
ATG: King James' Conquests (Multiversal Summoning System)

An arrogant yet highly talented, handsome and charming student who has fallen off a cliff due to his life crumbling apart takes his talents to the ATG verse (somewhat unwillingly) as a prince of the Blue Wind Empire. Self-proclaimed King James has the choice between passing by life as a relatively insignificant individual and enjoying some luxuries... or carving a name for himself and claiming the sky for himself. Of course, he could never live with being insignificant. Instead, he finds that this new world has plenty of treasures worthy of conquering! And so, with the aid of his King's System which allows him to summon characters across the multiverse, he sets out on the humble ambition of conquering the Universe and all her booty! Tags: Weak to OP MC, guns, massive harem (this is a 100%), seggs, Mudae rolling, blacksmithing, Kingdom building, plotting, wars, chaotic-neutral MC, a bit of romance, character development For advanced chapters (5) my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev To keep 100% up to date (8 chapters in advance) and vote on future stories, my pat reon: pat reon.com/SovereignOfHeaven

SovereignOfHeaven · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs

King's Resolve

"Keep… dreaming."

Yun Wuxin countered as I raised myself up. She looked up at me with a rather defiant look on her face.

"You're just a little boy."

"A… little boy?" I chuckled, "Yeah, right." 

"My father… would flatten you like an ant."

"Where's he at?" I smiled, looking around. Then, my eyes landed on his hanging corpse. "Ooooooh… right. Doesn't look like he'll be doing anything."

"You know what I meant."

"You mean a grown-ass man would be able to beat a fourteen-year-old? No waaay. Shocking."

"... It doesn't matter if you were a hundred, a thousand or a million years old. You still wouldn't be strong enough." 

"Now you're just dickeating your dad." I raised an eyebrow. "Is there some form of incest going on that I don't know about?"

"... Of course not." Yun Wuxin looked offended that I even suggested such a thing.

"Get off your knees already."

She finally stood up again, towering over me by a few inches. Up close she looked a lot taller. Then again… I was still a growing boy.

"Come with me." I put my hands behind my back. "I'd like to smoothen things out a little with you."

"That's so unfair." Beatrice remarked, crossing her arms. "Despite being a bitch, she gets my liege's attention. She doesn't even deserve to be here."

"Don't be jealous, Triss." I chuckled.

I led Yun Wuxin further away and she stopped where Yun Che was hanged. I watched her cut him down. Then, she proceeded to bury him without my instruction. She made a hole in the ground with a single swing of her sword.

"You know, that isn't his real body, right? This whole realm, my throneroom, represents my progress as King and is a place for all my vassals to gather."

She didn't reply and dropped his body in before filling that hole. 

"If it helps, I wasn't the one to kill him."

"Your desires did."

"My desires?" 

"You have an insatiable appetite and your vassal acted upon it." 

"Insatiable? I just wanted some treasures. Never mind that… it seems that you know what happened." I stroked my chin. "Before your appearance, how much did you learn about me?"


"I love having privacy," I spoke with a sarcastic tone. "Though, I don't believe you. Answer my questions to the best of your ability… what's my favourite colour?"


"Lucky guess." I smiled slightly. "Second favourite?"


"Wrong, it's crimson." I chuckled. "What do I like doing most in my free time?"


"Wrong again. It's football. Speaking of, what's the football club I support?"

"... Manchester United."

Hearing that name after so long sounded weird, especially with the accent.

"So you do know something." I stroked my chin. "How many lives have I lived?"


"Three." I lied on purpose.

"Liar. I know for certain it's two."

"Just making sure." I chuckled. "How many girls have I slept with in total?"


"You're just guessing." I raised an eyebrow. "Seems that you don't know everything, after all."

"It's more than that, isn't it?" Yun Wuxin scoffed. "You seem like that type of person."

"Don't act like you know me… when, really, you have no idea." 

I narrowed my eyes for a moment. 

"Anyway… the guy who died wasn't your father, so you shouldn't care too much. He was just the crippled Xiao Che. Your real father is in whatever timeline you got dragged out of."

"If your mother existed in this world and she was killed, how would you feel?" Yun Wuxin questioned, glaring at me. "I don't think you'd be quite so nonchalant."

"If you said my first life's father, I would be. Hell, I'd kill him myself," I remarked. "Though… I do understand where you're coming from. It is what it is. I'll be honest: what happened did benefit me and I do not regret it. You are a lot more valuable than he would have been."

"... Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Yun Wuxin turned away.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Probably not. I'm not a good person… I never really was."

"I do not care." 

She started walking away.

"... How rude. Where are you even going, anyway?"

"Away from you."

"Are you scared of getting attached to me?" I remarked, smiling slightly.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"The line between hate and love is quite thin," I remarked. "Turn around, Wuxin. I'm not done talking to you."

"... What do you even want from me?" Yun Wuxin frowned.

"You're a clever girl, aren't you? Take a guess."

"The power of the Heretic God?"

"Mhm. I don't know too much about it… but the power of a God must be quite great, no?"

"You can order me around as much as you like… but that's the one thing you will never get." She grinned ever so slightly. "Your authority does not control one's emotions - only the body. If I refuse to bond with you, there's absolutely nothing you can do."

Showing some attitude? Heh.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, sweetheart. I'm being nice to you and all you're really doing is spitting in my face." I smirked a little, closing my eyes for a moment. "I never gave such an order before… but I can't help but wonder, how far does my authority over your body extend?"

"..." Given her stupefied expression, I think she knew what I was thinking.

"I'm a curious young man, after all… why don't you come over and give me a sweet kiss?"

Even though she hesitated for a moment, it seemed pointless. She flashed before me and bent slightly, grabbing my face. My body was certainly feeling some type of way.

"... Stop." 

I spoke right as she was about to press her lips against mine… yet she had done so regardless.

Right after, she shuddered away. I wiped my mouth, raising an eyebrow.

Did she just ignore my order? Or was she struggling so much with the first that the 'stop' flew over her head?


"What about me? I did say stop, didn't I? Almost twice, even." I blinked, tilting my head. "Sigh… I, a mere fourteen-year-old boy, have been sexually assaulted by a fully grown woman. My first kiss, stolen. What am I going to do? My life is ruined… I'm traumatised."

"Sexually assaulted?" Yun Wuxin scoffed. "You gave the order… I… can't believe you. You're even worse than I thought."

"Well, at least we both know how far I could really go with my authority. If I were a truly devious man… I could do a lot with you." I remarked, shrugging my shoulders. "Fortunately for you, my mother raised quite the gentleman."

"You might just make me laugh saying such things."

"I'd like to see that. It would be a good change of pace from your serious and angry expression." I remarked, raising my hand to touch the side of her face. "For that matter, I'd like to see you smile. I'd imagine you'd be even more beautiful than you already are."

She slapped my hand away.

"You're wasting your breath."

"Heh…" I chuckled as she turned away from me once again. "You'll get lines on your forehead from frowning so much. Cheer up, sweetheart."


She kept walking away. Though, really, she wouldn't get anywhere. 

I do like teasing her…

She's fun. 

After that, I looked inside the green portal. Upon contact, I was taken to what looked like another inner world. There was nothing in it except a red-haired girl who slept on the ground. I walked over to take a closer look.

She looked incredibly cute yet pretty young, probably even younger than me… but why was she here? Was that Xiao Che fella a predator? 

I poked her face. 

She looked sound asleep.

Guess I'll get some answers when she wakes up…

'System, what are these two items I've gained from Yun Che and what can they do?'

[King's System: The Mirror of Samsara is one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures, ranked last due to its mysterious ways. Its main capabilities include reincarnation and manipulating destiny to turn in its user's favour.]

'Xiao Che was a reincarnator like me?'

[King's System: Indeed. As for the Sky Poison Pearl, it is another Profound Heavenly Treasure and is ranked fifth. Its abilities are more convenient. For one, it can cure all poison under the heavens.]


[King's System: It also has the ability of absolute purification. With it, you can easily open profound entrances and refine medical pellets with 100% effectiveness. Even without any experience, your ability to manipulate medical energy would be unsurpassed with it.]

'What in the world…'

[King's System: It has infinite inner storage space and can sense precious rare medical herbs, flashing a light in their direction. It can also perfectly harvest medical herbs and keep them in perfect condition indefinitely. Nothing here goes bad, essentially.]

'... Mannnn.' I chuckled. 'God Bless that Yun Che lad, wherever he is. But it's called the Sky Poison Pearl, right? Where's the poison?'

