
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: The dark witches attack

Shawn was mildly surprised when he saw a skeleton walk out of the dark void behind James.

" You dare to open a portal to the underworld?!" Shawn shouted.

" Like I said, we came prepared. You must come with us because you are all we need." James said unhurriedly as another skeleton walked out of the void.

" I can't… " Shawn whispered.

" You can stop all of this by coming with us." James said with a big smile on his face, as they conversed, the skeletons didn't stop walking out of the void.

" You should stop now! If you don't stop, you will destroy everything here." Shawn said.

" I don't really mind doing that." James responded and the void finally closed, hundreds of skeletons with weapons made of bones were behind James, ready to get rid of anything. The skeletons looked lifeless as they stood stiffly behind James.

" Kill him." James said as he pointed his finger towards Shawn. The skeletons suddenly started running towards Shawn after hearing Shawn's command. Shawn took a deep breath and he casted a spell and his staff shined brightly.

He hit the ground with his staff and the floor the skeletons were running on was frozen and this caused the skeletons to fall on the ground. Seeing this, a dark witch casted a spell and a dark flame hit the ground and the ice on the ground shattered. The skeletons quickly stood up and they continued to run towards Shawn, the other dark witches around Shawn also continued to attack Shawn.

Shawn frowned at the overwhelming attacks thrown at him by the witches, he could barely protect himself from the attacks. A bone sword suddenly hit his ice shield and he noticed that the skeletons were already around, hitting his shield crazily. Shawn activated a spell that gave him more speed before conjuring a large ice sword that was floating in the air, he spun the sword around him hitting the skeletons by his side.

All the skeletons were cut into pieces by the sword that was spinning around Shawn. When all the skeletons were destroyed, Shawn controlled the sword to hit the dark witch that was closest to him. The witch couldn't conjure a shield quickly as the sword hit his chest, he was sent flying and when he landed on the ground, he was already dead.

Shawn hurled a large ice ball at a witch but the witch dodged the attack.

" It's time." Shawn said as he smiled, unknown to James and his men, Shawn has been casting a spell since the battle started and he could now activate the spell that will kill all the witches. Shawn shouted as he activated the spell, the sky suddenly darkened as dark clouds covered the sky, then tiny ice drops started to fall. The witches started laughing when they saw that tiny ice drops were falling but that was until one witch screamed before falling to the ground.

The other witches saw that the witch had his body filled with tiny wounds and his shield couldn't protect him from the tiny ice drops, the witches were surprised and they quickly casted shields around their bodies. The witches looked up and they saw that the drops had already turned into large ice arrows dropping from the sky rapidly. The witches couldn't protect themselves from the ice arrows. The ice arrows rained for three minutes and all the witches around Shawn, except for James were laying on the ground dead, they had brutal wounds all around their bodies. The rain stopped for a second and the ice arrows gathered to form large ice spells that hit the ground, destroying the no flight array.

Shawn floated into the sky as he looked at James with anger, they were both surrounded with frozen dead bodies of dark witches. James deactivated his shield that protected him from Shawn's attacks before laughing loudly.

" I have to admit, you are now stronger." James said before he opened a dark portal.

" I have always hated your ability to make portals." Shawn muttered under his breath as he readied a spell waiting for what would walk out of the portal. Seconds after, a man walked out of the portal with an umbrella over his head, Shawn's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the man. The man that walked out of the portal is Xander, the demon gem.

" I thought I killed you!" Shawn couldn't help but blurt out.

" I also thought I killed you." Xander responded as he destroyed the umbrella he had with him.

" But it seems that you didn't die, I heard that you were saved so I came to say hello." Xander added.

" I will finish what I couldn't finish then." Shawn said as he held his magic staff tightly.

" Gladly." Xander said as his nails turned to large and sharp claws. He smiled before two white large wings appeared on his back and he flew towards Shawn who was in the air.

Asher ran quickly towards Toni's house but on the way, he saw a dark witch killing some people. He quickly hid himself but the witch saw him, the witch turned to face Asher and she casted a wind spell that lifted Asher before bringing him towards the witch.

" Did you think you could hide from me?" The witch asked Asher but he didn't respond as he struggled to escape.

" You can't escape." The witch said as she walked closer to Asher, before she could touch Asher, she was stopped.

" Nina! Get over here, this is not our mission." Another witch called out and Nina reluctantly dropped Asher to the ground as she headed towards the witch that called her. Asher got up quickly and he heaved a sigh in relief that he wasn't killed by the witch. He suddenly heard a loud band and he ran towards the source of the sound, when he got there, he saw about a dozen dark witches hitting the house with dark magic but the house was protected by an array. Asher didn't know what to do, he didn't think the house would last long against the rapid and continuous attacks, his thoughts were stopped as a punch hit his neck before passing out.