
Attack on Titan: A Warrior of Devils

Being raised by a man wearing a coat with a devil smirk, a boy will find his courage to join The Survey Corps and show that you don't need to look like a monster to be one. AnniexOC.

Drinnor · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

A Dinner of Joy

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Chapter 8 (A Feeling of Freedom), and Chapter 9 (An Ackerman's Anger) is already available for Patrons.

With a sigh escaping his lips, Jaime set down his utensils and lamented, "Too bad we don't have any meat." As he savored the lingering flavors on his palate, his mind wandered back to the dusty pages of the weathered tome he had stumbled upon two years ago, a culinary treasure trove that had ignited his passion for the art of cooking. Although he had meticulously gathered all the necessary ingredients, the absence of meat, an essential component according to both the book's guidance and his own culinary expertise, left him yearning for the tantalizing depth and richness it would have bestowed upon his creation.

With a tilt of her head, a mischievous glint in her eye, and a wrinkled nose, Annie couldn't help but remark, "Why, it's already much better than the piss we eat every day!" The mere mention of the word "food" made her shudder, for what they called nourishment in this desolate place was nothing short of horrendous. Even back in the Marley, where culinary pleasures were a rarity, the meals managed to surpass the abomination before her. Yet, in all fairness, Annie had to admit that Jaime's creations were a delightful surprise, bursting with an array of flavors that tantalized her taste buds and awakened her senses.

With a mischievous grin, Jaime exclaimed, "Wow, Annie, I always knew beneath that cold heart is a soft, warm heart!" Annie responded with a playful roll of her eyes, a hint of amusement dancing in her gaze, secretly relishing the banter. Deep down, though, she couldn't fathom why she chose to invest her precious time in the company of this utter imbecile.

With a swift and graceful movement, Jaime pivoted on his heels, his eyes fixated upon the simmering dish that lay before him, the wooden spoon clutched firmly in his grasp as he deftly mixed the carefully measured ingredients. As the tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, teasing his senses, he couldn't help but inhale deeply, savoring the irresistible scent that filled the room. Although the dish was undeniably delightful, a small, nagging thought gnawed at the corners of Jaime's mind - the absence of meat.

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he placed his hand beneath his chin, deep in thought. Slowly, a devilish smirk spread across his face, like a secret he couldn't wait to share. Without a moment's hesitation, Jaime turned on his heels once more, his gaze locking with Annie's startled eyes. A shiver ran down her spine as she caught a glimpse of the wicked grin that adorned Jaime's face.

With a perplexed expression etched on her face and a furrowed brow, Annie couldn't help but question the intense scrutiny directed toward her. The curiosity danced in her eyes as she mustered the courage to ask, "Why are you looking at me like that? Did you finally lose it?" Her voice carried a mix of concern and skepticism, leaving a lingering hint of sarcasm in the air.

With a mischievous grin dancing across his face, Jaime leaned in closer, his voice laced with curiosity and excitement. "You know the storage room near the kitchen?" he inquired, his thumb confidently gesturing towards the unassuming door that quietly guarded the secrets within.

Annie's weary sigh escaped her lips as she questioned Jaime's remark, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and sarcasm. "Yeh, what about it?" she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she braced herself for what she suspected was coming. Deep down, she had a feeling that Jaime's words hinted at something far more peculiar than his usual antics.

"I know there's meat there. Believe it or not, the job of the instructor is actually very well paid. I know there's some meat in there," Jaime said convincingly. Already imagining how much better his dish would taste if it had meat on it.

Annie's eyes narrowed as she peered at Jaime, her voice laced with skepticism. "And you want to take some simply because you want your dish to be perfect so everyone can eat a good meal?" Her brows furrowed, torn between considering his audacious plan as either foolish or beyond foolish. Though she had always admired Jaime's altruistic nature, she couldn't fathom why he would propose such a risky endeavor, which could potentially result in severe retribution from their strict supervisor, Keith. Annie didn't understand why he wanted to go out of his way to get in trouble.