[King's System: The Sky Poison Pearl was split in two due to certain circumstances. Your current version is the one without its truly lethal poison. You must obtain the other half and merge it with your own to access its powerful poison. Even so, it has some poison in it currently… though it's hardly anything useful.]

Wuxin might have an idea…

'So, these Profound Heavenly Treasures. I've never heard of any of them. Just how heavenly are they?'

[King's System: Very. They are the finest tools in the entire Universe. All else pales in comparison.]

'... The entire Universe?'

[King's System: Yes.]

'And this guy just had two of them on him, in some random minor city?'

[King's System: Yes… you see, he was meant to be the main character.]

'The main character?' I chuckled. 'No wonder… it's too bad there can only be one. Though, can't he come back because of the Mirror? You did say something about reincarnation.''

[King's System: Due to it being recently used, its powers of reincarnation are depleted at this time.]

'In that case, I would be the so-called 'main character' now?'

[King's System: My liege, do not act as if you did not consider yourself the centre of the universe from the beginning.]

'Heh… you know me too well.'

Enderman was cooking. I'm never, ever, doubting him ever again. Speaking of… I should say sorry.

The first thing I did was look for him but he was nowhere to be found. More accurately, he was avoiding me on purpose. I decided to give up and give him time to get over it.

Grown-ass Enderman acting like a kid…

I opened my eyes to the real world and looked around. Nothing changed while I was looking inside of myself. I called upon Beatrice and Itachi before returning to the Floating Cloud City. It was a nice place to walk through during the night. All the city's lights made it seem like it was still awake.

Casually, I looked around and bought some stuff that interested me. From all my travels, I had learned of countless medical herbs and valuable items. My knowledge of current prices was pretty good, allowing me to make a decent amount of money just trading on the side.

Now that I had the Sky Poison Pearl… I was a bit more greedy when it came to collecting medical herbs. Some things were decently cheap so I bought them. However, most of the prices were downright scams that would put Indians to shame. The bigger cities where better resources were more plentiful naturally had more favourable prices across the board.

While walking, I stumbled upon the Floating Cloud City's locally famed 'Heavenly Fragrant House'. The Eighteen Flower Pavvilions of the Blue Wind Imperial City blew it out of the water in every aspect… at least, from the outside. I didn't bother with entering any brothels.

"Your Highness… it's such a pleasure to-"

When one of the women standing outside the brothel tried to approach me, Beatrice blocked her. 

"You'd do well to walk away." Beatrice smiled slightly. "My liege has no interest in you or your establishment."

"My apologies."

We kept walking.

"You don't need to speak for me, Triss." I remarked. 

"I was saving you the trouble." Beatrice smiled, turning to me. "Isn't that the duty of every vassal? To make your life easier. Sometimes… you should leave the heavy lifting to us and just relax a little."

"I wouldn't quite consider telling a sex worker to get out of the way heavy-lifting."

"That includes the light lifting, I suppose..." She shrugged.

Beatrice stepped closer to me. After a moment of silence, she continued.

"If only you'd let me… I could help you with anything that weighs you down." 

"I appreciate your loyalty." I smiled slightly. "Really, you have no obligation to have those feelings for me."

"How could I not fall for such a remarkable man? In everything you do, you put forth your heart and soul. Where others would have settled, you go further and further. Your determination, commitment and focus to achieving your goals… how could you ever be denied? Even if you were, you would continue striving until you made all your dreams come to fruition."

"Is that a confession, Triss?" 

"Of course. I love you, my liege." She stepped in front of me and I looked into her blue eyes. "And, one day, I'll make you love me too. You won't ever need anyone else."

"..." I walked past her. "You're asking for too much."

"You can be so heartless sometimes…"

[You feel your bond with Beatrice strengthen.]

You don't need to talk for me either, System.

[King's System: It is compulsory, my liege. Forgive me.]

When we returned to the inn, I found that the disciples and Long Bu were already asleep from drinking. I wasn't too mad since I was the one who told them to do so. I entered my room and dismissed Beatrice, leaving just me and Itachi. He stood at the door like some kind of bodyguard.

Seriously, this guy was silent as a mouse. 

I fell into my bed and relaxed on my back. We were both in a distant part of the Throneroom the next moment.

"Itachi… you're a guy, obviously." I looked at him. "Have you ever loved a girl? Or woman, in your case."

"I did, once," Itachi replied with a solemn tone. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had been through a lot.

