
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 13 : A New Day

There was a pounding on the door. It woke her out of her peaceful dreams. She threw the covers back, walked to the door and opened it standing behind it and peeking her head around so that the door hid her body. Ambien stood in the hall with a big smile on his face. He looked like he hadn't slept very good.

"You better get dressed and come downstairs. They are waiting on you so we can get the day started. Mother had the kitchen prepare a breakfast feast fit for the finest. So the dwarves are eating and enjoying but you better hurry." He said as he grinned at her and looked her over.

"I'll be right out." Atona said as she closed the door. She turned and ran for the bed to pull her clothes out of her bag. She pulled her tunic over her head, pulled her breeches up and tied them, slipped on her boots and dashed for the door again.

"O.K. I'm ready to go."

"Let's not keep them waiting." Ambien said as he slipped his arm around her waist.

"You didn't sleep again last night did you?" She asked as they came to the stairs.

"Not very well. I had a lot on my mind last night."

"I keep having the same dream. The one about my parents."

"It will go away someday. Try not to let it bother you. I'm sorry you were there when it happened and you had to see it. You and your sister survived out of pure will to live. You should be happy for that."

"I am. I just wish I didn't have to relive it every night now when I go to bed. I wonder why I have this dream now and I didn't have it earlier in life."

"The baby is probably waking these dreams in your life. The body goes through great changes during pregnancy. This is probably just one of the joys of being a mother." He said with laughter in his voice. Atona didn't see anything funny about it.

"It's about time you decide to get up lass. We were thinking we were going to have to start checking for poisons. I suppose the wee one there is to blame for you sleeping so late however. You never were one to let the sun get too high in the sky without you to enjoy it." Balfor said coming over to her and putting his hand on her belly. He looked like a proud grandfather.

"Balfor, I have never told you just how much you look like your father have I. I should have, you look more like him everyday. The baby is what makes me sleep later. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, I will try harder next time to tell the baby it is time for me to get up with the roosters." She said as she hugged and kissed his cheek. She could see his face blushing underneath all the whiskers of his beard and mustache.

"Now, that's enough get yourself something to eat so we can get this day going." He grumbled as he walked away. Atona grabbed her some rolls, sausage, and an apple, and headed over to where Jaden was standing watching someone. She couldn't tell whom he was watching until she stood next to him. He was watching Andrianna talk to some of the elves.

"A pretty sight isn't it."

"What? What's a pretty sight?" He asked

"A pretty lady talking so carefree to her friends."

"Yeah she is. I mean it is a good sight." He said as color rose to his cheeks.

"Caught you didn't I. I knew you liked her from the time you laid eyes on her Jaden. All you have to do is tell her. Everyone else knows."

"I can't it wouldn't be right." He said turning towards me. "I mean, I'm sorry Atona."

Noticing the hurt that must have shown in her eyes when he refused to let himself love someone. The thing of it was, yes she was elven and he was human. Yes, that was not highly looked upon, it was absolutely unheard of in a royal family. There he was loving someone and refusing to let that love come to him when he wasn't even in line for the throne yet. Ambien on the other hand was in line for the throne. If someone was going to be happy Atona was hopping he would take the opportunity and at least make himself and Andrianna happy.

"What's the long face about Atona." a cheerful voice said bringing her back from her thoughts.

"Nothing. I was just thinking how good you two would look dancing with each other at the Winter Festival. Has this lug asked you yet?" Atona asked with a grin on her face.

"No, he hasn't. I'm sure he has just been too busy to think about asking someone right in front of him." Andrianna stated with humor in her voice. She wasn't going to let him off the hook now that she knew he liked her.

"Don't look at me like that. You were the one standing here watching her too scared to ask. So I spared you the trouble. Now all you have to do is get dressed tomorrow night." Atona said, walking away. She walked over to the others and looked at some diagrams, and maps with them, helping them get the general plan down. They headed out to the fields after managing to agree on what exactly everyone was going to be doing for the day.

She was in charge of making sure the holes were all the right size and laid in the right position. Jaden was in charge of making sure the end caps of the piping were on tight and the release valves were open so the water could flow. Ambien was in charge of the pipes that went into the water and the fish screens on the end to keep them from swimming up stream. Balfor was there to make sure all the pipes fit together properly and if anything needed changing he could tell the dwarves how it needed to work.

Everyone was working hard and in good spirits all day which made the day go by faster and the work get done. The sun was finally starting to go down, when they put the last of the pipes in the water. The water flowed through them and to the fields just like it was supposed to. It flowed down the first pipe and started to trickle out the little holes all along the pipe watering the small plants that were planted there. It was wonderful to watch the ground soak up the water, that it so badly needed. They all shouted for joy as the water reached the end of the fields. They started to pick up the tools and head back into the elven village. They seen a rider on a horse head straight for them as fast as he could. All of their hearts sank in unison. They all looked at each other and had the look of fear and uncertainty in their faces.