
Asthel mikaelson : brother of Esther

As the brother of Esther and dhalia and the hope of his parents his life wasn’t easy. He was born as the eldest son of the mikaelson family an ancient family of rune smith where only the eldest son will learn their runes and the chosen one in a prophecy told to his grandfather. He will go through many hardships as we see them from his eyes and see how he gets possessed by revenge and wishes for a happier time. He will do anything to get what he needs and will kill those who get in his way. He will even go through a ritual to become a horrid beast if he will get stronger. Author note: mc is evil like Klaus is to everyone else but I didn’t put a villain mc tag as he won’t be a villain towards the michselsons. This will also not be a harem but will have a bit of Romance but I didn’t put that as a tag as it won’t be focused on much

Unknown_Unknown_8234 · TV
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The meeting

Asthel mikaelson grew up very different to children his age even during the 10th century. At the age of 4 his father began teaching him sword fighting so he can become stronger and won't have any weaknesses his enemies can target.

He was taught sword fighting by many different people who could be said to be masters at the art which gained him tremendous skill. He was also taught how to use his special runes and how to create runes for himself to help in his daily life and to make him become stronger.

He was also taught basic magic but he preferred;earning about runes I've normal magic spells as he thought runes would help him a lot more. How a rune was formed is that you put magic and a will and you give it a shape it might sound easy but to make a rune with multiple wills or with an extremely strong will is really hard.

His family the mikaelsons thought of a technique to make it easier which was using materials to make your rune and using a ritual to make complex rune. This ritual had the same basics for all complex rune with more than one will but the duration the sacrifice and the wills would change.

If this knowledge was spread many people with evil intentions would be capable of using dangerous rules which is why their ancestor bound the ritual to their blood and made them unable to share it with someone else.

This however came with a cost which was only giving the ritual and the capabilities to use runes to the eldest son. This backlash meant to hinder them in turn made their line stronger as each descendants of the elder son would be stronger in magic.

This however doesn't apply to the males who won't inherit the ritual and only applies to the female and eldest son who will inherit the ritual.

Anyway with his special rune making runes is a-lot easier and he has now made 10 runes. Half of them are basic runes of strength that he enchants on his body or blade when he wants to be stronger but the last five are special complex runes.

The first one of these five gives him the ability to light anything the rune touches on fire so any time he applies it which takes only a second it will light stuff on fire.

The second one is the opposite of the fire one and it will freeze what it touches making two opposing runes that would normally take decades to make. The third and fourth one work separately but can also work together and are a transmitter and a receiver.

The receiver allows him to receive information from where he places it acting like a spy while the transmitter gives the information to him. He can also use them to send items from one place to another but it is limited to small non living items. The last complex one acts like a bomb and once it receives magic either from the user or the person it's placed on it explodes.

These all should be able to help him in the future but he has no use for them now as he is a child. Anyway he has grown up in these 10 years and his spiky black hair has reached his shoulders and droops down and backwards not covering his face.

His skin is white but not too pale as he spends a lot of time in the sun but since he is in Norway he didn't get to tanned. Anyway today is the day that a man of the same family name will be visiting with his children.

This man is a descendent of Asthel great great grand uncle so no one of that line (wether eldest son or daughter or any other sibling) would get anything.

So this man visiting is a normal human but he is an expert warrior and his son and daughter are similar age to Esther and Asthel. The man with light brown hair a stern and round face and a beard 4 inches thick enters with his children.

One of them is a boy called mikael mikaelson the other is a daughter called frida mikaelson. Thalia calls mikael to greet frida and immediately she catches his eye he goes to greet her and decides to show her a trick.

He then casts a run in his hand and lifts a really heavy rock but his leg touches a smaller rock which blocks his leg from moving and he falls. The rock landing besides him so he is fine. The girl laughs as Asthel decides to dust himself off.

She looks at Asthel and with her soft voice she says " what is your name" her face blushing as she says that. " I'm Asthel and you are". " I am frida mikaelson but you can call me frey and I'll call you athy "hearing his name Asthel cringes on the inside but decides to go along. At the same time his sister also met mikael but they got on a bad first impression.

Author note: ok so basically they are called mikaelson as their ancestor knew he would have a strong bloodline so he decided to make his dear sons name live through his legacy so he named it mikaelson as he also wished for mikael to have had children. This obviously isn't what actually happened and this is and au so I will make some changes like this btu I won't make to many changes unless they directly involve the main characters action so I won't change a character's gender or anything