
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 31: Dealing with the cartel

" This battle that you need me to fight, why me?" Asher asked after the deal was sealed.

" Only Vampires are capable of fighting the battle properly, don't worry I will give you the details when the time comes." Elina said.

" Why must you keep your answers vague?" Asher muttered as a scowl covered his mouth.

" But for now let's continue the training."

" Let me get water first." Asher said and he left the training ground and he came back a few minutes later.

" So after sparring with you I realised that your sword skills are really poor, you would be dead if I really wanted to fight you with the sword." Elina said unhurriedly.

" What about if I use my powers?" Asher added.

" I will still kick your ass without using my powers, your powers can only delay your defeat." Elina responded.

" Then let's start training." Asher said firmly as he raised his sword.

" You know you have to develop this sword to give it more powers." Elina said as she saw the sword in Asher's hand.

" How do I develop the sword?" Asher asked.

" You will use magical crystals but they are really expensive."

" How do I get magic crystals without spending a lot of money?" Asher asked.

" Well you can get lots of crystals by killing a lot of beasts." Elina responded.

" I have no problem killing beasts in human skin." Asher said.

" No, I wasn't being metaphorical, I meant real magical beasts." Elina said, chuckling.

" Magical beasts exist?" Asher asked.

" Yes, of course."

" Hundreds of years ago, mages and witches could only get stronger by cultivation but a beast plane clashed with Earth. The beasts were numerous so they attacked Earth but they were easily sent back and we discovered that the crystals they produce are actually useful. So we started going to their plane to hunt them." Elina explained.

" How come you know so much?" Asher said and Elina responded with a smile.

" Asher, we have a problem." Sunny said as he walked to the training ground.

" What's that?" Asher asked curiously, he rarely heard Sunny mention the word problem.

" The drug cartel in charge of this territory got angry that our products are slowly dominating the market so they took action. They went to the store I own and they razed it to the ground, that happened this morning. But I got information that they are having a meeting now so I want you to go there and kill them all." Sunny said slowly and Asher frowned after hearing what Sunny said.

" You don't mind killing beasts in human skin right?" Sunny asked.

" Sure." Asher responded and he smiled mischievously, finally some action! Asher thought excitedly.

" But there will be supernaturals there and I don't think Asher can handle them." Elina added.

" That's why you will be going with him." Sunny said and he left the training ground.

" You should leave in twenty minutes." Sunny said before leaving the training ground. Asher shot a look at Elina and he smiled before heading to his room to get dressed.

Ten minutes later, he headed to the living room, dressed in a black suit, a white shirt and black pants with a black shirt, but he was surprised when he saw Elina.

" Are we going to an awards ceremony?" Asher asked as he looked at Elina, she was dressed in a brown elegant gown.

" No but we have to dress properly, we are going to crash a party after all." Elina responded and Asher sighed, they were going to kill people so why dress like they were invited to have a drink.

" Whatever, let's go." Asher said and they took a car in the garage before leaving. They drove for twenty minutes before they got to a hotel where the cartel had it meeting. Asher climbed down from the car but Elina remained in the car.

" Aren't you coming?" Asher asked.

" Not now, I will come when you need me." Elina said.

" How will you know when I need you?" Asher asked with doubt written all over his face.

" Trust me I will know, now go." Elina said and Asher walked into the hotel. He entered the elevator and he headed to the floor. The meeting was happening as Elina guided him with the bluetooth earpiece in his ears.

" You are there already." Elina said firmly through the ear piece.

" Yes , I can see four men guarding the entrance." Asher said and he moved towards the men standing at the front of the door where the meeting was held.

" You are not allowed here." One of the guards said and he pushed Asher away.

" Really?" Asher asked.

" Get out of here or else you will regret being stubborn." Another guard said but Asher just sneered as he grabbed the arm of the guard pushing him and he twisted the arm before hitting the arm with his knee and the guard screamed in pain.

" He broke my arm." The guard shouted but Asher ignored his shouts as he punched the man's neck, killing the guard immediately. He dashed towards the closest guard and he lifted the guard before throwing him towards the other guard. He walked towards the three guards that laid on the ground and he stomped one of guards neck, killing the guard instantly.

The third guard already stood up and he slashed a knife at Asher's face but Asher dodged the attack before grabbing the knife from the man and he stabbed the man's left eye with the knife. A piercing scream sounded as Asher removed the knife with the man's eyeball then he moved towards the last guard and he stabbed the guard before lifting him and he threw the man towards the door. The guards were skilled but they were powerless because Asher used his Vampire speed and they couldn't catch up to him, they were humans after all.

Asher opened the door and as he walked into the meeting room, he saw eight men sitting around a large table and a woman sitting at the front of the table. Shit! Asher noticed thirty men pointing guns at him and a sweat broke through his neck.

" Good day to you all, sorry I crashed your meeting but I had to because we have a problem." Asher said as he smirked.

" Elina, I need your help now." Asher muttered to the ear piece.

" No you don't, I said I will come when you need my help not when you want it." Elina responded and Asher almost fainted.

" Thirty men are pointing guns at me."

" Are they supernaturals?" Asher heard Elina ask through the earpiece.

" No." Asher responded solemnly and Elina didn't say anything again.

" Sunny sent you?" The woman asked.

" Yes." Asher responded.

" Well he sent you to die." The woman added.

" No, before we get violent, how about we discuss things?" Asher asked.

" After killing my men." The woman retorted sharply.

" You also destroyed Sunny's property." Asher added calmly.

" I was ordered to kill you all but how about we put our grievances aside for a minute and discuss peace." Asher said cheerfully.