With a bright smile that illuminated his face, Jaime responded affirmatively, his violet eyes shimmering like precious gemstones against the backdrop of golden sunlight. The earnestness in his voice resonated with an unwavering conviction as he declared, "Yes. Everyone, without exception, deserves to experience the sheer bliss of indulging in at least one delectable meal." However, Annie couldn't help but notice a tinge of melancholy hidden beneath his vibrant gaze.

Despite fighting each other for so many months now, Annie knew the bare minimum about Jaime; she didn't ask anything personal, and she didn't care to know him better. Why should I? It's much better if I just ignore all of them, Annie thought. The notion of disregarding them all together seemed far more appealing, an approach that Annie embraced with a tinge of guilt that she swiftly stifled. Now was not the opportune moment for remorse over circumstances beyond her power to rectify.

Annie responded swiftly, her words laced with determination as she firmly declared, "I won't lend a hand." It was evident that she had no intentions of aiding him; if he wanted to accomplish his task, he would have to rely solely on his own abilities. However, Annie wasn't willing to endanger herself solely because he desired to craft the most exquisite fare for their fellow cadets. As she carefully weighed her decision, she couldn't ignore the reality that most of their peers still regarded Jaime as an outcast, given his origins within the confines of Wall Sina.

Jaime's forlorn expression betrayed his disappointment when Annie turned down his invitation, yet he swiftly concealed it behind a disarming smile. With a nonchalant shrug, Jaime brushed off the rejection, his voice brimming with unwavering confidence as he addressed Annie, "No problem, Annie. I was raised underground. Stealing is second nature," His self-assured grin never faltered as he strode purposefully towards an imposing crate, effortlessly lifting it.

As Annie stood there, her gaze fixed on Jaime's departing figure, a myriad of emotions welled up within her. A part of her wanted to follow him, just to make sure the moron didn't get in trouble. However, with a determined shake of her head, Annie dismissed those fleeting thoughts, recognizing that if Jaime insisted on embracing his moronic tendencies, willingly placing himself and others at risk, then she resolved to take a different path. The choice was made then and there – Annie opted to turn a blind eye to his antics, refusing to be drawn into his reckless escapades.

With measured steps, Jaime gracefully departed from the bustling kitchen, gracefully transitioning into a dimly lit corridor. The floor beneath his feet was a mesmerizing mosaic crafted from an intricate arrangement of shimmering plates and meticulously laid tiles. Jaime followed the labyrinthine path, a gentle turn leading him to a door. To his astonishment, the entrance to the storage room stood unguarded.

With a determined stride, Jaime pushed open the heavy double doors, his muscles straining under the weight of the sizable lightbox nestled in his arms. As he ventured further into the dimly lit storage room, a labyrinth of towering cardboard fortresses greeted him, some boxes flung open like treasure chests while others maintained their secretive closures. The air within the room seemed to possess an icy chill, causing Jaime's exhalations to materialize before his eyes, transforming his breath into ethereal tendrils dancing in the frigid atmosphere.

As a small shiver coursed through Jaime's body, a mix of conflicting emotions emerged within him. While he found immense joy in observing the ethereal dance of snowflakes descending from the heavens and reveling in the childlike delight of playing with the delicate crystals, he harbored an undeniable disdain for the chilling bite of winter's icy grasp. Despite his fondness for the enchanting beauty of snow, his aversion to the numbing cold remained steadfast. "This better be worth it," he murmured under his breath.

Jaime placed the box on the floor; looking around; he quickly found the box he was looking for; with deftness in his movements, Jaime retrieved the trusty pocket knife from his pocket. As he cautiously began to pry open the box, his hands moving with deliberate precision, he made sure to maintain utmost silence, not wanting to disturb the air with even the faintest sound.

Jaime carefully pried open the lid of the box. Nestled within were six delectable rolls of savory meat, each one meticulously wrapped in delicate parchment that bore handwritten letters. Three of these parcels were dainty, exuding an air of delicacy, while the remaining trio boasted a robust size, promising a gratifying feast. A pang of hunger mingled with nostalgia coursed through Jaime's veins, reminding him of the prolonged abstinence from such indulgence. Yet, he swiftly reined in his desires, mindful of his purpose in this momentous encounter – not to surrender himself to gluttony but to exercise restraint and savor each morsel with discernment.

