
Astromagia Academy

Venturing into the enchanting realm of Astromagia Academy, Tahir embarks on a journey of self-discovery as he navigates the intricacies of the magical world. Amidst encounters with diverse characters and wondrous phenomena, Tahir unravels the mysteries of his own identity and unlocks the depths of his magical potential.

Abdulfatah_M_A · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs

Chapter 07

The night arrived, casting a deep indigo hue across the landscape. Stars adorned the sky like scattered diamonds, and a gentle breeze whispered through the air, carrying the distant melodies of the night. The moon, a radiant orb, illuminated the surroundings with its soft glow, casting shadows that danced in the stillness.

Amidst this tranquil night, everyone lay asleep. However, Tahir was abruptly awakened by a silent whisper, a gentle call that slowly and tenderly spoke his name, permeating his ears.

Startled by the mysterious whisper and the shadowy figure, Tahir sat up on his bed, confusion etched across his face. The room was bathed in the moon's gentle glow, revealing the stillness of the night. As he strained to see through the window, a figure, obscured by shadows, stood motionless, gazing directly at him. Uncertainty gripped Tahir as he tried to discern the identity of the enigmatic caller.

Inexplicably drawn to the mysterious call, Tahir found himself walking through the dimly lit corridors of the G.O.H.S.T house. The ethereal whispers persisted, guiding him like an unseen force.

As he stepped outside into the cool night, a surreal figure awaited him, partially concealed by shadows. The call continued, enchanting and unsettling, pulling Tahir into the unknown. He moved toward the figure, his steps guided by an inexplicable compulsion, until the surroundings transformed, and he stood at the edge of a foreboding, dark forest.

Amidst the dream-like atmosphere, Tahir's steps were guided by an otherworldly force. As he approached the entrance of the mysterious forest, an unseen power abruptly pulled him back, disrupting the surreal encounter. The forest loomed in the background, its secrets hidden from Tahir's curious gaze.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" A voice, tinged with concern and urgency, interrupted the dreamlike call.

As Tahir's mind slowly returned to the waking world, he found himself looking at the person who had pulled him. It was Alicia, his newly found friend. He blinked, still caught between the pull of the mysterious call and the reality of Alicia's intervention.

"Alicia?" Tahir said, his voice tinged with confusion. He rubbed his forehead, a reflexive gesture of someone trying to shake off the remnants of a dream.

Alicia, her expression a mix of worry and disbelief, looked at Tahir and demanded, "What are you doing here?"

"I... I don't... I think I was called here," Tahir stammered, his gaze momentarily shifting to the dark forest that lay before them.

"Called?" Alicia repeated, her eyes narrowing as she tried to comprehend the strange situation.

"Yes," Tahir replied, the uncertainty and mystery lingering in the air between them.

"Do you know what this place is?" Alicia inquired, her eyes fixed on Tahir.

"I'm not sure," Tahir admitted, a sense of bewilderment still lingering.

"This is the Zectre forest, often called the Specter forest. I'm sure the name explains everything," Alicia explained.

"Oh," Tahir responded, absorbing the information.

"Oh?" Alicia repeated, prompting him to elaborate on his somewhat subdued reaction.

"I guess I'll be more careful then next time," Tahir remarked, a hint of realization in his tone. He then turned to make his way back to the room, leaving Alicia standing alone by the mysterious forest.

Overwhelmed by the vivid imagery, Tahir succumbed to dizziness. In an instant, he crumpled to the ground, his mind blanking out as his eyes closed, succumbing to an inexplicable force within the mysterious realm.

Amidst the darkness, Tahir's surroundings echoed with voices, creating a sense of a crowded space. From a distance, a voice resonated, and the only audible words were, "-----just on your first morning."

He slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the concerned face of Benedict, who leaned in, his eyes scrutinizing Tahir's condition,

"You look off Man," Benedict said,

The room was dimly lit, creating an atmosphere of mystery. Benedict's face, with its beardless features and lines of concern, was illuminated by the soft glow of a nearby lamp.

By Benedict's sides stood Xender and Ramad, both wearing expressions of curiosity and worry as they observed Tahir's awakening in the dimly lit room.

Tahir got up, as his friends assisted him to get on his feet,

As Tahir slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Benedict's concerned face hovering above him. The room spun for a moment, and then he realized he was lying on the ground.

"You look off, man," Benedict said, his brow furrowed with worry.

With the assistance of his friends, Tahir managed to get up. The surroundings seemed a bit hazy, and he felt disoriented.

"What happened, man?" Ramad asked, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.

Tahir, feeling a bit disoriented, managed to get up with the assistance of his friends.

"I don't know, it was like--" he started before Alicia arrived at the scene.

"What's going on here?" She asked, her eyes darting between the faces of the concerned group.

"It's erm... erm..." Tahir struggled to find the right words.

"Tahir passed out," Xender concluded, his voice carrying a mix of worry and curiosity.

"Passed out?" Alicia's eyes widened with surprise and concern.

"Yeah, he just collapsed," Benedict added, trying to play down the situation.

"It's no big deal," Tahir reassured them, though he himself wasn't entirely convinced.

Alicia sighed, realizing they were running out of time. "Alright then, the class is about to start. You guys should get ready soon."

"He should get ready soon," Xender corrected, his tone implying they needed to focus on Tahir's well-being.

"Let's go, Tahir," Ramad said, offering support as they headed toward their next destination.

Tahir and Ramad made their way back to the room, the silence hanging between them. Tahir was lost in his thoughts, contemplating the strange events that had just transpired. Questions nagged at his mind – why was Alicia there at that late hour, and what force had been calling him towards the mysterious forest?

As they reached the room, Tahir couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that there was more to the situation than met the eye.

As Tahir fumbled with his belongings, trying to get ready for class, Ramad patiently stood by, observing the unusual behavior.

"Ramad?" Tahir's voice broke the silence.

Ramad turned toward him, eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Yes?"

"What can you tell me about the Zectre forest?" Tahir asked, a hint of urgency in his voice.

"What?!" Ramad's eyes widened in shock, and he leaned in, "Why are you asking about the Zectre forest all of a sudden?"

"It just came to my mind," Tahir explained, a troubled expression on his face.

Ramad's features tensed, and he responded with a serious tone, "I'm not sure how you know about it on your first day, but whatever you do, don't try to get anywhere close to it."

"I'm not planning on that, I just want to know about it," Tahir said, his tone assuring Ramad.

"Alright," Ramad responded. He got off the bed and walked to the window, gesturing toward a distant forest. "That," he said, pointing to the landscape outside.

Tahir joined him at the window, squinting to get a better look. "What's that?" he asked, curiosity etched across his face.

"The Zectre forest," Ramad replied, his voice carrying a note of caution.

But, it wasn't as Tahir saw it last night; it was now very far from them. Last night, it was just up close to the GOHST house.

"It's different now," Tahir remarked in a low voice.

"What?" Ramad asked, confused.

"No, it's nothing," Tahir quickly dismissed before walking away from the window.

Ramad turned to him, a skeptical look on his face. "I feel like there's something you're not telling me," he said.

"What do you mean?" Tahir asked, feigning innocence.

"If there's something up, you should say it out before it gets worse," Ramad insisted.

Tahir chuckled nervously and said, "Why would you think that something is up? Let's get going; the class is starting."