
ATG: Heavenly Procrastinator

Rokas, after having an existential crisis, is reincarnated into the same world that he had spent countless hours writing about. Although he feels lost at first... he grows into his own and, step-by-step, becomes the person he had always wished to be. Tags: OP MC, Harem, Romance, Action, Neutral-Good to Chaotic Good MC, Character-development, Adventure, System, R-18, GUNDAMS (such wonderful profound weapons), Against the Gods, Author-insert Advanced chapters up to 66 are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev All of the current chapters are available on my pat: https://www.pat reon.com/SovereignOfHeaven

SovereignOfHeaven · Bücher und Literatur
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63 Chs


If Xia Qingyue was interested in Rokas before, she was beyond fascinated now. His stellar growth, heaven-defying abilities, divine legacies and 'knowledge'… it truly seemed like he'd be the first one in Blue Pole Star's history to reach the Realm of the Gods (and rather quickly at that). This realisation led to her making more of an effort to befriend him. On the other end, Rokas didn't feel as awkward talking to her anymore. After all… she was the one starting most of the conversations and seemingly listening in on every word that he spoke. 

The night after Rokas completed his trial, Cang Yue wanted to get intimate but Rokas stopped her, hesitating slightly.

"What's wrong?" She asked, blinking with a look of surprise.

"Well… you see, when I took the Primordial Azure Dragon's complete inheritance, I was reborn as a proper dragon. Which means that I now have something called the virgin dragon seed."

"And that… changes what, exactly?"

"In short, I'm guaranteed to impregnate you on the first try and I… don't think I'm mature enough for that. The whole father thing."

"Why are you acting like being a father is a terrible thing?" She grabbed his hand and pressed it against her chest. "You wouldn't be alone… we'd raise our child together. My father would absolutely love a grandchild too, you know. Regarding being immature… you're selling yourself short, dear husband. I'm certain you'd adapt very quickly." 

"Cang Yue…"

'Those are all valid points… besides I'd only be delaying the inevitable, in the end.' 

"Well, did I change your mind… or…"

He thought for a long moment, his hesitation leading to Cang Yue turning away.

"I understand… ah-?"

Rokas grabbed her hand, turning her back to him.

'It's time I grew up myself… and became a proper man.'

[Cang Yue (Lovers VI) Confidant Rank: 9 → 10 (MAX)! Congratulations, you've gained 'Charm B' for yourself alongside a more beautiful and overpowered Cang Yue.]


[System: Now you just have to seal the deal, monsieur, and the effects will come into play.]

"Let's… do it…" Rokas decided, his golden eyes flashing with resolve as he caressed the side of her face. Then he pressed his lips against hers, slowly cornering her on a massive tree. "... When we find a proper bed."

"Such a tease…" Cang Yue sighed before smiling. "Very well."

"If you want… you could use your mouth," Rokas suggested, shrugging his shoulders. "It's quicker and requires less dedication."

"Less dedication…" Cang Yue doubted, shaking her head. "Do you know how much work it takes to make you release?"

"... Isn't lasting long a good thing?" Rokas scratched his hair. 

"Not when you want to be 'quick'."

"You take the good with the bad…" Rokas smiled.


After he dual-cultivated with Cang Yue properly for the first time since his rebirth, she experienced a rebirth of her own. Not only did she gain a thick Dragon God bloodline but she also experienced an even greater change due to Rokas' maxed confidant rank with her. Her eyes turned to a light blue cerulean tone which let out a heavenly and elegant glow, her features became several times more exquisite like that of a goddess and her natural charm was many times greater. Regarding strength… well, she sky-rocketed again, reaching the Tyrant Profound Realm. Rokas couldn't lie to himself… his Cang Yue was sexier, more charming and tempting than the current Xia Qingyue. Of course, the Fairy of Frozen Moon still had her own appeal and, as per canon, still had growing to do. 

Then, he took his talents to the Divine Phoenix Nation. The Divine Phoenix City to be specific.

He saw it… the Phoenix Perching Valley from a distance. It was surrounded by mountains on three sides and there was a massive cliff on the southern side. However, as he descended upon it, he didn't see nor sense anyone. 

'System, would Feng Xue'er happen to be someplace else?'

[System: Perhaps.]

'... Man. The first complete six stages of the World Ode would have been nice. Now I look like an idiot for coming here and not getting anything.' 

[System: You live and learn…]

"Did you fly here for sightseeing?" Jasmine wondered with a sarcastic tone.

"This place does have some nice viewpoints." Rokas nodded, although his tone was slightly sarcastic as well. 'I might as well go and power-level until the tournament. Being out here in the wild… who knows what fate could pull out of its ass.'

Rokas decided to fly back to the Blue Wind Empire empty-handed and a little disappointed. Alas… he had one grand goal to strive towards; the Goddess! Power-levelling and cultivation goal rewards really do go hand-in-hand, giving him even more incentive.