With nimble dexterity, he swiftly concealed the savory morsel wrapped in delicate slices of meat within the clandestine confines of the innermost pocket of his weathered jacket. Just as he completed this covert act, an orchestration of footsteps resonated through the air, signaling the arrival of an unknown presence drawing nearer. Intrigued by the impending encounter, he instinctively pivoted on his heels, his inquisitive gaze fixating upon the enigmatic figure now stationed adjacent to the entrance, their presence betrayed by the tantalizing glimpse of their feet peeking through the minuscule crevice at the base of the door.

Jaime quickly thought of hiding when a voice was heard outside the storage room. "Can you help me? My ODM Gear is not working!" A voice reached the inside of the storage room that Jaime recognized right away.

Annie!! Jaime thought, a little bewildered, very confused; he hadn't thought she would actively help him in any way. His eyes darted toward the door, where he observed the retreating figure of a man, with each step growing fainter until his feet disappeared from view through the minuscule gap at the bottom. Sensing an opportunity, Jaime wasted no time, abandoning the room. With every step he took, his footsteps became feather-light, scarcely audible as he navigated the surroundings.


After meticulously crafting his culinary masterpiece, Jaime stood back with a sense of accomplishment, observing the tantalizing aroma that now wafted through the air. A symphony of scents danced around his kitchen, blending together in a harmonious medley of sweetness, vibrant spices, and, above all, the unmistakable essence of succulent meat. The fragrant vapors enticed his senses, teasing his taste buds and sending a wave of anticipation through his entire being. As he gracefully covered the pot, a grin of satisfaction spread across his face.

His thoughts were interrupted by the faint sound of approaching footsteps. His attention pirouetted towards the source of the sound. Annie stepped inside the room. Despite the chill that seemed to cling to her like a shroud, her face remained as enigmatic and cold as ever. Yet, in the depths of his heart, Jaime couldn't help but imagine a ghostly hint of a smile that could transcend the icy facade and illuminate her already beautiful face.

"Thank you, Annie. I really appreciate it," his voice filled with sincerity. Her name hung in the air, a sweet melody that carried his appreciation. Yet, as Jaime's words echoed through the room, he couldn't help but notice a flicker of unease in Annie's eyes, a fleeting glimpse of something hidden beneath the surface. In that fleeting moment, her gaze averted, almost as if she were concealing a secret, a hint of shame dancing across her features like a wistful shadow.

As Jaime stood there, scratching the top of his head with his index finger, a wave of uncertainty washed over him, causing his mind to swirl with questions. Had he unintentionally uttered the wrong words? His mentor's voice echoed in his thoughts, reminding him of the complexity of understanding girls. Yet, deep down, Jaime felt an unwavering conviction that he hadn't made a mistake this time. Memories of his disastrous first encounter with Caven flooded his mind, a haunting reminder of a regrettable past that he fervently wished to erase from his memory.

As the seconds stretched into what seemed like an eternity of uncomfortable silence, Annie finally summoned the courage to break the lingering tension. With a slight quiver in her voice, she hesitated before uttering the words that would betray her confusion.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about..." Her voice trailed off, but a mischievous glimmer danced in her eyes as a secret smile began to etch itself upon her lips. Annie attempted to conceal her amusement from Jaime, not knowing that he had already decided to embrace the moment and join the playful charade.

With a playful grin, Jaime conceded, "You're absolutely right, my dear Annie. It must have been the wind, dancing with the leaves and whispering secrets in its wake." Annie, unable to suppress a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, playfully rolled them heavenward, her bewilderment evident as she pondered why she continued to lend her assistance to Jaime, despite his knack for whimsical excuses.

Every fiber of her being urged her to disregard him, to turn a blind eye and move on, yet a lingering question lingered, echoing in her thoughts: "Why am I being so foolish?" She pondered, her inner voice chastising her for her own hesitation. The memory of the mischievous thrill she experienced while pilfering the succulent meat still lingered, but amidst this introspection, a newfound realization dawned upon her. She came to understand that her actions transcended mere mischief, as she had willingly gone out of her way to assist Jaime, to extend a helping hand.

