
i am here

zack-'uhh my head hurts so much next time i would ask god to make it less painful.When the headache was gone then i see i was in a room.

So according to the previous owner of the body this is year 839,So i am same the age as armin and eren. when i got out of the room i saw the orphanage lady just gave me a side look and return to whatever she was doing.I then immediately went outside when i step i could smell the fresh air(well he was in hospital so he can differ)tears instantly came out of my eyes as it was in many that i came to the outside world.I then wipe out my tears and started roaming around the street to get familiar with routes

When i was roaming around i saw Eren Yeager the main protagonist and antagonist of the anime,I wanted to meet him but not yet this is not a perfect time.

when i came back to orphange it was already night,I then took my hard bread and eated it'i just swalloed it how do they eat these things.Then i immediately went to my bed and started thinking what should i do next,Well for now i think i should start doing some exercise and should start training my martial arts when i am at age of seven because i don't think the martial arts which i am going to train will not be able to give me result and i don't think my body can even would be able to take the load and as for susanno let's just keep it as a secret weapon

[time skip 4 years]

Well i am now eight years old,and well as for my appearence i now look like 10 year old kid i have broad shoulders and have 6 packs and i can already beat a adult like its nothing and my martial arts training is going good because me being an ackerman,I think i can perfect my martial arts before i join the survey corps.with my martial arts being perfect i can even defeat levi and mikasa without giving them a look.

And i also became a gang leader at the orphanage for the kids as for what its do,meeh we just steal and store money and if they caught then i just come and beat the shit out of the officer i think they have given me the nick name 'DEVIL' as i some time break their bones'Hey it's not my problem i learn martial arts which is made for killing monsters so they should at least appreciate that i am not killing them'

well as i was roaming around i could see three people banging on kid with yellow hair as i saw clearly that it was armin who just beaten up.When i reach there the kid who was beating up armin they recognised me and just bowed toward me i just gave a nod toward them as they walked away. Armin was scared shitless as he saw me just giving nod toward them and they walked away.

I then came really close to armin face as i just kept staring at him he grew nervous "tha-than"before he could finish his sentence i said to him"FOLLOW ME"in a strong voice.He reluctant follow me without any questioning as we were walking for 30 mins i stopped in front of him,i asked him"why don't you fight back"He did'nt give me an answer,I asked him another question"they will kept bullying you for entire life you know if you don't defend yourself"ARE YOU SCARED OF THEM" "no"he said in a slow whisper,"WHAT DID YOU SAY" i asked him more intimidating voice as i was very closed to his face and just kept staring at his eyes. he shouted with all his might"I AM NOT SCARED OF THEM" THEN WHY DON'T YOU DEFEND YOURSELF IF YOU WON'T DEFEND YOURSELF THEN YOU WILL JUST KEPT FALLING DOWN"Then i waited for a few second and took a deep breath and shouted with all my might"ARE YOU A LOSER?"I asked him"NO"he shouted with all his might the surrounding people stopped for a few second but they ignored us and kept doing their work.

"attack me" I slowly said to armin"w-what??"Armin was dumbfounded because of the turns of events"attack me or i am going to"He still did'nt attack me,I slowly walked towards him as i raised my hand he closed his eyes but he was dumbfounded when i just put my hand on his shoulder,he was confused for a moment but the next second his eyes balls pull out.He never experienced such a pain in his all life.When he turned his head to see his shoulder his face turned from confused expression to the most horified expression.He started crying desperately asking for help but the people around him ignored him and just kept doing because they knew if they interfere they would be more beaten by zack.

I crouched down to armin head level i pulled his hair up and saw his crybaby face.I again slowly said to his ears "Attack me",The next moment armin stopped crying as he could not feel the pain anymore,He looked again to his shoulder and saw that it was fixed he stand up but he still did'nt attack me 'that's what i liked about armin the most if he has given you his word once even he is still in that stage he still would not give up on his word'

"HAAHHHAAA"i laughed loudly,Which made armin to become pretty confused "Are you ok sir" 'you know now what i am talking about even if i just dislocated his shoulder he is still asking me are you all right if it was eren he would have just killed me with a knife',"Hey what's your name kid"I asked him,"Armin Arlert" "Do you wanna learn martial arts" "What's martial arts sir" "Well if i have to explain martial arts then it's use for self defence or to save other" "Uhm if you don't mind can you demonstrate it to me sir" "Alright then do you see this tree i gonna cut it clean with my hands alright watch this" 'Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist' A big gust follow through my hand when i slash t the tree,as i did my slash the tree started sliding diagonally. Armin who saw this had star in his eyes

"sir please teach me this martial arts"he said to me while bowing."Alright i will teach you this technique but i have my condition" armin who heard this became gloomy as he know in this society has nothing free and he had nothing to give"you just have to promise me this to never to never to use this technique only use it when your life is in danger or your friends or to help civilian and never to teach this technique to anyone else okay even to your friends"When armin heard this he really had star in his eyes.When armin was going back to his home"hey armin can you please not tell this about eren and mikasa i know that they are your friends but can you not tell them please" "Yes sir, uhm sir before i go back can you please tell me your name" "Oh yeah i forgot it's zack" ""Meet you tomorrow same timing as today alright" "Yes sir!!!"