
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs


" The plumber is coming over today." Lauren announced as they ate breakfast, Asher just nodded in response.

" And don't break my plates, if you don't want me to beat the hell out of you." Lauren warned after she saw that Asher was almost done with his food, Asher couldn't fight a shiver that took over his after he heard what Lauren said, he remembered what Lauren did to him the last time he broke her plates, he couldn't even bring himself to remember the experience.

" Okay." Asher responded and he carefully used the plates, after Lauren finished eating, he packed the plates off to the table to the kitchen where he would wash them. After doing the dishes, he came out of the kitchen and he saw Lauren sitting on the couch, reading a book.

" Can your eyes read that book?" Asher teased.

" What do you mean?" Lauren responded with a snort.

" Nothing, just asking."

" What are those books? And how did you get them because we are literally living in a middle of nowhere." Asher said and he sat beside Lauren on the couch.

" These are the magic books that you requested." Lauren said and Asher's face brightened.

" Thank you so much Lauren." Asher said and he quickly checked the books and the books were strangely heavy, out of his expectations because he expected magic books to be small manuals not large textbooks. But before he could check the books very well, the door to the house was knocked with so much force that shocked Asher, do people knock this way in this world or is it the men in this world.

" Wait! Let me get the books inside before you open the door." Lauren said as Asher stood up to get the door.

" Oh, okay." Asher said.

" Magic books might cause problems we don't want and Felix would surely know they are magic books." Lauren said as she took the books inside her room, Felix is the plumber's name. It seems that magic books can attract problems, Asher thought as he walked steadily towards the door. He couldn't help but feel giddy, he is finally meeting another person in this world, save Lauren though. Asher opened the door and he saw a woman with a long, silky black hair, long legs, a nice waist, great ass and nice breasts, beautiful tanned skin and a beautiful face. Asher was stunned for a second as he saw the woman at the door step, are women in this world this beautiful, save Lauren the old girl though. This was all before Asher regained his sense and became alarmed because they were expecting a man named Felix not a woman here.

" A man?" The woman blurted out as she tightened her grip on the spanner that she held.

" A woman?" Asher blurted out the same time and his face scrunched up, cautious.

" What is a man doing here? Are you a thief? Are you a killer? Are you a burglar?" The woman kept rambling and Asher couldn't help but frown, what's wrong this girl? She just saw him for the first time and she's spitting questions.

" Where is Lauren?" The woman added again and she pointed the spanner she held at Asher which Asher just responded with an incredulous look, a gun couldn't even kill me, and you are pointing a metal spanner at me? Asher thought.

" Who are you?" Asher finally said and the woman just humphed and moved closer to Asher.

" I asked you first, where is Lauren?!" The woman repeated but Asher just sighed.

" We are expecting Felix and you don't look like Felix. So bye." Asher said and he almost closed the door before hearing the woman say something.

" Why am I not like Felix?" The woman blurted out, angry. Asher didn't know what he did that made her angry but he seemed to have hit a spot.

" You have this thing that Lauren has, she called it breasts." Asher said innocently as he pointed at her breasts. The woman blushed and she tried to hide her embarrassed flushed face.

" But yours is a bit bigger… " Asher was cut short.

" Who are you? You are so rude!" The woman shouted but before Asher could respond, Lauren approached the door.

" What is happening out there Asher?" Lauren asked.

" There is someone strange out here." Asher said and he moved away from the door way, letting Lauren have a look at the person at the door.

" Oh my God!" Lauren shouted and she ran towards the lady, envoloping her in a tight hug that the lady reciprocated. Asher was bewildered, Lauren actually know this woman.

" Why are you here Toni?" Lauren asked as she released Toni from the hug.

" I came to fix your bathroom." Toni responded and Lauren just noticed the bag strapped on her shoulder and the spanner she held.

" Really? You learnt plumbing from Felix?" Lauren asked and Toni nodded in response.

" Lauren, who is this man?" Toni asked as she pointed at Asher that just stood at the doorway, disinterested.

" He is a family member that came over to stay with me for a while." Lauren lied through her teeth and Asher was dumbfounded, if he had water in his mouth, he would have sprayed the both of them, family with this woman? Asher thought, but he didn't respond.

" Really? But he was really rude and he treated me like a stranger." Toni said grugdingly, Asher just cocked his eyebrows, amused. Lauren turned to face him with fury written all over her face and Asher could smell trouble.

" I am sorry." Asher said calmly before Lauren could say anything, without waiting for any response, he walked into the house, he had a lot of magic books to read, he can't afford to waste time, who knew how much time he had before they came for him.

" What did he say to you?" Lauren asked Toni but Toni just coughed awkwardly and told her not to bother. Lauren took her inside and Toni went into the bathroom to fix the problem, getting the work done while Lauren chattered her ear off while she worked.

Meanwhile Asher in his room, cleaned the magic books and he placed them on the only table in the room and he sat down to read it but he remembered he had to something, feed the animals. He stood up and he quickly went to get the work done, after he was done with the task, he went over to Lauren without any shirt on, to inform her about what he just did. Asher saw Lauren telling her childhood stories to Toni while she worked her ass off, she was sweating buckets, wetting her clothes, accentuating her… hmm. Asher stopped his thoughts, taking his eyes off Toni before turning to face Lauren. Lauren winked at him, oh… she caught him staring at Toni for a few seconds.

" I have fed the animals, I am in my room, don't disturb me please." Asher said and his voice made Toni look at him, she made a oh with her mouth as she saw Asher's toned body. She couldn't take her eyes of him, she continued to devour his body with her eyes, until her face blushed remembering what he said earlier, she stopped looking and pretended like she wasn't looking. But Lauren caught her. Asher didn't acknowledge her, he just walked into his room, locking it behind him. After Asher left, Lauren turned to Toni and smiled.

" I saw that you were looking at him, do you like him?" Lauren asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

" No." Toni immediately refuted but Lauren just laughed loudly.

Asher back in his room just opened the first book named, magic basics and it's history, which was written by Lasmus Diam. Strangely, the name sounded so familiar that he tried to check his memories but he stopped almost immediately. He saw the first page and he started reading the book. Hours later, after Toni had left and Lauren had eaten dinner that Asher skipped just to read the magic book. Asher learned a lot of things from the book such as the presence of mana on earth, mana is the natural resource that enables the use of magic, magic is simply the manipulation of mana available on earth. He also learned that there are two types of people that can manipulate mana and use magic, they are called Witches and Mages. Witches are not of capable of wielding mana by themselves, they can use mana by using spells that would control mana to do their bidding. Then the Mages, they are capable of manipulating mana directly without the use of spells and hand movements. The witches are capable of using any element but mages can only use one element throughout their lives. Then he learned that there are six mana elements available on Earth, they are; fire, water, wind, earth, ice, lightning. Asher smiled as he learned.

Enjoy the good time Asher is having now before he faces the bad times, bliss before horror.

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