
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 28: It Starts

"How are we going to find the Jester?" Ambien asked breaking into her thoughts.

"We need to start in Artol, and ask when was the last time they seen him." Bryson, said.

"Let's stop here. I know it's the same place as last time, but I don't want to wear the horses out."

"I agree, this spot worked last time, no sense in looking for a better one up the road." Ambien said, leading his horse to the creek for water.

"What if he isn't in Artol, and they haven't seen him in a while?" Atona asked, getting the fire ready.

"Then we go to the next town and ask them. We will find him, he is way too smart for someone to catch up to him. That is why you and Ambien couldn't do this without us. One look at you two and he would go into hiding." Grayson said, skinning the rabbit he had caught.

"If I was a betting man, which I have been known to do, I would say he would be in Beggers Hole. There he could hide out without suspicion, and no would turn him in." Bryson said.

"Why is that?" Atona asked.

"Honor amongst thieves and all that nonsense. That is really all that live there is the unsavory. They are good people I suppose, however, you can't trust them with valuables." Bryson said, thinking. "As a matter of fact, we could use them as go to."

"What do you mean go to?"

"He means, if anyone knows where special treasure, or rumors of special treasure is, they would know. We could ask around about certain items we are looking for and see what kind of rumors are floating around out there." Grayson explained.

"Because, sometimes rumors are made of the truth, and are often more truth than lie." Atona said.

"We would definitely have to be careful which ones we ask about, so as to not obtain followers, and robbers." Ambien said.

"How about we ask about the necklace? I am still puzzled about what the significance of it." Atona stated.

"That would be fine, but we don't know how valuable it is. If we find out, and then someone beats us to finding it. Then we would be out a very valuable clue." Bryson said, pulling the rabbit off the fire.

"Yes, but we already have possession of the necklace." Atona said, pulling the vegetables off of the rock they were roasting on.

"Wait! What? We do?" Grayson said spitting his wine out.

"Yes, in the elven raid, there was an elf, that looked very familiar, and was wearing it. I took it from him after I killed him, and looked it up in the library later. However, as I was walking to the library I seen a picture in the hallway of a beautiful lady, wearing that same necklace. The picture said it was the Queen Manslinger. I never knew I had been looking at my mother all these years. Then it made sense, because that hallway holds the portraits of all the kings and queens that are near enough for trade."

"What did your research say about the necklace?" Ambien said, ignoring the obvious questions. Why hadn't she said anything to him about it? Why hadn't she asked him to help her with the research?

"Not much really, just that it was always worn by her, and that it was to be passed down to the first born, and her matching bracelet was to be passed down to the second born."

"Atona, that is big. There is a bracelet that matches it? Where is it?" Bryson asked.

"I'm not sure, it never said what happened to it. It was never found." she said, as she finished eating.

"So you still don't know what significance it has? Where is the necklace now?" Ambien asked.

"It is in your fathers safe. I thought it would be safer there, than me carrying it with me. I was studying everything I could to find out what the significance is, but I just couldn't find anything. I asked your father to continue to look into it for me, and I also asked Balfar. Rozelle was going to check into the library there too."

"Atona, why didn't you tell me anything about this?" Ambien said, sounding hurt.

"When I came across the necklace, everyone was so busy, and I honestly don't know why I didn't tell you about it. I was trying to figure something out on my own. I'm sorry if I have hurt you."

"No, I'm not really hurt, just more surprised. I can see why you kept it to yourself. Though I wish you would have told me. I have some friends that I can reach out to and ask discreet questions."

"I can answer a few for you." Bryson said, digging in his bag, and getting his bedroll situated.

"Like what?" Ambien said. He was noticing something was off about Atona this evening. He was chalking it up to nerves, but he wasn't so sure now.

"The necklace has a special gem in it. It is….. A blue gem that has the magical properties to open locked doors. The bracelet has a green gem that displaces magical wards. With these two you can enter into the treasure room. It is said however, that you must enter the code correctly and that if you don't you would be struck dead."

"Where did you find that information?" Atona asked, sitting up and looking a little pale.

"In Wahunel's wizard college library. The wizard that made them, wrote in detail about them." Bryson said as he pulled a book out of his bag.

"Brother, how did you get that out of the college?" Grayson said, irritated.

"Well, there was a girl involved brother. You really don't want me to tell you, do you?"

"No. Just give the book to Atona, and do not tell me about it." Grayson said, very irritated now.

"Do you mind if I look at that with you?" Ambien asked, sitting next to Atona.

"No, I'm so sorry to make you think that I ever would. I do not know why I wouldn't tell you about the necklace."

"It's alright. Let's find this together, shall we?" He said, kissing her forehead. Bryson made a magic light out of a rock and held it behind them so they could see the book better. The book described in detail what the necklace looked like, and what it would do. Who it was made for. Who it would work for, and what would happen should the wrong person try to use it.

"It says here that it was made specifically for the Manslinger family. Then how did my mother use it without being electrocuted?" Atona asked.

"Here, Atona, he used the blood from your mom and your dad, to make it. It can sense that blood, somehow, and will only work for those two."

"Let's get some shut eye, and we can look this over better tomorrow. I'm wore out." Atona said shutting the book, and handing it back to Bryson.

"That is yours. You keep it." Bryson said climbing into his bedroll.

"Goodnight everyone." Grayson said stifling a yawn.