
Ask for Redemption

Our main protagonist was dreary of living. Abandoned by parents since birth, bullied by children in the academy, throwing dignity for survival, finally achieving fame and honor but died mysteriously. This game featured around fantasy, mystery and action! Will our dear gamer pass the game as smoothly as he thought?

Xiao_Lin_6148 · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 - His sister, Feng Li

Feng Wuying, despite a master at his age, was tricked by the Yan family. He thought by judges of poison on his disciple's bodies, they were the ones who initiated the fight. At that moment, he was consumed by rage, promised to settle this debt. He realized his few disciples and many innocent victims were killed by his own wife just to trick him into launching this war.

He didn't doubt his own family until the end when he barely escaped from assassin's dagger and questioned him after reaching his territory. It was too late to reverse this, for Feng clan had already become target of revenge for the two sects. He believed his sins were greater than a devil's. Truly naive.

A devil wouldn't spare a child knocked down in a stampeded, neither would they care about the weight of lives, nor give their opponents mercy. A devil ... is someone who wouldn't stop at any means to get them. He vowed to kill his wife in the next life, but it was never fulfilled in the game. Only the last time he played the game was an exception. Feng Wuying had a peaceful end.

Xue Long chose banishment as punishment after his wife framed the head of Feng clan. The blacksmith was too late to be saved, for he longed for death without seeing the light one last time.

Feng Liuxie frowned at the thought of the blacksmith he saw just alive, trailing along death a few years later. If it was according to the original timeline, he would have to work hard in a basement without rest. He basically lost his rights and was mistreated like a slave. But now that the protagonist's here, he hoped the overseers may forgive him for derailing his death just for a bit...

According to the game, his younger sister, Feng Li, in the game she was someone who was responsible and reliable, loyal to the Feng clan until the end because she wanted to protect her precious family. She faced a torturous end just for being part of the Feng family. Yan Meixiu, the madam, was jealous, obsessed with the head clan, that she couldn't hold back her days of being ignored, facing his cold demeanor, only to see him show his warmth and affection towards his first wife's children.

[That's the natural thing to do, especially, if this were a political marriage. Did she think he would somehow change just because of their marital ties?]

How ridiculous. I won't even say what she did next. It was so absurd and makes me infuriated, just seeing her from the perspective of Feng Wuying.

Some steps he heard behind him sounded unnatural like being cautious, at the same time, confident. Unlike normal footsteps which resounded, these steps were light and identical to the casual pace that he was walking on.

[Someone's following you.]

I am aware. Did he think I am so dull, I couldn't sense it just because I am young? A martial artist is always dangerous whether they are young or old with experience.

[The madam is so lax.]

She must have thought since I haven't faced any real battles, I wouldn't know how to defend myself. Feng Liuxie ran into a deserted alley where he took out a coin. He stopped in his tracks. "Why are you following me?"

He paused, "Never mind, I don't need to show mercy to those who try to kill me." He spun to face the opponent, and flicked the coin with a burst of internal energy focused on the tip of his fingers.

The coin's side landed in the middle of the guard's forehead, a resounding strike that even Feng Liuxie winced in face of the power he currently holds. Though he did initiate the attack, it must have hurt bad since he put full power into it. Hopefully, his forehead won't be caved in because of this.

He couldn't help it, his hands were full with desserts for his sister. Luckily, the guard's martial skill level wasn't that high, because madam underestimated him. It was enough to knock him out in one strike.

When it comes to sweets in the game, his sister was the strictest, who wanted both art and flavor, thus, he decided to prioritize the desserts over his own safety. She was that fussy, enough patience to get the freshest batch, enough perseverance to get the newest desserts waiting in the line, having a thick skin to ignore father's frequent warnings and doing the same things repeatedly everyday.

This is like their repetitive family routine - spending money on desserts, finding out, then scolding for 2 to 3 days of grounding.

Unlike Feng Li, the elder sister, Feng Mei, was different. Trained from a young age, she had learnt to control her emotions, started education earlier than the average children. Despite her manners or interest in sword, some clans saw her as an optimal chess piece because they believed they can get Feng clan on their side as soon as they achieve marriage.

At first all sent out their sons to catch her interest in the academy. However, it failed for she was neither interested in marrying nor had any intention to be used in struggle for power. Many men, who pursued her, couldn't persist because her cold rejection was blunt, even if they proposed in public. Lots ashamed from their futile attempts, gave up on vying for her without knowing the real reason why she declined them.

Elder sister is quite ruthless. If you fail to win her heart, you would never get another chance to acquaint with her due to her photographic memory. The trouble the clans would get in after trying to bribe her unsuccessfully will be turned into a pile of humiliation where unfavorable rumors would go and spread about them. 

Not the time for those thoughts. Fortunately, it was madam's secret guards. Those guards are given from the Yan family to her, when she was betrothed in order to protect her from Feng Wuying and the concubines. She used them to carry out her schemes while she watches them unfold in the shadows. 

Feng Wuying had no idea about this or else these guards would be strictly forbidden from the mansion. He was naive, however, he was as obedient as a loyal dog when it comes to rules set by the ancestors. In almost all the game routes, through this guard, Feng Wuying find out that the Poison clan killing their disciple was a mere sham by the Yan family. He saw this beautiful guard coming out of the madam's mansion, after a secret mission was completed. There was no way he could forget such a brilliant appearance - platinum hair, small golden eyes, and cherry lips. Hilariously, it was understandable he mistook him as his second wife's lover.

This misunderstanding was cleared up as he followed the slender boy on the lookout. By the time he found out the boy was a secret guard, the clan's elders already sided with his wife, giving in to the pressure of other nobles. Anyway, the thing most troublesome now is not the tamed protagonist rather his father, Feng Wuying.