During their recent encounter, Reiner couldn't resist passing a remark, expressing his unsolicited opinion on Annie's increased companionship with Jaime. Undeterred by his audacious comment, Annie swiftly retorted, advising him to kindly dispose of his unsolicited advice in a rather unconventional manner. Drawing a parallel, she pointed out Reiner's own inclination to excessively engage with the cadets, being all 'Buddy Buddy' with them, emphasizing that there was absolutely no harm in her reciprocating a similar level of interaction.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Jaime playfully interjected, "But I heard that someone had problems with the ODM Gear!" As he spoke, he struck a pensive pose, his index finger thoughtfully resting beneath his chin, his violet orbs slowly shifting to meet Annie's gaze. However, Annie, nonchalant and unimpressed, wore a bored expression, her arms defiantly crossed over her chest as if daring him to continue with his intriguing tale.

Unable to resist the temptation of stirring the pot, Jaime leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a mischievous whisper, "You don't happen to know anything about it, do you?" Annie, unable to contain her amusement, rolled her eyes and flashed a knowing smile before nonchalantly leaning back, silently relishing in the playful banter.

"You know they will eventually notice that you stole meat. What will you do?" Annie questioned, changing the subject, and Annie's nimble fingers gracefully pointed toward the bubbling pot, emanating a tantalizing aroma that could rival the most exquisite culinary delights. The dish, meticulously prepared and simmered to perfection, stood as a testament to Jaime's culinary prowess, ready to be unveiled and savored by unsuspecting taste buds.

With an air of nonchalance and a subtle shrug, Jaime uttered the words, "I will take the blame," as if it were a mere trifle, unaffected by the looming prospect of impending retribution.

Annie's elegant eyebrow gracefully arched, a subtle sign of her perplexity, as she contemplated the situation before her. Despite being from the illustrious Wall Sina, she had swiftly come to realize that Jaime, contrary to her initial assumption, was far from being a conceited and entitled individual who believed the world revolved around them. The words that escaped her lips carried a gentle but firm reminder laden with the weight of impending consequences. "You will be punished," she calmly asserted, her voice betraying a touch of severity as her sharp eyes intently scrutinized Jaime's every nuance and expression. Severely." Annie quickly added.

Many people would much rather take the easy way out; they would much rather never admit they did something wrong and avoid the consequences. Just like me, Annie thought bitterly.

"I know, Annie," Jaime said, his voice filled with a mixture of reassurance and understanding as he took a deliberate and calming breath, his chest rising and falling in sync with the rhythm of his thoughts. With a single glance, his sharp, observant eyes assessed the simmering dish before him, recognizing the subtle signs of readiness that only a seasoned chef could discern. Determined and swift, he reached out to extinguish the dancing flame beneath the pot, its crackling warmth fading into a mere memory as he turned his full attention towards Annie.

"A long time ago, I did not care what I did, and my little bro paid for my mistake. Since that day, I swore I would never allow anyone to face punishment because I fucked up. I will always face the consequences and not hide." Ever, Jaime thought the last part with a look of determination in his eyes, his violet eyes almost glittering.

Annie's curiosity piqued as she observed Jaime, her eyebrows arching inquisitively. She had often caught snippets of his conversations, where he would vaguely mention his mentor and younger sibling yet never divulge their names or the fate that befell them. However, there was an unmistakable tinge of melancholy in his voice whenever he spoke about them. It was through her own investigations that Annie pieced together Jaime's extraordinary past. She learned that he had spent his formative years, a decade in fact, dwelling in the depths of the underground city. It was there that his enigmatic mentor discovered him and trained him before sending him off to the Training Corps.

"You keep bringing up your mentor. He trained you, didn't he?" Annie questioned; from the way Jaime moved, she knew his training was similar to hers in more ways than one.

