
Turning Into a Pet

Translator: Henyee Translations Redakteur: Henyee Translations

"Come with me," said the Mother of Chaos all of a sudden.

Stunned, Su Ping looked at the system, and immediately understood her intentions from the look in her eyes.

Work together to kill the enemy quickly!

Su Ping and the system had been cooperating and keeping close company in the cultivation sites. However, the system had only provided guidance most of the time, at times letting Su Ping solve problems on his own.

However, they were now truly fighting hand in hand!

"Got it!"


Su Ping's body transformed into brilliant light. The Little Skeleton, the Inferno Dragon and the others in his body merged into the cluster of light and fused into the Mother of Chaos's body.

There had always been a bond between Su Ping and the system. He was the host, but the system could decide his fate. The contract depended on the strength difference between the two parties; she could act as the master if she wanted to.