

Rayvad was getting better. Brightise knew that one couldn't get used to living without their twin in a matter of days, just like she would never get used to life without Morral, but Rayvad was starting to look less angry with himself each day.

He started playing with Clober again whenever they stopped to rest and he didn't pretend to be asleep to avoid them anymore. Once, he even let Clober ride Syd's horse for a few meters, to show her what it would be like when she was a big girl.

"I will be an Amazon," Clober proclaimed.

Brightise was not hiding her plan anymore. She had told Clober that they were going to a place where powerful women lived and that those women would teach them how to fight monsters. She had just not said that she would be leaving Clober there when she was strong enough to go after the monsters that had abducted Morral.

There were certain things Clober did not need to know yet. It would be a much more pleasant trip if she ignored what would happen once they reached their destination.

"Ambitious," Rayvad said. "Just like your sister."

He somehow did not make it sound as bad this time.

Brightise smiled slightly.

"How far is it?" asked Clober.

"How far is what?" asked Rayvad.

"The Amazon Camp."

"Oh." Rayvad frowned a little. "Not far. Just a couple of days away."


Clober cheered as they pulled their horses to a small clearing to stop for the night. Brightise noticed that Rayvad did not look as happy anymore. Maybe he had gotten used to their company, maybe he had even grown to like them, or maybe he was just afraid that being alone would suddenly make his brother's absence even more prominent.

Brightise covered Clober with a blanket and tucked her in as Rayvad lit a small fire.

When Clober fell asleep, Brightise walked over and sat down next to him. The two of them shared a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. Brightise never liked those kind of silences.

"You'll miss us. I know," she said without thinking.

Rayvad turned red. "Who said that?" he said defensively.

"Your cheery expression ever since you realized we are two days away from Lake Falad. You are still sulking."

"I am not. I am grieving my dead brother."

Brightise raised her eyebrows. He was using Syd as an excuse? Okay, fine by her. "I know, and we are great grieving company."

Rayvad groaned dramatically. "You are impossible," he murmured, turning his eyes to the fire.

Brightise grinned. "Right back at you."

"I am going through a hard time, you know!"

Brightise burst into laughter, which she bet was not an appropriate response, but she just couldn't help it. "Are we going to pretend that you were an easy-going person before Syd died?"

Rayvad tried not to smile, but failed. "I was... tolerable."

Brightise laughed even harder. Rayvad pointed to her sleeping sister and put a finger before his lips, his eyes wide in warning. Brightise somehow found his reaction even funnier. Rayvad had to put a hand in front of her mouth to silence her.

When he pulled it away a few seconds later, Brightise realized he was sitting too close to her.

"You are tolerable now too," she told him, her voice hoarse from laughter.

Rayvad used the hand that had been covering her mouth to pull her hair away from her face. His breath felt hot against her skin as he looked down shyly. Brightise expected him to say "right back at you" or something along that line, clear his throat and then go to bed, but that was not what happened.

Suddenly, Rayvad frowned deeply, looked away from her and screamed, "Your boots are on fire!"