
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 8: Shawn's story

Asher was shocked, he saw Toni kiss him but he didn't want to stop her from kissing him, before he could take any action, Toni broke the kiss and Asher saw how her face burned red in embarrassment.

" I am sorry… I will see you later… bye." Toni said quickly and she didn't wait for Asher's response before rushing away from Asher, towards her house. Asher was still stunned, everything just happened so quickly and he didn't even get to respond to anything.

" Huh…" Asher grunted as she stroked his lips with his fingers, the kiss got to him, he really liked it.

" Whatever, I will see you later then." Asher said and he walked away. From away from where he was, Toni was sitting on the ground with her hands covering her face.

" What the fu*k did I do?" Toni mumbled softly as she thought about the kiss, she didn't plan on kissing Asher but she still did it.

" I hope he doesn't change the way he acts towards me." Toni said before calming her tense and excited nerves and then she went home.

" Hey Lauren." Asher started after he sat on a couch with Lauren sitting opposite him, he arrived at Lauren's house minutes ago and he had eaten dinner.

" What?" Lauren replied.

" You didn't tell me that Toni's dad is a mage." Asher said as he stared intently at Lauren.

" Oh, that. Shawn is not a threat to you." Lauren assured.

" How do you know that? You don't even know who I am." Asher said.

" I know I don't know much about you but I know Shawn and he wouldn't hurt you, no matter who you are or what you are."

" You seem so assured about that man."

" Yes, he was a really powerful mage then, especially during the Demon extermination that happened thirty years ago, he was a hero and he fought for good. Thirty years ago, so many races except for witches and mages filled the face of earth, especially demons. The demons didn't follow the rules the mages and witches made because the witches and mages have been ruling earth and they would continue to do so. The other races hated the witches and mages especially demons and a war erupted and the war is called the demon extermination, Shawn fought with all his power to protect humans and this earth. But unfortunately during a battle with a royal demon, Shawn's heart was ripped out by the demon but Shawn didn't die, he still brought the demon down with him and they both died, well everybody thought Shawn died then." Lauren stopped for a while to catch her breath and Asher was busy controlling her shock. He saw what exactly happened to Shawn, the part where his heart was removed to be precise but his thoughts were stopped as Lauren continued the story.

" A traitor was in the mages ranks and the traitor took Shawn's body to the dark witches, dark witches are witches that use dark magic. The dark witches didn't support anybody in the war because they didn't participate in the first place, so Shawn's body was experimented on and the dark mages managed to keep Shawn alive but at a price that dark magic required, ten humans. Ten humans were killed to keep Shawn alive, the dark witches finally made a breakthrough at the resurrection project, they can now bring any witch and mage to life but at the price of innocent humans and this opposed the values of other mages and witches and Shawn. Shawn woke up then, realised what happened to him and he was brought back to life, he resented the witches and he requested a release but they didn't, he was a breakthrough, they couldn't let him go. Shawn finally escaped from the dark witches but he killed all the witches at the base before escaping, a total of a hundred dark witches, then he finally came to hide here in this city, everything I just said happened to Shawn at a very far away place on the face of the earth." Lauren finished the story, Asher sighed deeply as he took the story in, Shawn is really strong, a strong mage.

" So he's hiding here with his family, far away from the dark witches." Asher stated in realisation.

" Yes, but dark witches are everywhere all over the earth and they are certainly in this country but their activities are kept to a minimum because of the high frequency of witches and mages living In this country." Lauren added and Asher's heart skipped a beat, why did he reincarnate in a country that had a high frequency of witches and mages and in a body that the past owner was so stupid to offend the mages in this country.

" Shawn is really a good man, he taught my son magic and he protects the whole village." Lauren said with a bright smile.

" How can he protect the whole village?" Asher asked innocently.

" He uses something called an array." Lauren responded, Asher couldn't help but exclaim inwardly, Shawn is just one mage and he is capable of protecting about four hundred people scattered across a big land, he needed to know magic real quick if he wants to survive.

" Waoh, can I learn magic from him?" Asher asked Lauren.

" I don't know, you would have to ask him yourself. He should let you learn from him but that depends entirely on him." Lauren responded and Asher heaved a sigh.

" Alright, I will ask him tomorrow." Asher said, he was determined to learn magic.

" Good night Asher." Lauren said and she walked to her room to get a good night's sleep.

" Good night." Asher responded and he also headed to his room to sleep.

Asher couldn't sleep as he laid on his bed, he had a lot of things going through his mind that kept him from sleeping, the thought that dominated his mind was his kiss with Toni, he still felt weird about the kiss, he liked the kiss and he's also cool with Toni. But there is something that he felt towards Toni, a feeling he couldn't explain and the feeling felt good. Asher soon fell asleep.

★ ★ ★

That same night, In a dark warehouse with little illumination, a man was seen fighting with a woman. The man was dressed in a blue suit with a black shoe and the woman was dressed in a black with a mask. The woman had two knives with her while the man just fought without a weapon. The woman slashed the knife on her left hand at which the man dodged easily, she swung the second knife again at the man and he also dodged it. The slashing and dodging went on for fifteen seconds and the woman got frustrated, she quickly rushed at the man quickly with a great speed, she stabbed the knife at the man but the man caught the knife with his bare hands then the woman pulled the knife away from his hands and the man's hand was sliced in the process. The man raised the wounded hand to his face, took a good look at the hand before smiling.

" Your time is up." The man said.

" Playtime is over." He added.

" These knives are poisoned and you will soon be dead, before you even realise it." The woman said.

" You think a silly poison can kill me, your employer just sent you here to die." The man said with a wry smile and he ran towards the woman, before the woman could react, he snapped her neck, killing her. The woman fell to the ground limply, dead.

" I am sorry sweetie." The man said softly before another man appeared close to him.

" You should stop using teleportation like this, I might just burn you in shock seeing you suddenly by my side." The man said and the other man that just appeared laughed loudly.

" That wouldn't happen."

" I hope so, so what did you find?"

" I already found him hiding safely."

" Really? He had eluded us for a long time, it's time." The man said and they both disappeared from the warehouse with no trace, leaving nothing behind except for a few drops of blood.