

This part is very similar to the Ending of Astartes Part 5.

In a bright flash in the forest, in the middle of nowhere.

A Space marine appears, slumping down, his hands help him to stay up, but not upright.

Immediately he feels intense nausea, grabbing his helmet and ripping it off to the side with a hiss, he proceeds to vomit, spewing out his stomach contents all over the grass and dirt. In an instant he becomes aware, lifting his head up fast with a face of caution, as he slowly stands up and observes, for the first time in a century he sees the lush green grass and the beautiful wild life around him, he looks around and notices mountains in the distance between two trees and bushes, one with a city near it, and another which has gigantic clouds at its peak with buildings not noticeable unless you where abnormal or like a Space Marine.

The lone space marine closes his eyes and sighs, then his grey helmet in the lush green grass emits a robotic voice, "Location: Holy Terra, 3000-1100 BCE, 43 Millenniums in the past."

Time travel, it only occurs when you enter the Warp, but what the space marine just experience didn't look like the Warp at all, but he did feel the symptoms of being in one, Perplexed the space marine grabs his helmet which lies in the green shining grass below him and puts it on, locking into place, the helmet sputters to life.

Specific Location: Unknown

General Location: Holy Terra

Date/Time: 3000-1100 BCE

Approx Time Displacement: 43 Millenniums in the Past (since Ragosa Uprisings) (please do tell me if this approx time is wrong)

Status: MIA

Body Status: Safe/Well

Bolter Ammunition Count: Infinite/Unknown

The space marine sighs again, knowing hes not going to go back to his squad any time soon, he whips out his bolter just in caution, as he has to do some little exploring on Holy Terra once again but in the past past.

A/N: Wait, where his bolter come from tho, did he just take it from his c-AH *disappears*