scout for several years now and he got 26. Now I know why the commander let you join," the Captain remarked.

"Roku seems to have a skill, and we will make sure to use this skill," Erwin added.

"Yes, yes, of course," the Captain agreed. He then turned to Roku, holding his hands. "Hey Roku, do you like Titans?" The question caught Roku off guard. "No, why would I?" he responded, a bit startled.

"Don't you want to discover them, know from where they come and why they hurt humans?" the Captain seemed to have a keen interest in Titans.

"That's enough, Captain. Let Roku take his breath," Nanaba intervened gently, sensing Roku's discomfort.

The Captain glanced at his watch. "Oh, I think I am late again. Sorry, I have to leave now. I have a meeting with Commander Shadis," he exclaimed hurriedly before exiting the room.

Roku sighed with relief, grateful for the chance to catch his breath.

After the Captain left, Miche approached Roku from behind without being noticed. Roku was startled when he felt someone sniffing him. "What is he doing?" he wondered aloud.

"Miche, I told you to stop doing that. It's weird," Nanaba reprimanded Miche, gently pushing him away from Roku.

"Sorry, it's his habit," Erwin explained to Roku.

Miche grinned and innocently remarked, "He smells good."

Roku was taken aback by the comment. "Hey, I am not into guys," he said, pointing his finger at Miche.

Erwin quickly intervened, trying to ease the situation. "He doesn't mean it in that way," he said with a little laugh.


End of the Chapter

"Pleasure to meet you, Roku. I'm Erwin Smith" -Erwin Smith

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