With a mischievous grin stretched across his face, Jaime responded to the remark, his eyes sparkling with playful defiance as he gently massaged his shoulder in a casual yet self-assured manner. "You can say that," he quipped, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "You see, my mentor wanted me to be good at everything," he continued, his words laced with a mixture of admiration and determination. With a nostalgic glimmer in his eyes, his voice took on a sudden depth and resonance. "He always said, 'Hesitation is defeat. He said if you're in a life or death situation, a single second of hesitation is all needed to make the difference,'"

Annie's nod conveyed a profound sense of comprehension as she had keenly observed his every movement - the fluidity in his hand-to-hand combat, the grace with which he traversed the terrain, the unparalleled mastery he exhibited with his ODM Gear, and even the subtle nuances in his speech. It became unmistakably apparent to Annie that the training sessions he endured with his mentor were far from pleasant.

Jaime, his eyes filled with curiosity, abruptly posed an intriguing question that caught Annie off guard, causing a momentary flicker of a surprise to dance across her face before she swiftly regained her composure. "What is your father like?" he inquired.

Caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry, Annie hesitated for a moment, her brows furrowing slightly, before finally finding her voice to respond, "Why are you asking?" Her words carried a hint of caution, tinged with a touch of curiosity.

Jaime, undeterred by her guarded response, maintained his friendly smile, his eyes gleaming with genuine warmth, as he replied, "You have mentioned him quite a few times. He trained you, and he trained you well." The subtle emphasis on the word "well" hinted at a deeper appreciation for the influence Annie's father had on her life.

As her words spilled out, a mixture of surprise and regret washed over her. "I see," she began, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "My father was relentless and possessed an unwavering determination in his training methods. His approach could only be described as...harsh. If he wanted me to get something done, he would tell me to try until I...he wasn't the most pleasant one," Annie blurted out, her lips betraying her true feelings before her mind could catch up. The moment those words escaped her, a surge of shock coursed through her, leaving her wide-eyed and questioning her own audacity. Why had she exposed this vulnerable part of her past?

Jaime's eyebrows arched up in a display of curiosity while his eyes swiftly narrowed, revealing a mix of concern and determination. With a confident stride, he moved closer to Annie, who wore an expression of utter shock upon her delicate features.

Sensing her distress, Jaime's voice took on a gentle tone as he inquired, "What do you mean? Did he hurt-" "I need to go!" However, before he could finish his sentence, Annie's interruption cut through the air like a sharp blade, leaving Jaime's words hanging in the kitchen's ambiance. Without a moment's hesitation, she whisked herself away, leaving Jaime behind. As the door slammed shut behind her, the reverberating sound echoed the palpable tension that lingered in the air.

With a sense of urgency propelling her steps, Annie briskly ventured into the lush depths of the enchanting forest, her heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and determination. Embracing solitude, she skillfully skirted past any potential encounters, her nimble movements evoking a graceful dance amidst the dappled sunlight that filtered through the verdant canopy above. As her hurried footsteps echoed through the forest, Annie couldn't help but feel a pang of melancholy, for the joyous emotions that had welled up within her just moments earlier now dissipated into thin air, akin to wisps of steam vanishing into the ethereal atmosphere.

As Annie wandered through the enchanting depths of the woods, her eyes were drawn to a towering tree. With a sense of determination fueling her every step, she closed in on her chosen arboreal companion. Gathering her resolve, she inhaled deeply, drawing in the crisp forest air, and with a swift and forceful kick, unleashed all the strength she could summon upon the sturdy trunk. A momentary wave of pain coursed through Annie's leg as her foot made contact with the unyielding wood, causing her to wince involuntarily. Yet, undeterred by the discomfort, she chose to cast it aside; wisps of ethereal steam began to escape from her feet, swirling and dancing in the air.

Unfazed by the pain, Annie's determination knew no bounds as she relentlessly launched a barrage of kicks upon the unyielding tree trunk. Each forceful impact echoed through the surrounding forest, leaving an indelible mark on both her opponent and herself. With each successive kick, the once smooth bark surrendered to the relentless assault, revealing the raw and vulnerable flesh beneath. Undeterred by the searing pain that radiated from her right foot, which now bled profusely, Annie pressed on. The sound of bones snapping and cracking reverberated through the air.