"I did, too." I nodded. "The highs are incredible… but, when it all slips away, nothing except a hole in one's heart remains. A hole that cannot be filled by another. I'm… not perfect, of course. I have an obsessive nature. When I want something, I stop at nothing to attain it and when I have it - I want to keep it."

"Perhaps… that's why she pushed me away." I closed my eyes. "After my mother died, she was my one comfort in the world. I grew reliant and spent every moment I could by her side. Inevitably… it seems that she grew tired of me. I'd guess it doesn't help that I'm a complete dickhead, either."

Itachi was a good listener, giving me as much space to talk as I wanted. I guess that's ideal for a chatterbox like me.

"Charming as I might be, she had her own ambitions to seek… and those ambitions did not align with mine."

"So she separated herself from you," Itachi remarked. "Even so, it sounds like you could still have reached her in the future if you tried."

"... Maybe I could have." I sighed. "I was a mess before I got here. Nothing seemed to be going right for me. I… needed something. Someone."

"But… no one was there. It was just me."

"As time goes on, you realise that the only person you can truly control is yourself, " Itachi stated, walking closer to me. "You cannot force love onto another. The harder you try, the further they will step away."

"Perhaps… all you two needed was time and space. Perhaps it was not meant to be at all." Itachi sat down next to me. "I do not know of your bond with her so I cannot judge it. Even so… it seems that you seek a proper resolution or else that pain, the hole in your heart, will persist."

"A proper resolution…" I sighed. "Yet, she is truly unreachable now. We are universes apart."

"Then… the resolution must come from within." Itachi looked at me. "Seek a way to fill that hole rather than conceal it and deny its existence. Denial will only keep you from stepping forward."

"..." I looked at him, managing a smile. "I'm glad to have summoned you."

This guy is too good… is he a part-time therapist?

"You gained my respect when you chose to fight with your words rather than a sword." Itachi remarked, standing up. "I will do what I can to fulfil my duty to you. That is the reason why I exist as I am now. But, during my time as your subject… I have only one request."

"... That is?"

Itachi stood up.

"Realise that a true King does not crown himself, for he is already crowned by those around him."

"... Sure." I watched him walk away. "What about your first? You didn't say how it all ended."

[You feel your bond with Itachi Uchiha strengthen.]

He turned back to me, his red eyes with three comas transforming into one single symbol. Under the dark light of my realm, they glowed with power. I didn't feel intimidated but I'd imagine many would under his gaze.

"I killed her with these eyes."

He closed them and they returned to normal.

"... Why?" 

"The greater good does not always coincide with one's desires, James."

"So you sacrificed the one you loved for the 'greater good'?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes… and I would have done it again." 

"..." I stood up. "But that's not the only person you sacrificed, right?"

"... Yes," Itachi admitted. "For peace, I sacrificed my entire clan…"


I was caught off guard by that. This guy is… different.

"I suppose we'd be opposites," I said, shaking my head. "I'd sooner sacrifice the world than myself."

"Then… how could you call yourself 'King'?"

He flashed away, leaving me to my thoughts.

How could I call myself King…

Does a King serve his people or do the people serve their King?

I always believed in the latter.

But… the former seemed just as true, the more I thought about it.

I opened my eyes to the real world and turned to the green imprint on my hand. I swept my palm across all of my profound entrances, feeling them open one after the other. I previously had thirty-five which was another reason for others to call me a heavenly talent… but, with all fifty-four entrances open… I was going to blow my previous progression rate out of the water.

I contemplated doing the same for my elder and two accompanying disciples…

I knew those disciples couldn't keep their mouths shut, however. 

At the same time… I could earn an egregious amount of fame, which would carry risks too.

I needed some kind of benefactor. One that could ensure my protection over forces far greater than the Blue Wind Empire.


Inevitably, I'll have to broaden my horizons after the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament.

For now… I must ensure my victory.


After only one day, James and his entourage left the Floating Cloud City. Given that his fame had reached a high enough point, he didn't see a use in continuing his tour. Instead, he focused solely on his cultivation by going around and purchasing all the ingredients he could with his money along the way to the Blue Wind Imperial City.

Once there, he retired to his personal cultivation chamber without speaking to anyone else.

"Circe, I want you to cook." James looked at her. "You said you were good at making potions, right? Pellets aren't all too different."