The Blue Wind Imperial Palace, the Prince-Consort's courtyard.

"Sorry for suddenly taking you out so suddenly," Rokas stated as he took her out of his Inner World. "But I'd like to ask for a small favour."

"Ask ahead."

"I want the Frozen Heart Arts," Rokas stated simply, stroking his chin. "It allows the user to be calm and collected, right?"

"Why would you need it?"

"I mean… I get nervous at times. Sometimes my emotions get in the way of things." Rokas admitted, looking towards Xia Qingyue.

"Not enough to warrant using the Frozen Heart Arts. That profound art is not as simple as being 'calm and collected'. It removes you from all emotions and desires. Do you truly wish to become as unmoving as me?"

"Eh… you know what, life sounds boring if you can't feel emotions. Joy, love, anger, sorrow… such things are part of being human. To remove them is to kill a part of yourself. But I… simply want to be calm under some circumstances where I'd be nervous otherwise."

"If you say you lack confidence, then what of the men who are too terrified to look me in the eyes?" Xia Qingyue pondered. "You are fine the way that you are. There is no need for you to learn a profound art… nevermind the Frozen Heart Arts."

"...  Is that a compliment?" Rokas smiled a little. 'I'm fine the way that I am, huh…'

"I suppose you could take it as one." Xia Qingyue nodded.

"Well, thanks. You know… when you said that there are men who don't look you in the eye… I used to be just like that." Rokas scratched his cheek. "When I had to sit next to a girl I found even slightly attractive, I froze like a statue. I don't know why but I could barely breathe. I mean, not literally but there was this heavy pressure to not do anything wrong…"

"When I first sat next to you… I felt the same way, even after having gone through so much growth." Rokas admitted.

"I noticed… but you've come a long way since then." Xia Qingyue replied, her eyes shining with magnificence. She truly was like a fairy that many would not dare to look at. "Your dedication towards growth is admirable if anything. Perhaps, within only five years, this entire world will be at your feet…"

"An Overlord? Doesn't sound like my type of occupation." Rokas chuckled. "Ruling the world would be such a drag."

"Then what is it that you desire? Why do you still relentlessly cultivate?"

"To reach the Realm above our own." Rokas smiled slightly, knowing that it was exactly what she wanted. "Not only do I wish to reach it… but I want to be brilliant there too. If I shine bright enough, I can ensure that no harm comes to those that I want to protect."

"... I see. Then our ambitions align in a way." Xia Qinguye remarked, wondering who it was that he wished to protect.

"How so?" Rokas spoke with an oblivious tone.

"There is someone… I want to see again. She came from that place, in truth."

"Someone descended from the God Realm? Why would you care so much about that person?" Rokas questioned.

"You seem to know already." Xia Qingyue observed his golden eyes with an indifferent expression. "If I were to be honest, it seems to me that you changed the topic of this very conversation on purpose. Your following questions and subtle expressions do indicate that my theory might just be correct… this 'knowledge' the divine spirit spoke of… what more do you know?"

'Why is she on my dick like that?' Rokas scratched his hair, slightly lost for words. He was a terrible liar… simply saying 'no', for someone as keen as Xia Qingyue, he'd just be found out in a split second. If he said yes, then he'd be admitting to the truth.

[System: That's crazy, she's more on your dick than even Cang Yue at night…]

'Man… do I pick the silent protagonist option? That's a real choice, right?'

Xia Qingyue shook her head slightly, turning away from his golden eyes. "Those golden eyes of yours are full of secrets and yet… you do not seem to keep them for your own betterment. Could this 'knowledge' that you hold be so detrimental to others? Or perhaps you are overly cautious. No matter the reason, I've realised something about you. The main reason why you were so adamant about taking me was not to provide 'further' incentive for the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. My beauty had a role in it… but there's something more. Something you refuse to say."


'She knows? What the hell do I even say… Xia Qingyue and her Heart of Snow Glazed Ice really ran up on me so suddenly. To think that all I asked for was the Frozen Heart Arts…'

"Forgive me if I made you uncomfortable." Xia Qingyue broke the silence as he looked at him once more. Even her tone suddenly changed to a warmer one. "My curiosity got the better of me on this occasion. If anything… I have done very little to repay your kindness."

She stepped forward, causing Rokas to raise an eyebrow as she gently grabbed his hand. At this distance, he could easily smell her heavenly aroma. She closed her eyes for the moment and softly whispered;

"If there is anything that you need from me… find your courage and just ask."

Rokas' cheeks visibly turned slightly red as Xia Qingyue entered his Inner World. He was silent for several moments once she left, taking it all in.

[Xia Qingyue (Hanged Man XII) Confidant Rank: 3 → 4]

'Am I seeing things… or did she just pull the 'anything' card on me? Or did she mean innocent things like sparring? Man, these situations are exactly why I wanted the Frozen Heart Art.'