Annie's face contorted with a mix of determination and agony, her teeth sinking into her quivering lower lip. The sharp sting shooting through her body was a familiar sensation. Yet, this time was different. This time, she had managed to break her toe—an unexpected mishap that even the resilient Annie couldn't simply dismiss with a nonchalant shrug. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon her, causing a cold sweat to bead on her forehead and trickle down her flushed face. Annie's breaths came in ragged gasps, each exhalation a visible cloud of effort in the crisp air. The surrounding forest seemed to hold its breath, its silence broken only by the soft rustle of small creatures scurrying through the underbrush. Sunlight filtered through the interlaced branches, casting delicate patterns of golden warmth that danced upon Annie's skin, offering a stark contrast to her current predicament.

Annie's body, overcome by exhaustion, collapsed in a defeated slump, her body sinking into the ground with a faint thud. She patiently remained in that position, allowing her weary feet to recover from the ordeal they had endured. As her feet gradually regained their strength, Annie cast a longing glance toward the very trunk that had caused her such frustration moments before. A surge of temptation coursed through her, urging her to unleash another forceful kick upon the inanimate object. However, after a brief internal debate, she resolved to employ an alternative method of venting her frustration: her clenched fists.

Dinner - Night

It didn't take long for word to spread that Jaime was the one that had made the dish, the cadets one by one took their dish from the kitchen and were ready to try and see what Jaime had cooked for them.

As Jaime took his usual seat beside Ymir and Krista, a concoction of nerves and anticipation flooded his senses. Every fiber of his being tingling with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, unsure of what the evening held in store. The tantalizing aroma of the meticulously prepared feast wafted through the air, its enticing flavors dancing on his taste buds. With each passing second, his anxiety grew, entwining itself with the hope that they would appreciate the effort he had put into crafting this culinary masterpiece. However, a tiny voice of doubt whispered in the recesses of his mind, questioning what their reaction would be if, by some cruel twist of fate, they didn't relish the food. His imagination conjured vivid images of plates being hurled with force, crashing against his face in a symphony of shattered porcelain. The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine.

As the tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, the discerning eyes of the onlookers were immediately drawn to the exquisite arrangement of succulent, bite-sized morsels of meat delicately placed upon the porcelain dish. A hush fell over the crowd as murmurs of astonishment and disbelief reverberated throughout the room. In a world where the meat had become an increasingly rare commodity, the sight of these tantalizing chunks was enough to stir a wave of surprise and intrigue among the gathering. While some remained indifferent to the culinary spectacle, their focus drifting elsewhere, Sasha, with her insatiable appetite and carnivorous cravings, found herself unable to contain her salivation as her gaze fixated upon the delectable meat nestled enticingly on her plate.

"Don't fret, dear Jaime," Ymir assured with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm, as she affectionately draped her arm around Krista's shoulders, drawing an exasperated gaze from her friend. "Rest assured, if it sucks. I will be the first one to let you know, and I know just how to do that," she declared, a mischievous grin dancing on her lips.

Jaime, his face supported by his hand, couldn't help but chuckle, a blend of amusement and nervous anticipation playing on his features, as he quizzically responded, "Really, ugly freckles. What way would that be?"

With a wide, mischievous grin spreading across her face, Ymir, brimming with confidence, boldly declared, "Oh, I'll throw it right in your face!" Her finger, like an accusatory arrow, pointed resolutely at the plate while Krista, her disapproving gaze sharp as daggers, shot Ymir a scolding look in response as if to say, "You're pushing your luck."

Jaime interjected with a hint of sarcasm dripping from his words, "Wow, Ymir. Thank you for being so supportive. You're the best," His eyebrow twitched ever so slightly

With a playful smirk dancing upon her lips, Ymir affectionately nudged his shoulder, her voice dripping with mischievous charm as she declared, "I'm just like that, pretty boy." At that moment, a delightful thrill coursed through her veins, relishing the knowledge that she possessed the power to ruffle his composed demeanor occasionally. As the tantalizing aroma of the dish wafted through the air, enticing every cadet's senses, a symphony of clinking cutlery and satisfied murmurs filled the mess hall, signaling the commencement of a delectable feast.

As Jaime stood there, his heart pounding in his chest, he knew he had to gather his composure before chaos erupted. In an attempt to steady his nerves, he inhaled deeply, feeling the cool air fill his lungs. The atmosphere was tense, the anticipation palpable; it seemed like the perfect time for the plates to start flying, and Jaime braced himself for the worst.

