
Athena into the Multiverse

What if you are given another chance after death, the chance to live again, starting anew and that without forgetting who you are. Many would certainly pay any price to have such a chance. Such a chance, Athena a young girl with a dark and mysterious past received it after dying and having her soul wanders to a place it should have never been. Upon receiving such an opportunity, Athena chooses to head off towards the Anime multiverse filled with places she always dreams of exploring and where she sought to dominate all with her knowledges and cheats. Follow her as she went from word to word saving Damsel in distress, messing up with Heroes and making Villains doubt the sense of their existence.

Driftingleaf · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Welcome to Konoha

That day, as usual, the village of Konoha woke up with the sun bathing it in its warmth and splendor. As they woke up, the inhabitants of Konoha, Ninja, and normal one went on with their usual tasks. Two of such villagers were Izumo and Kotetsu that went on with their duty as guards of the gate of Konoha. Currently, both of the chunin level ninjas were standing lazily in front of the immense Konoha gates.

 Being a guard was a boring job, all they did was stand from morning to night while looking at people going in and out of the village. Nothing ever happens, it wasn't like there were many people crazy enough to look for trouble in Konoha, one of the five great ninjas village.

Unbeknownst to them, that day was not going to be a normal one. Even though nobody would be coming to create trouble, they were going to meet a unique person that would for one make they day much brighter and for two change the destiny of the village completely.

"Yawwwn, Izumo I'm too bored, come let's go and rest a little." Kotetsu said to his best friend.

" You should focus Kotetsu, even though nothing ever happens in the village since we are in peacetime, our jobs as guards are not any less important." Izumi replied, scolding his friends.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, you are no fun." Kotetsu replied as he rested his back against the door frame and closed his eyes.

It wasn't even 5 minutes since he started resting that he heard the voice of his friends that was calling for him.

" Hey Kotetsu, wake up and look at that. Seems that we got an unusual situation today." Izumi said seemingly disturbed by something.

"Ah, seriously?" Kotetsu asked as he begrudgingly opened his eyes and looked at what his friend was trying to show him, his lazy expression immediately vanishing and being replaced by a stunned one when he saw it.

"What in the hell happened to that girl?" Kotetsu said as he instantly dashed forwards.

On the road leading to the Konoha, under the morning sun, a young girl was walking hesitantly as she looked at her surrounding with confusion, her behavior showing that she was lost. When they looked at the girl more carefully they couldn't help but feel pity for her after seeing her sorry appearance.

The face of the young girl was filled with dirt completely hiding her look. Her hairs were messy and bloody with plenty of leaves stuck in them. Her whole body was covered with wounds and she was limping.  As for the dress she was wearing if it could be even called one, it was completely shredded and dirty and it looked like it could fall off her at any time.

Coming, to the side of the young girl, Kotetsu immediately reached towards her. The moment he touched her, she seemed to lose all her strength as she collapsed in his arms while letting a word out. 'Mother'.

By the time Izumo that was more cautious than Kotetsu had also reached the scene. Looking at the collapsed girl that was in his friend's arms he asked. " So what are we going to do?"

"Isn't it obvious? We are going to help her. While I take her to the hospital you will go to the forest and see if she is alone." Kotetsu replied as she dashed towards Konoha without waiting for his friend's answer.

"That blockhead, he didn't even listen to me. What if all that was a trap? Damn it." Izumo muttered as he hesitantly went towards the forest.

What the two of them didn't know was that they had indeed been fooled by the young girl. Fortunately for them, she didn't have any bad intentions.

Some times ago, a little farther in the forest surrounding Konoha the same girl the two chunins rescued in front of the gates had magically appeared out of thin air, but this time around she was spotless and was not as pitiful as she would be a few moments later.

Indeed that young girl is the same girl that was discussing with that mysterious voice some time ago.

"Damn it, that guy didn't even say goodbye before sending me off. It was almost like he was trying to get rid of me. Where did she even send me?" The young girl said as she looked around her curiously. The answer didn't take long to come as the mysterious voice sounded once again.

"Child if you are hearing this message that means that you have safely reached your first anime world. Congratulations."

"Err wait don't tell me there was a chance for things to screw up. " the young girl snapped when she heard the first.

" Yes, there was a chance for things to go wrong but not much, but even if they did, I had an emergency plann ready. And, No, I'm not here, it was easy to guess you would ask such a question. So from now on don't interrupt me anymore. " the voice continued.

'Ah damn, he was messing with me. But just wait one day I'll pay you back.' The young girl tough

"First thing, since you are taking a new start, I guess you would not want your old name anymore so I took the liberty of giving you one like you did with me. From now on you will be Athena Inane.

Second, the world you are currently in is the Ninja world where the Naruto series takes place. I send you more or less 1 year before the story officially starts. You shouldn't be too far from Konoha right now.

Third, about the boons, you asked me to grant you. I won't talk about them in here. I had put all the knowledge about them in my head. You just have to think about them and you'll know everything you want.

Lastly, an important point I had to mention is that if you want to leave a world you have to become the most powerful person in the said world.

That's it. Good luck with your venture. Don't die too soon."

After listening to the voice monologue, Athena could resume things like this.  She was currently in the Ninja world, she still didn't know what her cheats are but she could just so just by looking through her memori,es and to leave this world she would need to become the person above all. Simple, right?

While she was damn curious about what her cheats were, she put looking through them for later when she would be somewhere more comfortable. For the moment she had to think of a way to enter Konoha and become a members of the village.

She knew that as long as she could meet Hiruzen she would easily fool that dumb old man and stay in Konoha. But for that she would need to enter Konoha first.  After thinking for a minute of thinking she finally thought of the play she would put in front of the gates some times later. Play that we already know would be successful since she managed to enter Konoha.