She smiled slightly, her eyes glowing. "You were right to entrust this duty to me, master. No one else under your command could do half as good a job as me."

"Given your confidence, I expect results." 

"And you will have them. However, before I begin… I'd like to ask what you are seeking from these resources?"

"Strength. Whether it's cultivation strength, reinforcing my physical body, mind or even my affinity to the wind element. Anything that gives me an edge… without any crazy side effects, of course."

"Like turning into a pig?"

"Like… turning into a pig." James nodded, chuckling. "Yeah, that would not be ideal."

"I'll do my best for you, master."

"Also… do you have access to the Sky Poison Pearl?"

"Through my connection to you, yes." She nodded as a green imprint appeared on her hand.

"Perfect. With that, you can maximise the efficiency of anything you make."

After that, he went inside his Throneroom. He acknowledged his lack of combat ability and decided to rectify that. Saru looked at him with crossed arms.

"Everyone, get your asses over here." James gathered his vassals further away from his throne, except Circe and Yogg who remained in his lake. "Given our new additions, I have decided to stage a double-elimination tournament to decide which three of you are the most worthy to accompany me in the real world."

"Oh, this is going to be fun." Saru grinned.

"First up, Saru versus Itachi. You may begin whenever."


Saru attacked Itachi immediately, who didn't even bother raising his hands. It looked like he was about to be torn to shreds by her sword's fangs… but, alas, she fell to the ground after making eye contact with his Sharingan.

She was fully unconscious.

"..." James blinked with surprise. 'I knew he was strong, but that strong…? They're supposed to be equals in terms of profound strength but their powers are on a whole different plane…'

Itachi walked back to James' side without saying anything.

"After talking so much trash, she gets bodied like that," James remarked, smiling a little. "Oh well, someone go pick her up."

Dehya went over and took her away to the side.

'System… what happens if a vassal is severely wounded here?' James thought.

[King's System: In the case of a vassal sustaining great injuries or even dying in the throneroom, they restore themselves rather quickly. However, if they sustain severe wounds in the real world, it takes longer depending on the severity. In the case of death… it will take a year, at the very least.]

'What if I sustain wounds in my inner world? Do they transfer over to my real body?'

[King's System: Partially. The physical wounds do not transfer but using your profound energy constantly will eventually tire your real body.]

'... Then training here would be more efficient?'

[King's System: Though that is not the main use of the Throneroom… yes, it could be used that way.]

"What are we waiting for?" Yun Wuxin remarked.

"Now, Enderman against Wuxin."

The moment James said 'begin', Yun Wuxin flashed forward and drew her blade. In an instant, Enderman was split in half… and then in half again… again… again… until over a hundred black boxes were lying on the ground. Then, she channelled her bloodline and Phoenix flames engulfed her blade. She swept it up against the ground, scorching every mince-meat piece of Enderman until nothing was left.

"Wow… that one was personal." James remarked, observing her flames. 'And those flames… that shape- could it be?'

"Senjumaru versus Dehya." James kept note of her flames, moving on. "Let's see what my first summon is capable of."

"Alright, let's do this!"

Senjumaru stood still while Dehya charged at her. Flames engulfed Dehya's fists as she punched Senjumaru, who simply floated to the side like a ghost. Dehya replied with a fire-engulfed kick, missing again. Senjumaru weaved her needle in an instant.

One blink apart, James saw Dehya collapse to the floor as a dozen spikes had impaled her from within her clothes. Senjumaru had partially remade Dehya's outfit… hence the result.


"Are you impressed by my display?" Senjumaru smiled, covering her mouth. "My King, this is but a small display of my power. If only you would put more trust in me… I would be even more powerful."

"I might have to."

"It's my turn." Beatrice smiled. "I'll make short work of that machine."

… That, she did. Beatrice effortlessly dismantled Natuica with the slightest touch. In the loser's bracket, Enderman had been restored and went up against Saru. Despite his teleportation abilities, Enderman couldn't match Saru's fighting prowess and was torn to shreds.

As for the fight between Dehya and Nautica, Dehya showed she was a superior fighter with her destructive flames, fighting instincts and speed. Nautica did not seem too passionate about winning, either.

'She isn't Optimus Prime, that's for sure.' James thought with a tone of disappointment.

All the higher-seeded vassals proved their worth, living up to their higher rarities. In the second round, it was Yun Wuxin against Itachi and Senjumaru against Beatrice. Golds against rainbows.

