

"Now I'll cut straight to the point, I want you all, kill this monster.." Karasuma said with determination

"Ehhhhh?!?!?" everyone shouted in shock

"That's more like it..." Kurai muttered as he showed a bloodthirsty smile

"Eh? Wait so this guy is an alien that came to attack us or something?" A guy with orange hair named Koki Mimura asked as he pointed at the yellow octopus

"How rude! I was and raised on earth ya know!" the yellow octopus

"I'm afraid I can speak about the particular, but what he told you, is true, this creature who shattered the moon, would do the same to earth by next march" Karasuma sighed, "the world leader are the only ones who knows about this, before the world is plunged into panic, they are exerting considerable effort to kill him behind the scene, in other words....."

"An assassination!" Karasuma shouted as he then proceed to take out a green rubber looking knife and sliced at the creature, who easily dodged it

"But as you can see this guy is really fast! Far from killing him, I'm having my eyebrows trimmed by him" Karasuma said in annoyance as he continued to slash at the creature, who kepy on dodging while trimming Karasuma's eyebrows

"he is a suer creature possessing enough power to shatter the moon and make it into a Cresent shape, not to mention, his maximum speed is mach 20!" Karasuma said with an annoyance and tired expression

"Well that wouldn't be any fun at all" the octopus said as he packed his trimming equipment, "which is why I made a proposal to the nations of the world. I don't want to be killed, but, if I become the homeroom for Kunugigaoka junior high school, class 3-E, then you're welcome to try."

"..." Kurai then proceed to throw another one of his metallic card accurately at the creature's neck

'Such precise accuracy and mastery...' Karasuma thought as he watched the card cut through the air

The card flew through the air and went it hit the creature's neck, it suddenly stopped and bounce away

"As you can see, normal weapons don't work against this creature, that is why you would receive weapon such as bullets and knives that would be effective against him, but harmless against you.. So when the opportunities present itself, strike him..." Karasuma said as he pointed at the box of knives, bullet and guns that one of the man in black presented

"We don't know his goal, but the government reluctantly consented. Our condition is that he cause absolutely no harm to you student. He will come to this classroom as your teacher everday so that we can observe him, and above all, with 30 people, you'll have the chance to kill him at point-blank range!" Karasuma inhaled another breath before continuing

"The reward for successful completion is 10 billion yen, it is an appropriate sum, as the assassination's success means the earth's salvation."

"This is a secret you must not disclose to your families or friends. But anyways time is short, and when the earth is destroyed there would be nowhere else to hide or run" Karaduma ended his speech

"Now everyone, let's spend this final year in a meaningful fashion shall we? Nyehahaha" the octopus mockingly laughed

"That's all from us, we will be taking our leaves now, good luck students..." Karasuma said before leaving the class

"So, everyone since it's the first day let's take attendance !" the octopus said

After the octopus took attendance, he started teaching the class, and soon enough, it was lunch time

'He's surprisingly good at teaching...' Kurai thought as he looked at his own note, 'But.... I'll kill him sooner or later...'

'also gotta customize my cards, these ain't effective against him...' Kuri thought as he looked at his metallic cards

It was at that moment that a gust of wind engulf Kurai's face causing him to look up to see the octopus

"Akumu-kun let's have a talk shall we?" the octopus said in a gentle tone

"Sure..." Kurai muttered before standing up and following him to the office


After arriving at the office, they both sat down with some tea

"So first, what would you like to ask about?" the octopus asked

"You were the first one to trigger my Joker card, even that man Karasuma only were able to trigger my King, so just who are you?" Kurai laid his question out

"Hmmm, from what I'm hearing, it seems the thing that is triggering your different cards depends on the power of the pe-" but before the octopus could finish Kurai cutted him off

"I know that... But, one thing thats been bothering me is that, my card can only be trigger by 'Humans' not animals or any other creatures, so tell me, who are you?" Kurai repeated his question

"..." the octopus stayed silent for a while before he said, "I'm sorry Akumu-kun, that, I can not disclose to you now, but if you really want to know, please give me some time, I will tell you when the time comes..."

