

Independent, that's how I have always pictured myself being. I've always believed I was free to do whatever it pleased me whenever and however I wanted to. My father selling my hand in marriage to a Billionaire was enough to prove me wrong. As soon as I step into that car my independent life, the life I once enjoyed and loved will end and my dependent life as the wife of a billionaire begins. I cannot wait for my eternal hell to begin.

WBA_RiversNicolett · Urban
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17 Chs

The Departure

"Father" I call as I burst into this office.

"I see the news have reached your ears" he says as calm as he can be.

"How can they not? The news spread quickly in this town" I say.

"Well then, go make your bags, because you depart in a few minutes" he says.

"You can not be serious?" I ask.

"I have not been more serious in my life" he answers.

"I am your daughter" I simply state.

"With more power I can do this" Father says.

"You speak as if I were a child, as you had any control over me" I say.

"The payment has been already made and spent, in other words, Lucia, it doesn't matter what I have to do, I will make sure you make it to that man" Father says.

"I want to see you try" I say as I turn around and walk towards the exit of the room.

"The money that man paid for you hand will not only restore the family's fortune, but also will pay for her treatment" Father says, I stop walking.

"What?" I ask as I look at Father.

"Money was running low and until I had found a way to improve our financial situation, several cuts had to be made, ranging from firing almost all our staff to not buying your mother's medication, to not paying her treatment" Father answers.

"Grandfather wouldn't..." "You are right, your grandfather would have not allowed for his precious daughter to be at risk, the money he sent was used to make sure we survived until this brilliant idea came to me" Father says.

"If you call selling your daughter a brilliant idea, father, no doubt we were in a financial crisis" I snap at him.

"Well, dear Lucia, once again you are going to be given a chance to show off how smart you are, to get us out of our crisis I had to sell your hand in marriage, now, you can peacefully and quietly pack your bags and get on your way, ensuring your mother gets the treatment she so much needs or you can stay here, refuse to go, send the whole family into bankruptcy, and kill your mother, so tell me, what is it going to be?" Father asks.

"You are despicable" Mother says as she enters the room.

"How can you ask our daughter to choose between a loveless marriage and her mother? You truly deserve too rotten in hell" Mother snaps at Father.

"Despicable? I would like to see you or Lucia taking care of this family, because it is for centain there is only one thing you two know how to do, nothing, all you two do is lean on me as you spend our fortune" Father says "Our fortune? Nothing here is yours, you did not brought anything into this marriage, everything you have, everything you are, is because of me, do not forget it" Mother snaps at him.

"This conversation is going nowhere, and I'll go, I would never place my mother's health on the line, much less for money, so be it, I will leave to wherever I am supposed to go and marry the idiot who bought my hand" I say.

"Lucia..." "The subject is over, Mother" I say

"I knew that you would see it my way" Father says.

"See it your way? Bend to your will? Never, on the other hand, Father, like always, I am cleaning up the mess you made" I say as I exit the room.

"Lucia" Mother calls as she follows me out.

"There is nothing left to discuss, Mother, please, drop the subject" I answer as I walk towards my bedroom.

"You cannot do this, Lucia" Mother says, I sigh.

"If I do not, the man who bought my hand will demand his money back, as Father has already implied, he has spent a huge amount of the money that was paid for my hand, I can assure there is no way Father will be able to return it, I know, it is crazy, I know it is a unknown fate the one that awaits me, but it cannot be risked, I cannot risk your life like this" I say.

"Marrying a stranger, Lucia, that's..." "I have already made my mind, Mother, you will not be able to change it" I say.

"You know he will not keep his word" Mother says.

"I know, because I know he will not keep his word is why I must leave and marry that man, because I am going to ensure you continue your treatment, no matter what" I say.

Mother sighs "I will help you pack" she says.

"Very well" I say.

**Several Minutes Later**

"Lucia..." "You have told me millions of times, Mother" I say, Mother sighs as she pulls me into a hug.

"I love you" Mother says as I return the hug.

"I love you" I say, Mother hugs me tight.

"Miss Lucia, it is time" John calls, I nod.

"Mother, I have to go" I say, Mother sighs as she releases me from the hug,

"Try to keep yourself healthy, as soon as I can I will get you out of this hell" I say.

"Do not..." "I will always worry" I say.

Mother gently caress my cheek "Be easy on him" Mother says and I smile.

"Never" I say, she smiles.

"Miss Lucia, we must get on our way" John says.

"Good bye, Mother" I say as I walk towards the exit of the house.

"Miss Lucia" John calls as he hands me a white envelope.

"What's this?" I ask as he closes the door of the car.

"It is your boarding pass and money for unexpected expenses" John answers.

"Give the money back to father" I say as I take the ticket out.

"Master Carson was the one who left this envelope for you" John says, I frown.

"Master Carson? Have you met the man who bought my hand?" I ask.

"He visited us 2 days ago, while the Mrs. and Miss were visit Master Smith" John answers, I sigh. For a moment, just for a moment, I had started to believe that my father felt himself cornered and took the decision on an impulse, but as I can see, I was wrong, he truly put his mind into this.

"Is everything alright, Miss Lucia?" John asks.

"No, John, I am not alright, I have to leave my sick mother, move to Venice, marry a stranger, and all because of father" I answer.

"I am sure Master Mills didn't had another option, Madam, please do not think bad of him" John says.

"At this moment, that is very hard, John" I say.

"I might be out of place, but you will be deeply missed, Miss Lucia" John says, I smile

"I will miss you too, John" I say as I look out of the window and take one last look at my beloved London.