[System: Maybe she's into you.]

'... If she is, I can't really tell behind her indifferent expression. She hasn't smiled even once.'

[System: What the Frozen Heart Art alongside the Heart of Snow Glazed Ice does to a person.]

'Either way, I'd rather chill than be overly bold and make everything awkward.'


Rokas decided to go all-in on his meditation/comprehension goal, seeking out the so-called 'Goddess'. He wondered exactly how such a woman would fall into his lap… but the System had yet to truly scam him with cultivation rewards. If anything, it kept giving him better stuff than he could've imagined. The Sigma Male Grindset? Helped his focus. Energy Weapon? While trashy at first, he improved it into something quite impressive. Inner World? Gave him a place to help others grow rapidly (leading to other things), a massive amplification in battle power and the ultimate young master deodorant (can't seek women if you can't see them!). The Blue Dragon inheritance? Made him even more overpowered.

Other than hanging out with Cang Yue who had suddenly become even hornier (the System explained that apparently pregnancy can lead to stronger sex drives, something he hadn't known), he focused on the Profound Way. There were also moments when Xia Qingyue would converse with him. For some unknown reason, she asked what his favourite colour was… and he replied with purple. Ever since then, she wore purple dresses and robes (leading to him feeling some type of way). Along the way, her confidant rank rose to 5. He managed to clock in an average of twenty hours per day towards the Profound Way which even Jasmine found extremely impressive.

In these twenty hours, he wouldn't just sit still like a Buddha all the time. No, that would've driven him insane. Instead, he tended to mix it up between sparring with the experts at the Blue Wind Imperial Palace, meditating, comprehending the Great Way of the Buddha and Star God's Broken Shadow, creating his Blazing Water Profound Art and practising with various weapons. So, technically speaking, he averaged roughly sixteen hours per day towards his meditation/cultivation goal as the combat practice didn't count.

Over five months would pass…


Name: Rokas / Long Ke / Jiufang Ke

Alias: Perverted fiend, Lord Phoenix God, The Foreigner, Blue Wind Empire's Number One Expert (assumed), Cang Yue's Beloved

Race: Chimera

Identity: The Prince-Consort

Age: 18

Timeline:  2yr, 25 days → 2yr, 6m, 20 days

Profound Strength: Emperor Profound Realm IV → VIII



Comprehension: A-

Strength: B++ → A-

Endurance: A++

Agility: B++

Profound Energy Quantity: A-

Profound Energy Control:  B++

Luck: F-



The System (The World): 5

Jasmine (Fortune X): 6

Cang Yue (Lovers VI): 9 → 10 (MAX)

Murong Qianxue (Moon XVIII):  1

Xia Qingyue (Hanged Man XII): 2 → 5



Secret Ability: Consume

Special Ability: Inner World B++

Unlimited Energy Works F-C

Sigma Male Grindset B

Profound Handle B- (Orange)

Star God's Broken Shadow B- (First Stage) → Third Stage

Heaven Burning Phoenix Arts B-

'EVERYTHING!!!' D+++++

Shared Growth C → Shared Growth B

Perfectly Balanced Blue Water B+

Blazing Water Arts A-

Shapeshift B

Charm B

The Great Way of the Buddha B- (Second Stage)

Bloodline: Nine-Headed Divine Chimera A+

Laws: Fire, water

Misc: Berserk, Divine Authority


'Only through diligence may the heavenly procrastinator grow'

Meditation/Comprehension Goal VIII: Dedicate twenty thousand hours towards cultivation (10,000/20,000)

(Reward: Trial of Space)

Dual-Cultivation Goal V: Snu Snu with Xia Qingyue or reach max confidant rank with two people.

(Reward: Shared Growth A)


Right when he completed his ten thousand hour goal, Rokas opened his eyes.

'So… about the Goddess. How does that reward work?'

[System: Check your Inner World.]


Rokas closed his eyes, entering his Inner World in spirit form. He looked around, noticing that Jasmine, Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue were all focused on a single figure. The moment Rokas saw her face… it was as if all colour faded from the world and focused on her. Long, divine platinum hair, bright emerald eyes, perfect cherry lips, a face so beautiful it may as well have been sculptured by a ROB, 'perfect' assets (not too large, not too small) for his hand… everything about her was perfect, for that matter.

When she saw him, she stepped forward weakly. Rokas stood dazed as she embraced him, pressing her chest against his. Then, her eyes closed shut…

Just as Rokas thought he was growing confident enough to avoid blushing, it happened again. Even more so, he had been still as a statue. But this kind of beauty… could any woman even surpass it?

Rokas eventually broke out of his daze, letting her gently down onto the floor of his Inner World.

Clearly… this person was not Qianye Ying'er.