

Cloud City Masions.

Jin Li just completed her mission to kill the mayor of CityB. After a careful investigation, Jin Li realized that this mayor was bad news.Jin Li does not kill people who have not committed any crimes. As she sat on her bed she recalled how she killed the mayor an hour ago.

An Hour Ago.

"Hello Mr Mayor I am on a mission to kill you, at first I thought you did not deserve this death". Jin Li spoke in an emotionless tone. The mayor was stunned by her cold voice. "You are Panther the assassin ranked second on the assassin board. But I am curious how much are you being paid to kill me". "I will satisfy your curiosity, because I like to tease my prey before sending them to King Yama. I was paid a hundred million to teach you a lesson". "Well to bad you underestimated me Panther, men get her". As soon as he finished speaking the room was surrounded by his men. "Damn this sly fox", taught Jin Li in her mind. "I have to activate my superpower to finish this mission, Halt". Miraculously everyone froze on the spot. "Die you old bastard". Jin Li shot the Mayor In the head. Jin Li took out her phone to call Mindy. "Hello Mindy can you come and erase the memories of the Mayor of CityB's guard. "Okay got it ,"Mindy replied. 20 minutes later.

"Hey Mindy help me erase their memories of everything that happened here. I am going to take a nap"." Catch you later."

Back to the present.

Jin Li was deep in taught when her watch beeped indicating an incoming message.