
The Assembly

The entire structure, which included at least 15 rows of stone seats, was brimming with people. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes were sitting on the amphitheater waiting for the assembly to start.

Brightise realized she would be the main subject of conversation. She felt queasy at the thought that she would have to stand in the middle of the theater.

Back at Paldagor, the school teacher would sometimes make them take turns and talk about their favorite animal or flower, and Brightise remembered that she had hated the whole process. She hadn't liked talking to a whole room of children, so she did not like the idea of standing before an entire amphitheater of Amazons either.

She realized this was completely stupid. How would she make it all the way to the Land of Fire if she couldn't even manage to speak before a bunch of people? Maybe conquering a small fear like this one would help her learn how to conquer a bigger one later on.

Allisa walked down the stairs between rows and rows of Amazons that turned to look at them. Brightise glanced down at the circle at the bottom of the theater and saw the Queen waiting there for them.

When they reached her and stopped, Brightise turned around and scanned the crowd of Amazons surrounding them. She was relieved to see that Mother and the children were not in attendance. She didn't want Clober to hear that she was getting punished. She would get scared for her, no matter what the punishment was.

"Welcome, sisters," the Queen addressed the Amazons loudly. "I would like to introduce you to a new member of our warrior family." She motioned for Brightise to step forward. "This is Brightise. She and her sister came here last night and asked for refuge. They are of demonic descent, but they wish to live and grow here. I know this is something unheard of for our tribe, but I expect you to make them feel welcome. An Amazon is only someone who wishes to be an Amazon after all."

The Queen paused to let everyone take in this information. Brightise felt the other women scrutinize her, some of them looking at her in curiosity, while others in disapproval.

"Unfortunately, I didn't call this assembly soon enough. Zelna spotted Brightise in the castle last night and mistook her for an intruder. There was a fight..." The Queen paused to allow everyone to roll their eyes appropriately. No one seemed surprised to hear that Zelna had gotten into a fight. "...that ended with Zelna in the infirmary," the Queen concluded.

This time, the Amazons were surprised. Brightise could tell that a lot of them were impressed, but some still looked furious.

"Although this was an accident I should have predicted and prevented, justice must still be served."

Brightise's heart was beating hard in anticipation.

"Brightise will be locked in a windowless room inside the castle. No one besides me will know where it is, and no one besides me will have a key. In order to prove herself to us, she will have to escape from this room. She will not be allowed any external help and she will not be given any food or water while she is in there. She will either escape, or die of starvation."

Aaand here it is! Let's see how Brightise gets out of that!


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