
At the top the food chain

Society is a jungle full of animals called men. Jay was a kid at the bottom of the school food chain, was bullied and betrayed. A shitty sister. (check) A shitty father. (check) A friend from a traitorous childhood. (check) Shit and more shit. (check) Putting it all together, Jay has become an indifferent person. One day, his grandfather took him to live in another city and helped him. After two years, Jay will return as the biggest predator in this jungle called society, and will reign at the top of the food chain. NOTE: Contains NTR, but 99.9% is in favor of MC. The MC is not a good person, you have been warned. If you want to read something cute and straight, this isn't for you. It's 99% ero and very absurd. English is not my first language.

Nick_Rick12 · Geschichte
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34 Chs


Two weeks have passed since I went out with Julia. During this period, I met with Elena, obviously in a motel, I talked a lot with Julia, Tiffany, and Amelia by SMS.

I avoided leaving the house. I spent most of my time studying for school assessments. Not only that, but I don't want to repeat a year, so I decided to study as much as possible now to avoid problems at the end.

As a reward for my effort, I believe that the result of the evaluation will be positive.

Something I noticed in those two weeks was that I was getting a lot of attention. Well, that's natural. Now I'm part of this ridiculous five-kings scheme.

After this evaluation period, the school scheduled an excursion with the third-year classes. From what I hear, this excursion is a school tradition.

This year, the three schools in the city organized an excursion together. They said a joint outing will promote students' socialization with each other, making them learn to interact with strangers.

I think this is all just an excuse. I believe that the cost of an excursion is cheaper when it is divided into three schools, despite the number of students being higher.

They will probably cram a bunch of students into the same room without caring about the problems it might cause.

Thursday and Friday will be holidays, the school will take the opportunity to carry out the excursion on those days. The trip will last four days, that is, we will return on Sunday in the late afternoon.

The only thing that crosses my mind is: what kind of problem is going to appear this time?


Excursion day

"Cheered up?" it was Blake who asked me.

"Well, a little. I just don't like waking up early."

"Neither do I. Who schedules an excursion to leave at four in the morning?"

"Our school."


The tourist destination is a very distant city. Because of that, we were scheduled to leave at four o'clock in the morning. The roads at this time are less busy.

In addition, a place wad defined for the three schools to meet on the way for students and teachers to have breakfast.

"Let's go inside and choose our seats."

Blake and I got on one of the buses and sat in the back seats. After all the students had entered, the bus finally began its journey.

The first part of the trip was smooth, most students slept due to the schedule. I, unlike many, stayed awake listening to music on my cell phone.

I'm not much for music, but Blake was snoring so loudly beside me that I had no other choice.

After a few hours of travel, we finally arrived at the meeting point with the other schools. It was eight-thirty in the morning, that is, we were already more than four hours inside the bus.

The driver parked the bus alongside several others. We were probably the last school to arrive at the designated breakfast spot.

The meeting point was a mega stop for truck drivers, which offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I say it's a stop for truck drivers because they are the ones who stop here the most.

Of 10 people who stop, 9 are truck drivers. In addition to meals, you can book a room for the night.

It's like a hotel in the middle of the road.

As they got off the bus, the students began to disperse into groups. Some went to the bathroom, others gathered to talk somewhere, others went to talk to students from other schools who were outside the establishment and some entered the establishment.

I was hungry, so I decided to go get some coffee. Blake came after me.

On the way, I saw several students from other schools looking at me, some whispering. I got used to getting that kind of attention, so I didn't really care.

Suddenly, I'm hit from behind. On impact, a soft sensation spread through my back and my body wad enveloped in a hug.

"Jay... Good morning."

"Oh, Tiffany. Good morning." 

Tiffany comes out from behind me and grabs my arm, pressed against her breasts.

"Good morning, Blake."

"Good Morning."

"Are you two going to have breakfast?"


"I will go together."


I started walking again, but this time with my arms crossed with Tiffany's. Blake knows about my relationship with Tiffany, his sister knows too. So, he didn't say anything.

In fact, almost the entire school knows that Tiffany and I are close. This is pretty obvious.

As we entered the breakfast area, several students looked at me. I know I'm handsome, but this is getting boring.

Me, Blake and Tiffany helped ourselves and sat down. I looked at Blake's plate, this kid seems to have a black hole in his stomach.

"I don't even want to see how much you're going to pay for that breakfast." I said.

"Is the school not paying?" Blake asked with a confused face.

"No. The school will only pay for food at the excursion site."


""Yes"" me and Tiffany answered at the same time.


Everything was going well, until I noticed a girl staring at me. Her face was all too familiar, she looked a lot like the one who was once a light to me.

Looking at her, I see that she is not a student at our school.

When our eyes met, she quickly looked away and went back to talking to one of her friends.


"What happened?" Tiffany asked me with a confused face.

"I feel that some confusion is going to arise soon."

"Well, after you humiliated David, several groups will focus on you now. Many want to become one of the five kings." Blake commented.

I still don't understand why this is such an amazing thing.

"That's true. You should be careful with that lone wolf style of yours." (Tiffany)

"Why you say that?"

"Do you know what all kings have in common?" (Blake)

"Head problem?"

"They all have a group under their command. Even those who aim to become one of the five kings have one under their control." (Blake)

"Even I, who don't understand fighting, know why." (Tiffany)

I closed my eyes and started to think. After a brief moment, I came to a conclusion.

"It's much easier to survive in the wild in a group than alone."

"Exactly. And since we teenagers are no different from wild animals, we form groups to survive." (Blake.)

"I see. I'm a predator and a prey at the same time, huh."

"Yeah… Well, now that you're aware of that, what are you going to do?"

"That's a good question."

A group under my command. I don't want something like that, but I need it. I won't always be able to solve everything myself. If I get into a conflict similar to Tiffany's where I had to deal with a gang, a group would be a big help.

But wait there. I already have a group.

Elena has a mob leader in the palm of her hand, and Elena will probably help me solve any problems.

A bunch of mobsters against a bunch of students seems a little unfair to me. But what can I do? The world is not fair at all.

"I've already solved the problem."

"???" Blake and Tiffany look at me with confused eyes.

After a few minutes, the teachers began to gather the students to return to the bus. I didn't see the girl who was looking at me anymore.

When it came time to pay for breakfast, Blake shed tears over the price.

So, we got back on the bus and after a few hours we finally arrived at our destination.



The story that David had been defeated by a boy named Jay reached me.

I doubted it was really that Jay. But all my doubts were gone when I saw him with my own eyes.

He was very different from the broken boy I remember. And unlike back then, he had people around him. One of those people was a beautiful girl.

I felt a slight discomfort in the back of my chest.

You should be my Jay. My pet.