James used his authority to ensure that everyone fought at their best.

And so, the first fight of the second round began with Itachi using his Genjutsu again.

Yun Wuxin was only temporarily phased by Itachi's genjutsu, breaking out as she channelled the Heretic God's berserk attribute by opening the first gate. Yun Wuxin drew her blade and confronted Itachi directly, who seemed to be only dodging at first. However, he was eventually caught lacking and Yun Wuxin further increased her damage by adding Phoenix flames to her striking blow.

With his left arm burned, Itach withdrew and dropped a smoke bomb. Yun Wuxin dispersed all of the smoke with a single slash and found him immediately… or rather, three Itachi's. He had performed the Shadow Clone Jutsu while she couldn't see, creating two perfect clones.

Yun Wuxin raised an eyebrow.

'He can do that?' James watched with interest, his eyes glued to both fighters.

Two clones charged forward, confronting Yun Wuxin while the real Itachi ran closer to the lake. Yun Wuxin made short work of the clones with two swift slashes before using Phoenix flames once again.

"Phoenix Flames Sears the Heavens!"

A mighty wave of Phoenix flames crashed into Itachi… who split into multiple crows.

'This guy is fucking amazing.' James' eyes lit up. 'Even with a clear disadvantage in all physical attributes, he's practically toying with her.'

"..." Yun Wuxin frowned, looking around. When she next blinked, Itachi appeared right behind her with a kunai to her throat.

"I've won." Itachi spoke with an indifferent tone.

"Burning Field."

Phoenix flames erupted from the ground, burning everything around Yun Wuxin. Once again, Itachi turned into nothing but a bunch of crows that burned away.

"... How annoying." Yun Wuxin's expression was one of irritation. "Where is the real you?"

Itachi stood in front of the lake, performing countless hand signs rapidly.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

The water from Yogg's lake erupted, forming a dragon which surged straight towards Yun Wuxin. Exhausted, Yun Wuxin sent forward a phoenix Arrow to disperse the Water Dragon and succeeded - splitting it. Even so… it splashed all over her and sent the woman to the ground.

Itachi drew several shurikens from his pouch and threw them forward, enlarging them as they approached Yun Wuxin. She raised her sword and blocked most of them while the one that struck her did little to no damage.

Visibly, Itachi began to look tired.

Yun Wuxin saw this as a sign of weakness and decided to finish the fight in an instant - opening Burning Heart, the second gate.

Itachi had his chest pierced in an instant and dropped to the floor.

Only after tripling her profound energy was Yun Wuxin able to overcome him.

"You've shown your lack of experience, Wuxin." James remarked, stroking his chin. "If you were equals physically, Itachi would fold you."

'He didn't use those stronger eyes, either…'

"Hmph, I wouldn't have even fought in this stupid tournament if you hadn't forced me to." Yun Wuxin sheathed her sword. "Now you complain about my performance?"

"Seems like you were raised as a spoiled little princess." 

"I was not." 

"Well, you fight like it." James countered, shrugging his shoulders. "Have you had a serious fight in your life?"

"... Have you?"

"Yes, plenty. I get into fights all the time given the jealousy of others." James sighed. "Nevertheless, you changed the subject. You could be far stronger if you properly used your abilities."

"To your benefit, of course." Yun Wuxin added.

"You need to fix your attitude, young lady." James shook his head. "Whatever benefits me, benefits you as well. You live to serve me."

Yun Wuxin looked away without a word.

'I'll get to her, eventually.'

Senjumaru versus Beatrice ended in an instant.

Beatrice froze Senjumaru still and turned her into a skeleton.

"Oops." Beatrice covered her mouth. "Did I do too much, 'first summon'?"

In the following loser rounds, Senjumaru and Itachi quickly destroyed their respective opponents. 

The first clash between the rainbow summons began right after.

"Though the System would consider us on the same level… that would hardly be true." Beatrice's lips curled into a devilish smile. "You are nothing but an insolent, foolish, woman who pales in comparison to me for many reasons. The greatest of these reasons is that you do not embrace my liege while I do so wholeheartedly."

"Are you done talking?" 

"Yes… proceed. Show me your inferiority." Beatrice looked down on Yun Wuxin. 

"Falling Moon Sinking Star!"