To his surprise, however, a minute passed, and not a single plate soared through the air toward him. The room remained eerily still as if frozen in time. As his eyes darted anxiously from person to person, he couldn't help but notice a glimmer of amusement dancing in Ymir's eyes. Just when Jaime thought he had escaped unscathed, a sudden burst of excitement shattered the silence. The voice that rang out was not Ymir's, as he had expected, but rather Sasha's. Her high-pitched squeal of delight pierced the air, catching everyone off guard, especially Connie, who jumped back in surprise.

With an exclamation of sheer delight, Sasha's voice echoed through the room, shaking the very air around her as she passionately exclaimed, "Jaime!! This is Perfect!!!" Her words reverberated amidst the clinking of cutlery and the delightful aroma of the meal that filled the space. As she savored each delectable bite, Sasha's appetite seemed insatiable, devouring her plate with fervor until no morsel remained. In that fleeting moment, Jaime couldn't help but wonder if she would request more food. Sasha's movements took a different course as she gracefully rose from her seat and approached Jaime with eyes that gleamed with a dreamy intensity as though she had just glimpsed the divine.

"Can I marry you?" The atmosphere instantly transformed into suspended animation, as if time had ceased its relentless march forward. A pregnant silence enveloped the room, punctuated only by the rhythmic beat of hearts held captive by anticipation. And then, like a symphony of mirth, laughter erupted from every corner, filling the air with an infectious joy that seemed to defy gravity. Among the sea of laughter, Ymir's infectious guffaws reverberated the loudest, causing her to slam her hand against the table uncontrollably as though she was a conductor orchestrating this hilarious symphony of emotions. Meanwhile, Jaime found himself blushing furiously, his cheeks transforming into ripe tomatoes, as his gaze instinctively shifted away from Sasha's earnest eyes. His trembling hand instinctively reached for the crown of his head as if to calm the swirling thoughts and emotions that swirled within.

"Sasha. I-I-I-" Jaime's words trailed off, unsure what to say.

Ymir interjected with a mischievous grin on her face. "Sasha, you should kiss him to prove your love!" she playfully suggested, her voice filled with a hint of mischief. The room erupted with more laughter, filling the tense atmosphere with a newfound sense of levity. Jaime, caught off guard by Ymir's unexpected remark, groaned audibly. His face flushed with embarrassment, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson that matched the intensity of his emotions. At that moment, he wished for the ground to swallow him whole, desperate to escape the spotlight that had suddenly been thrust upon him. Fortunately, Reiner came to his rescue.

"Sasha," Reiner interjected firmly, his voice laced with a hint of exasperation, "enough with the theatrics. Can't you see that Jaime is clearly uncomfortable?" With an accusatory finger aimed directly at Jaime, whose gaze darted anxiously around the room, Reiner made it abundantly clear that Sasha's disruptive behavior was no longer tolerable. As the weight of Reiner's words sank in, Sasha's eyes widened, her face contorting with a mix of realization and regret that her proposal was a bit out of nowhere and had probably put Jaime in the center of attention.

Embarrassment flushed Sasha's cheeks as she stammered out an apology, her voice laced with genuine remorse and a hint of desperation. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, but can you please cook again? I really enjoyed your meat," she admitted, her eyes pleading with Jaime to understand. But there was no denying the small drool that escaped the corner of her mouth, betraying her unspoken desire to taste Jaime's delectable cooking once more.

Jaime's surprise slowly transformed into a shy smile, a rosy hue lingering on his cheeks as he reassured Sasha, "Sure, whenever you want." As Sasha sheepishly retreated to her seat, the room buzzed with laughter.

Jaime really wished that the ground would just open and swallow him whole. He instinctively turned his gaze towards the vacant space that Annie usually occupied during mealtime, only to see she had been absent from their customary dinner gathering. Astonishingly, her chair remained untouched, an eerie testament to her prolonged absence, while the table stood barren, devoid of any trace of her presence,

Man, Arthur would laugh his ass off if he saw me like this, Jaime thought. Gently, his fingers traced the raised, jagged scar that marked his right eyebrow.