
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 18: Meeting Dennis

" Lauren?" Asher called weakly as he woke up slowly.

" You are awake, good." Lauren gushed as she rushed towards Asher that sat up slowly.

" Yes I am." Asher said and he noticed that his whole body felt weak and hungry.

" How long have I been out?" Asher asked.

" A week, I was really scared that something happened to you." Lauren responded as she sat beside Asher.

" That long." Asher muttered as he sighed, he was shocked that he was just regaining consciousness a week later.

" Thank you for saving me… again." Asher said as he cracked a bright smile.

" You are welcome." Lauren responded before Asher enveloped her in a tight hug, she was surprised that Asher took the initiative to hug her. Asher was not the type of person that got physical with emotions, except for now. The hug went on for seconds before Asher's stomach impatiently grumbled in protest.

" It seems you are really hungry." Lauren said before breaking the hug as she laughed.

" I made something for you." Lauren added.

" Now get up and let's get you breakfast." Lauren said as she stood up and she walked out of the room. Asher also got up and he headed to the wardrobe in the room to get a shirt. Minutes later he entered the dining room and he saw the table was already set and he grabbed a seat before sitting.

" Now let's dig in." Asher said impatiently, he was so hungry that he didn't even check if Lauren was eating.

" What about Toni and her family?" Asher suddenly asked as they ate breakfast.

" Let's talk about that after eating." Lauren said without breaking the smile on her face but Asher noticed that her eyes squinted for a second.

" Alright." Asher continued his meal, ignoring what he noticed.

" Like I asked earlier, what happened to Toni and her family?" Asher asked after they already finished eating their breakfast.

" Well…" Lauren hesitated as her face got serious.

" Just tell me Lauren."

" Shawn wasn't found, many mages came from the city and other countries to find him because he was very important to the world." Lauren said but was cut short by Asher.

" Important my ass. None of these mages came when he was attacked, although the attack took hours." Asher fumed.

" I don't know why that happened but would you let me tell you what happened? So they discovered that Shawn was taken by the dark witches just like in the past. He stood no chance, they overwhelmed him." Lauren stopped to take a deep breath.

" Sarah was killed and Toni too was killed." Lauren said slowly and he waited for any reaction from Asher. Asher already expected this but he desperately hoped that Lauren would prove him wrong but it seems that reality is truthful and brutal.

" It hurts." Asher suddenly said.

" I know it does, they were buried while you were unconscious and you should go to their graves." Lauren said before walking away, leaving Asher to himself.

Minutes later, Asher already dressed up and he headed to Toni's grave that was close to Lauren's house. He remembered that Lauren told him that her son and his fiancee would be coming home and Asher really looked forward to meeting him.

Twenty later he got to Toni and Sarah's grave and he placed the flowers he brought with him on their graves but he didn't leave after doing that.

" Toni… " Asher started as he knelt opposite Toni's grave.

" Why did you have to die?" Asher asked before smiling.

" Huh? We haven't spent much time with each other. I haven't gotten to know you very well, we just spent little time together." Asher said unhurriedly.

" Why aren't things fair to us? We were happy, so happy until you died. How can I possibly go on without you? Even if I do, it would not be worth it." Asher raved on.

" But I have to let you go, I am sure you will be happy to know that I am moving on, without you." Asher said as he sobbed silently.

" Bye Toni, I loved you, l love you and I will forever love you. I promise you that I will find who killed you and your mother and I will make that person pay, I swear. I also promise that I will find your father." Asher said and he stood up before walking away, now more things are added to his to do list. The first thing he wanted to do is to know his purpose on this planet but now he has to take revenge for Toni and Sarah then bring Shawn back.

" Now let's tell Lauren that I got my memories." Asher said as he walked home, he got his memories when he passed out. Although he has the memory of the past owner of the body he reincarnated in, he now knows that the past owner of the body is also named Asher. He was a gangster and he did illegal drug and arms deals and he stole a weapon from the witches and that was why the witches chased him to Lauren's house.

Asher smiled as he walked because he already knew where he hid the weapon and he couldn't wait to retrieve the weapon which is a sword. He needed every power boost he could get because he had messed with a lot of people and he needed power to ensure his survival, he already realised that he was a vampire.

And few Vampires existed on the planet in the first, even the crazy demon, Xander, told him to be careful. So he needed to have good weapons that would keep him from using his Vampire powers, he didn't even know how to use them.

When he got to Lauren's house, he knocked and the door was opened by a strange lady, the lady was very beautiful Asher admitted.

" Hey, you must be Asher." The woman said.

" Yes I am, and you are?" Asher asked as he walked into the house.

" I am Dina." Dina said as she stretched her hands towards Asher and he took her hand, the shake was broken when Dennis, Lauren's son appeared in the room.

" Asher." Dennis said confidently as he walked towards Asher.

" Yes, you must be Dennis." Asher said and he shook Dennis hand.

" Mother really said a lot about you, nice meeting you." Dennis said as he smiled brightly, Asher noticed that a tooth was removed and that almost made him laugh.

" Same here and Lauren always talks about you even when she's sleeping." Asher said as he chuckled.

" Mother, I thought you said you didn't miss me." Dennis said and he turned to face Lauren who was behind Dennis.

" Don't mind Asher, I didn't miss you at all." Lauren responded before laughing loudly. Asher went into his room to change his clothes and he came back to the living room to talk with Dennis and Dina, although Dina didn't say much. Asher noticed that Dina kept looking at him secretly with excitement in her eyes, Asher managed to see her because of his Vampire vision. But he didn't mind it, maybe she was falling for him, uhm just forget that he thought about that, maybe she suspected something.

Asher really learned a lot from Dennis, he knows that Dennis is a wind mage working for a private mage company. Dennis is a level seven galaxy mage, mages strength are gauged by levels.

It starts with the Star level which consists of seven levels, any mage would have to start as a level one star mage. Then the galaxy level which also consists of seven levels then the constellation level that has seven levels. Constellation mages are very powerful creatures capable of destroying countries and they were the ones that led a lot of organisations but they weren't the most powerful. Heaven mages are the most powerful mages which also consist of seven levels. Asher learned everything from Dennis that was happy to share.