Even when he's in danger, he would never try to get out of it cunningly, these actions had nearly taken his lives to heaven a few times. He's still remains a pure person after facing all the betrayals and obstacles. Reforming this pure, honest personality was possible, but, during that process, he could turn into a sharp blade aimed at Yun Lang and Feng Liuxie anytime.

He shuddered to imagine what would happen if the protagonist were to be killed before the missions are all completed. Shaking off the horrible thought, he resumed the search on the guard's body. There was no name tag to identify him, but he played quite a part in the conflicts of the game. His name was Liang Wen. A heavy pouch was filled with money inside, bribed by Yan family to do some 'shady' tasks.

[Are you really ... ?]

That goes without saying. He should at least face retribution, but not right now. Feng Liuxie robbed him of any valuable trinkets he had on him except for things that can be identifiable by people he knew in the mansion. He lifted the slumped body easily onto his shoulders, and walked back home in a good mood. He had a good gain in return for such a little problem.

Now that he was in front of his sister's mansion, he wanted to burst in laughter after reminiscing how he hid the body very cautiously. The servants, who won't return until late at night, would probably be shocked to find a bloody body instead of an animal's. He truly looked forward to how the madam would react when her loyal dogs find her devoted guard in there.

It was also a mystery how Feng Wuying was able to stay so clueless, not noticing Feng Li and Yan Meixiu were foes, and even took it to the next step by arranging their residences next to the other. The maids and servants were friendly to one another, because they could understand the grievances of working under hot-tempered, fussy and unpredictable masters.

As he didn't send an announcement beforehand, if he stepped into the mansion now, it would be deemed as trespassing. He waited for anyone to open the door after he knocked loudly on the door.

[Why did you alert her over these trivial matters? It's unlike you.]

System appeared out of nowhere as usual. Do I have to explain my every actions to you? I feel like an NPC, introducing the characters and plots.

[I need more data to understand human emotions. Help me, will you?]

I think you already got more than enough, giving him a *bombastic side eye*. Me and madam are already openly fighting.

[WHEN?? I think I missed it.]

In the bout. We have already declared war. This is the only period I am free to provoke her into committing some deeds against me. I may be able to catch her red-handed because attempting to kill anyone in Feng clan was strictly forbidden. She will be banished from the Feng clan tomorrow. Today was the last day of mercy he allowed to let her take anything of value back to her clan.

After this declaration, the Feng clan will be complete enemies of the Yan family. He knew their methods all too well. They would lay low until the Feng clan had let their guard down and take their revenge by any means whether by kneeling to a more powerful backer or licking their shoes. They have no pride but rather ambition. That's why despite being minor villains, they could evolve into first rate villain.

What they didn't know in any of the game routes was that though Feng Wuying was easy to take advantage of, he was decisive in discerning who his enemies and allies were, like father like daughter. The Yan family would suffer from disgrace, but at least they got back their daughter in one piece.

They wouldn't even care about the safety of their members if it could lead to gaining more power, thus, the Yan family wouldn't make a move, unless they were sure to win. Feng clan ended up in a worse state than the graphics in MDZS, the disciples lay limp on the ground, brutally tortured by heavy strikes of martial masters.

A few elite disciples who managed to escape were found a few years later, only to be killed in pain. The elders who sided with the Yan family now who knew the wrath of their family didn't dare oppose them on the outside. Their motto was cruel yet simple. To pay the enemy ten times back until they could no longer rise up again if they dared to hurt your family.

He would like to tear them apart, for he was anguished how someone could bear to destroy this peacefulness for a petty honor. The Yan family should just accept they taught their daughter wrong or else... He clenched his fists, scared about losing someone close to him again.

Though he had no important people to him in this clan, in the end, he was still going to leave. Thus, he wouldn't like it if something bad happened just because he left. It would indirectly be his fault when the survivors look for someone to blame. His face looked calm, in contrast, his mind was loaded with creative ideas on satisfying his desire for vengeance.

The maids rushed over in two seconds for fear of harsh scolding. When Feng Liuxie went inside, the maids' gazes felt strange as if they were seeing the savior of their life. Ah, it must be because of her personality, Feng Liuxie sympathized as he walked along the stone paved ground.

His sister's quarters was different from his mansion's beauty and elegance. If his was a flowery garden, hers would be a fortress. Her quarters were right in the middle of the maid's quarters to be available to serve her 24 hours, in addition, her guards were all trained to guard her mansion rigorously if they were on shift or patrol.

Feng Liuxie remembered a game event where a scenario of maids lied about her desserts and soldiers also reported it unknowing of the disaster bound to happen afterwards. Anyone who played in server 14 would die of rage. It was such a headache to clean up the bloody mess in the mansion. Even after all the screams and the reports, she punished everyone regardless of the mess she knew she created.

In Feng Wuying's frustration, he couldn't help but blame Feng Li for this extreme action. Almost all the hired labor got beaten up for nothing. Even when she had the authority, she didn't bother the bad rumors from spreading, nor could Feng Wuying. Her being ruthless and cruel towards human lives led to a faster downfall of the clan.

In the name of justice, the other head unanimously decided to make a move on Feng clan, as they became weaker. To bring the Feng family, down those old coyotes would stop at nothing, only postpone it. The current Feng clan, in spite of being the smallest among the other clans, had survived due to the previous king's cherished relationship with Feng Wuying's father, his savior as well as his father. Because of this relationship, whatever outrageous demands the Feng clan had, the king would fulfill his wishes in exchange for his loyalty and devotion.

The nobles found this to be a thorn in their eyes. If one day the Feng clan were to ask for the eradication of old nobles, though it's troublesome, there's no way the king wouldn't hesitate to do that for him. The day they feared never came even after the previous king died and the new king they supported was finally crowned.