Yun Wuxin drew her sword and opened Burning Heart immediately, flashing forward. She aimed to finish her in an instant… slashing the witch with the Heretic God's first style. An invisible barrier had emerged in front of Beatrice, blocking the mighty blow for a good while… albeit cracking and breaking under Yun Wuxin's monstrous strength eventually.

"You've lost already." Yun Wuxin remarked as she slashed further down, cutting into Beatrice's shoulder.

"Is that all you have to offer?"

Beatrice froze Yun Wuxin and stepped to the side casually.

A second letter, Yun Wuxin looked around confused.

"Behind you." Beatrice chuckled. The cut on her shoulder had healed already. "You're beginning to age, little girl."

Yun Wuxin frowned slightly and observed the growing wrinkles on her hand.

"Ah, where has your confidence gone?"

Yun Wuxin charged at her again and Beatrice turned into a swarm of golden butterflies, evading every strike. With each passing moment, she seemed to age more and more. In one last ditch effort, she opened the Purgatory gate and immediately used the Heretic God's third style.



She had a heart attack mid-way, collapsing to the ground. Her remaining profound energy had exploded in front of Beatrice, wounding her greatly. Even so, she recovered rather easily.

"Oh my, what a passionate roar." Beatrice chuckled, kicking her face. "You were a bit late, however.

"Decimating EA?" James raised an eyebrow, chuckling to himself. "EA sports?"

"She didn't get to finish her sentence, unfortunately."

"We're close to the end." James smiled. "Let's wrap this up."

The fight between Itachi and Senjumaru was one of them constantly trying to one-up the other. Since Itachi kept his distance, Senjumaru wasn't able to weave his clothes as often as she'd have liked to… and when she did, it was but an illusion. Itachi ultimately won when he used his Mangekyou Sharingan for a brief moment and incapacitated her with Tsukiyomi. 

"Alright… Beatrice is the champion." James decided.

"What?" Yun Wuxin frowned slightly. "It's double elimination, isn't it? Why is she suddenly champion?"

"Because you've already beaten Itachi and Beatrice folded you before. There's no use in the following rounds." James rolled his eyes. "Nothing would've changed."

"No, the result would've been different if I used the third gate from the beginning."

"Oh, really?" James chuckled. "Didn't you say that you didn't care about this 'stupid tournament?'"

"... You made me care, that's all." Yun Wuxin crossed her arms. "Honestly, I don't. It's whatever."

"That's what I thought."

"So, Itachi, Wuxin and Beatrice… you are all the starters." James glanced at the lake. "I'm not taking a death god with me on a normal day out, respectfully."

"Souls… I hunger…" Yogg-Saron remained in his lake. "I hungeeeer…"

'It seems that the rarities are accurate to a vassal's usefulness. Grey < Green < Blue < Red < Gold < Rainbow < Black… at least, that's how it looks like.' James stroked his chin as he thought to himself. 'Beatrice completely outclasses Wuxin as things are but Wuxin has only scraped her true potential. As for Itachi and Senjumaru, it looks like they both have a lot of their true power locked.'

'I'll need to bond with my vassals more.'

"Do I get a special prize for getting first place?" Beatrice looked at James.

"What would you like?" James questioned. 'Didn't have one in mind but why not reward one for their abilities? Besides… she did humble Wuxin.'

"Accompany you in your sleep - platonically, of course. Nothing s-word related."

"... Sure." James shrugged. "I guess it would be warmer."

Beatrice smiled. "You are too kind, my liege."

"I know." James turned to Saru. "That sword is technically you, isn't it?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Saru questioned.

"That means I can use it." James grinned slightly. "I do like its shape… it's perfect for tearing into things and seems to be able to extend at will."

"If you can beat me, I'll give myself to you." Saru placed her sword on her shoulders, looking down at James. "But… I don't think you have the strength nor guts to face me."

"You think so, huh? Then you don't know me all that well." James drew his sword. "I'm the last person to cower from a challenge."

"Let's see, then."

Everyone stepped aside and let the two clash.

Zabimaru seemed far superior to the sword that James had picked from the royal armoury, shaking it with its presence alone. When the two blades clashed, James felt the weight of its strength and could hardly keep still for even a moment. With a second swing, Saru sent James back several a dozen metres.

"Wow…" James chuckled. "This isn't going to be easy."

They kept fighting for hours on end. While Saru wasn't exhausted at all, James kept putting his body through hell and pushing himself to the limit. The longer they fought, the more James improved and Saru realised this more with each clash.