"...." Kurai looked at the octopus who looked like he was sad for moment before saying, "That's fine.... Now what was your question again?"


"Call me Kurai, calling me that makes me uncomfortable"

"Alright Kurai-kun, where- no who did you learn the ability to hide your presences.." the octopus asked with a serious tone

"I was born with it, I only discovered about it when I was 6" Kurai answered with no hesitation, "But.... A year ago, I met someone who triggered my King, and he also had the same ability as me, he calls himself [The Reaper], do you happen to know him?..."

"..." after a moment of silent the octopus finally spoke, "Yes I do, he was my disciple, but I don't want to go too deep into that story"

"Alright then, I guess that's it for our talk.. " Kurai said as he stood up, "Let's hope we have some fun this year trying to kill you"

"I swear, I'll kill you before anyone does... yellow octopus.... " Kurai said with a bloodthirst smile as he went and stood in front of the octopus and raised his hands up to pat his shoulder

"Nyehahaha in your dreams" the octopus said with a mocking tone

It was at that moment when Kurai patted the octopus' shoulder, part of his arm suddenly exploded

"Geh!!!" the octopus exclaimed in surprised as he made some distance and recovered the damage area

"So these thing does work on you..." Kurai said a he looked at his hand that had part of the knife that Karasuma gave out,

"That's interesting as hell" Kurai said with a vicious smile as the blood red tatto on his face started to glow

After a second Kurai and his presences completely vanished

"Nyehahaha, I must admit you are pretty good at it, but..." the octopus said as he raised his tentacle up and wrapped it around something in front of him, "Your bloodlust is just too much..."

After a moment Kurai revealed himself with his hand holding a knife being restraint by the tentacle

"Haizz, I always get too excited for these type of things..." Kurai sighed as he dropped the knife causing the octopus to release his hand as well

"Kurai-kun that ability of yours deadly, probably even more deadly than that ability of the Reaper, I can barely even sense you without that digusting amount of bloodlust, and that's saying something. maybe one day when you fully are able to control that bloodlust of yours, you can use it to kill me..." the octopus said with a smile as he watch Kurai walk to the exit

"I know, and that's why I'll be the one to kill you.." Kurai said as he walked out of the exit


"Ah! Akumu-kun how was it?" Nagisa asked as he see Kurai walking out if the office

"It was pretty well, I guess these thing does work after all.." Kurai said as he showed Nagisa the hand with the knife fragment covered in yellow stains

"HUH WHAT?!? You damaged him?!?" Nagusa said in shock

"Yeh I got him with a trick when he was careless, but he just recover immediately, so it wasn't much" Kurai shrugged and kept on walking

After that day there were a lot of assassination attempts, but non of them worked

Kurai took a break a bit on his assassination attempts, and began to train on hiding his bloodlust.

Although Kurai was already smart, he still sometimes listen into the lesson and lectures as it does help him open up more of his knowledge


A few weeks has pass since then and a few things had happened

There were still alot of assassination attempts but still non of them worked, Karasuma became a teacher and began to train the student in their assassination skill

During that time Kurai also got closer to Nagisa a bit and also even Nakamura who helped him to study english while he helped her in math and her assassination skill.

Kurai is still training as he still hasn't find a way to hide his bloodlust, he even asked Nagisa but still couldn't find a way


It was one morning P. E class, after Karasuma's training, Kurai was sitting with Nakamura and Nagisa

Suddenly it was at that moment he sensed something, and proceed to raise his hand up and caught something behind him

Kurai looked at the object that he caught to reveal a card that was a Jack which caused him mutter, "Tch, took you long enough.."

"Yo! Nagisa, Kurai! It's been a while huh?" a voice came from behind