
Ascension of The Unholy Immortal

In the vast expanse of the infinite domains where time loses its grip and eternity is but a fleeting concept, the pursuit of immortality and everlasting life consumes many souls. At the heart of this cosmic tapestry a six-century-old expert whose name invokes both fear and reverence throughout the world. Struggling against the constraints of his own talent, He devises a grand plan that has the potential to ripple through the entire world. His singular ambition: to break free from the shackles of his limited fate and ascend to a higher realm. Yet, as he orchestrates his intricate moves from behind the curtain, a pivotal question arises. Is he genuinely forging a new destiny, defying the preordained trajectory of his life? Or, in his relentless pursuit of immortality and power, is he unwittingly treading a path already laid out by unseen forces? Discord: https://discord.com/invite/VTRW2mtj

ChaosMajesty · Ost
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327 Chs

Blood Moon

Liang nodded and followed Yang Wu through one of the secret passages within The Free Heart Pavilion, leading to an underground chamber. It was a spacious room with many stone tables arranged in a circular pattern. Each table had various herbs, elixirs, and alchemical equipment. In the middle of the chamber was a massive stone platform that looked like an altar.

In the middle of the altar, a spirit formation could be seen. In the centre of the formation resided a sword. It was about two meters in length, its blade was jet black, and it exuded a dense black Qi. Looking at it gave people a feeling of unease.

Liang approached the altar and walked towards the spirit formation centre. He looked at the sword for a while, then extended his hand and gently placed it on the blade of the sword, which started to vibrate as if it was feeling happy.

"This sword is called the Blood Moon Sword, I'm not entirely certain about its real name. But It was the first genuine treasure I discovered. Back when I was only a low-level cultivator in the Spirit Palace Realm, a group of fools were pursuing me inside Blood Moon City. I managed to evade them by fleeing to the city's underground," explained Liang with a a hint of melancholy in his voice.

Yang Wu's eyes flashed with surprise. It was the first time for him to hear this story. But before he could ask further questions, Liang raised his hand, indicating to him to remain silent.

He then grasped the sword hilt and raised the sword from the ground. "Coincidentally, I discovered an ancient chamber when I entered it, I found a human skeleton laying there with a black Sword in his embrace. After looking through the chamber, I was shocked to discover that the skeleton was once the famous Blood Moon Saint who built the Blood Moon City. At that time, the sword was just a low-grade magic treasure, but it was very valuable to me at that time, so I took it "

He paused for a moment before continuing, "But now, after countless years, the sword reached its limit when it turned into a peak-grade magic treasure. and that was its limit after being refined by the Blood Moon Saint. After many studies, I couldn't find the material that the sword was made of, but I concluded that it was most likely made from the bone of a powerful demon."

He looked around and said nonchalantly "Well, that doesn't matter anymore, as I am going to reforge the sword again. I only needed a sword that I am familiar with, and I haven't used any other swords, Well it is my only choice anyway."

Lord Wu nodded, "I have gathered all the materials you have asked for. The strongest demon bones I could find, refined steel from many peak-grade Magic weapons, the purest spiritual essence from the Heavenly Earth Vein that we accumulated over the years, and finally, 200 hundred Nascent Souls. Everything is here."

Liang nodded in satisfaction. He lifted the Blood Moon Sword and placed it on the altar. His eyes flashed with a crimson light, and he raised his hand. A crimson flame emerged, and he directed it towards the sword. As it engulfed the sword, it began to melt until it turned into liquid. He then started to chant ancient incantations, and his hands began to form numerous mysterious seals, and the liquid began to reforge itself under his power.

The process took hours, and Yang Wu watched with awe as the sword embryo began to take shape.

Finally, Liang stepped back and let out a deep breath. The sword embryo was now complete, although its colour was still black, there was no longer any trace of the demonic Qi from before.

He looked at Yang Wu, who understood his meaning and took out four magic containers and placed each one on a different side of the spirit formation.

The first container contained 200 Nascent Souls, the second contained the refined demon bones, the third contained the refined steel from many peak-grade Magic weapons, and the fourth contained the purest spiritual essence that was gathered over the years.

Liang activated the spirit formation and poured the contents of each magic container into it. The purest spiritual essence was the first material to be added to the spirit formation. As it was poured in, the essence began to merge with the Sword embryo, creating a faint white glow around it. The spiritual essence was of the highest quality, and it was clear that it had a significant impact on the forging process.

Next, the refined demon bones were added. The bones were obtained from the strongest demons that Yang Wu could find. As they were poured into the formation, the bones began to merge with the sword embryo, adding an eerie aura to it. The bones provided a significant boost to the sword's durability.

The third material added to the spirit formation was the refined steel from many peak-grade Magic weapons. This steel was of the highest quality and provided a significant boost to the sword's strength. As it was added, the black colour of the sword turned to a deep grey.

Finally, when the container opened, loud howls began to appear as the 200 Nascent Souls tried to escape. Out of nowhere, a massive and terrifying dark black serpent surrounded by dark crimson appeared. It opened its mouth and swallowed the Nascent Souls. The Nascent Souls were absorbed by the serpent, and it soon spits out a translucent ball of energy that contained massive power; that's one of the Infernal Void flame's abilities. It could refine everything in the world with ease.

Liang chanted ancient incantations and performed various seals over the spirit formation, in response the energy ball began to move towards the sword embryo and was quickly absorbed by it, causing it to emit a bright light that illuminated the entire chamber.

The serpent then opened its mouth again and spit out a green ball of light that emitted powerful Draconic energy.

Liang flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood essence appeared. The drop of blood was soon absorbed by the green ball, which then transformed into a massive azure dragon. The dragon roared once it appeared and lunged with unimaginable speed towards Liang.

Unfazed by the dragon's appearance, Liang opened his mouth, and suction power emerged, pulling the dragon until it disappeared into his mouth.

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