After entire days of almost constant fighting, James had entered a 'zone' where he did not think and simply acted. For the first time, he was able to push back Saru despite his greatly inferior sword. He combined his wind element, sharp reflexes, memorisation and strategy to keep up with her. It was as if everytime she attacked him, he could look into her mind and predict everything she would do… without even thinking.

"You are a born fighter, a true genius…" Saru remarked. "One without a shred of fear or hesitation. One who can harness his inner fighting instincts. One with the determination and resolve to win, no matter the circumstances."

"One… who is worthy of my sword!"

"Say my name, King James…"



James' blade transformed into Zabimaru, extending to attack Saru's own Zabimaru.

"Well, you haven't beaten me yet… but you got what you wanted, right?" Saru chuckled, deflecting James' attack.

"I'm going to win." James' black eyes flashed blue for a moment. "I'm going to… WIN!"

"You're not tired yet?" Saru blinked.

As James raised Zabimaru, the light in his eyes vanished while the strength in his body faded. He had reached his true limit.

"... Oh." Saru chuckled. "Now you are."


Despite his battle taking place in his Inner World, James felt drained when he finally woke up. He took out some pellets and filled up his drained profound energy with some good ol' meditation. 

'The third stage of the Spirit Profound Realm already…' James smiled. 'This speed is ridiculous.'

After that, he went to look at the progress Circe had made.

"At first, I had to test the properties of these medical resources… so some pellets ended up as failures," Circe admitted, showing a box of the 'bad' eggs. "However, I've made plenty more that give you the desired benefits. Next time I'd do even better as there wouldn't nearly be as many mistakes."

"Hmm…" James inspected the pellets that Circe had made. She neatly organised them, a group for each purpose. He took one for profound strength.

"That one is the best one I've made so far, I think." Circe smiled. "You have a keen eye, master."

"Let's see…" James sat down and swallowed it, entering a meditative state to ensure that he refined everything. 

'Fourth stage…'

'Fifth stage…'

'Seventh stage…!'

James couldn't believe it. Of course, his cultivation was very shaky… but he was knocking on the late stages of the Spirit Profound Realm! 

"With these merely 'decent' resources… you've produced something so effective?" James raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes, master." Circe smiled, pointing at the box. "And there's plenty more where that came from-"

"You're bloody brilliant!" James hugged Circe, who blushed red as a tomato.


"I'm going to crush Ling Yun so bad his mother won't recognise him." James grinned, moving away from Circe. "Good work, Circe."

"It's my… greatest pleasure to serve." Circe nodded.

[You feel your bond with Circe strengthen.]

'That pellet alone would sell for a fucking fortune, even if you consider the effects of King's Fame… if I sold them, I'd gain more cash for more, superior, resources to make even better pellets. A perpetual cycle that leads me to the top…'

'I must thank you once more, Xiao Che!'

"Wuxin, get over here."

Yun Wuxin was summoned, raising an eyebrow as she appeared before him.

"What do you want?"

"You always ruin the mood with your bitchy attitude." James sighed, shaking his head. "I was going to hug you out of sheer joy-"

"I don't want a hug, let alone one from you."

"I'd call it a 'phase' but you're a grown woman. A bit too old to be acting like a teenager, eh?"


"I got some questions for you regarding those flames… but first, you're going to need a makeover." James stroked his chin. "Well, on the bright side, you already have a Chinese name so you can keep it. As for your public relation to me - do you want to be my girlfriend-"

"Hell no."

"Not even pretend?" James pouted slightly, acting cute.

"... No." Yun Wuxin looked away. "Then again, does it really matter what I want? You can tell me to do it anyway."

"You're no fun…" James sighed. "Alright, what do you want to act as? Some senior sister from a mysterious land who has witnessed my great talents and wishes to be a part of my great journey?"


"I take that as a yes." James chuckled, taking out a full veil which also had a mask. "Put this on."

"A veil… why?"

"I know how guys can be. This will avoid any problems… mostly." James shrugged. "You're just too hot for your own good. Consider it a compliment from me."


In the end, she put it on.

"Eh, that works."

James got himself looking nice and presentable with Senjumaru's weaving. After that, he brushed his hair nicely before summoning Itachi alongside Beatrice.

"My parents must be quite anxious to see me… I won't delay further. Let's get going."