
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 32: Dealing with Asher

" Peace?" A man that sat beside the woman repeated calmly as he smoked the cigarette in his hands.

" Yes, and I was talking to the woman, not you." Asher replied.

" Gina, I am Gina." The woman said to Asher and he smiled in response.

" We have nothing to discuss with you." Another man said unhurriedly, Asher was surprised with the confidence of these men. They knew that he killed the men outside yet they were discussing with him like they have the situation in control, oh yes they do. They have thirty men pointing guns at him and supernaturals ready to strike anytime.

" I don't want us to engage in useless fighting because I am sure you will lose. So let's talk business." Asher said seriously, he didn't have enough time to waste.

" You sound confident that we will lose if we fight." Gina said slowly.

" Yes." Asher responded.

" Well let me prove you wrong." Gina said and a loud gunshot followed her words, she shot Asher! The men that sat around the table didn't look surprised that Asher was shot, they just ordered some men to drag him out.

" He is not dead." One of the men that dragged Asher shrieked and fear enveloped the room, his chest was shot yet he didn't die.

" That was quick." Asher muttered as he slowly rose to his feet and he touched the chest he was shot.

" I thought we were discussing peace." Asher shouted.

" You are supernatural, now I see why you were so confident." Gina said and she stood up from her seat.

" That doesn't matter now, what matters is that I will be killing you all." Asher snarled and he prepared himself to fight.

" You won't fight anybody." Gina shouted and she quickly conjured a dark arrow and she threw the dark arrow at Asher. The arrow met Asher's chest and he was sent flying out of the room.

" Fu*k!" Asher said as he landed.

" Elina get over here now, there is a dark witch here." Asher shouted before he realised that Gina is a dark witch, a dark witch. He had been looking for dark witches but now one presented herself before him.

Asher stood up before walking into the room again and surprise flushed his face when he entered the room, all the people in the room were witches, they were pretending.

" It's all an elaborate plan." Gina said, chuckling as she noticed the surprise on Asher's face.

" Elina retreat." Asher muttered.

" Why?" Asher heard in his ear.

" It's a trap." Asher said.

" How are you going to escape?"

" I will." Asher muttered and he ran out of the room, he couldn't fight thirty eight by himself, he wasn't sure he would survive even if Elina helped him. Asher could sense that some witches had a strength that matched Elina so the most reasonable decision was to run away from them, the hotel quickly.

" Oh shit!" Asher shouted when a fire ball landed beside him and he crashed into the ceiling before falling to the ground. Before he could stand up, a lighting bolt hit his chest and he was thrown against a wall as he coughed violently.

Asher was outnumbered and overpowered, he couldn't even escape.

" I thought you were confident that we would lose." Asher heard Gina mocking voice and he sighed as he managed to stand on his feet.

" That was before I realised that I was talking to a room filled with witches." Asher said as he smiled wryly.

" I thought Sunny will send someone better." Gina said and Asher's face burned with anger.

" Don't talk to me that way." Asher said as his fingers turned to claws and he activated his powers.

" Or what? Slice me with your claws?" Gina mocked and Asher bolted towards her, Gina was surprised with Asher's speed that she could barely defend herself from the attack. Asher's claws almost sliced her but she activated a defensive equipment at the last second, saving her life.

" I can slice you with my claws." Asher said.

" I see you are trying to make a point." Gina smiled and she activated a chain made with a dark element that bound Asher's legs. The chains slithered up Asher's legs but Asher yanked his legs from the chain and he backed away from Gina.

" Like you said, there is no need for useless fighting." Gina said and her magical aura disappeared.

" You can leave but we the Alaba cartel have declared war against you guys and we won't stop until you are exterminated." Gina added and Asher sighed then he walked out of the hotel. Asher entered the car parked outside the hotel and Elina drove the car to Sunny's apartment.

" They declared war against us." Asher said.

" I heard everything." Elina added and Asher glanced at her before keeping his mouth shut. Few minutes later, they arrived at Sunny's house and they saw that a part of the house was destroyed.

" What happened here?" Asher asked, surprised.

" We are at war and they have attacked Sunny, the attack is quicker than I thought." Elina said before running into the house and Asher followed her inside the house. After checking the house for minutes, they realised that the house was empty but they could see that a fight took place in the house.

" Let me get my sword in my room." Asher said and he headed inside his room.

" Make it fast, the magic enforcement agency will be here in three minutes." Elina shouted after Asher and Asher quickly got the sword and the concealing lotion before heading back to Elina.

" Let's leave." Asher said.

" Hold my hands." Elina said and she stretched her hands towards Asher who looked at her weirdly, this is not the right place to hold hands but Asher still took her hands.

" Get ready." Elina said and she activated a teleportation tool that will take them out of the house but the equipment didn't work.

" What's wrong?" Elina muttered and she walked over to a window to look outside.

" Shit, they are here." Elina said.

" The enforcement agency?"

" Yes." Elina responded heavily.

" They have placed an array around this house that will prevent space magic from working ." Elina explained.

" How about fighting them?" Asher asked.

" Bad idea Asher."