
Ascension of Suzetsu Otsutsuki

Princess Kaguya sought to get out of the clan's control and manage her own destiny. She got in contact with the Tree God, and they devised plans to fight her companions, the planet invaders, although things don't always go as expected ... Perhaps by luck, coincidence or fortune, a series of events occurred where Suzetsu Otsutsuki was born. A guy who carries with him genes of the most powerful beings and whose abilities will be the basis of his strength. This is the story of a guy who forged his own path, fought fierce and bloody battles, fell in love with incredible women, and defied countless challenges until he reached the top of the Multiverse. This is the English version, so sorry for the mistakes, my language is Spanish.

Walmano · Anime und Comics
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88 Chs

Suzetsu vs Lee

He has his hair cut and styled into a shiny cut like Guy, and he also has the same outfit, made up of green spandex, orange leg warmers, and his red waist protector.

The second is a beautiful woman, she has brown eyes, and long brown hair tied up in two buns. She wears a pink sleeveless top and dark blue pants. She is one of the most beautiful women Suzu had ever seen in the Shinobi world.

"What are you doing here?" questions the young man with huge eyebrows.

"We're accompanying him to look for some people," Ino answered as he looked at Suzu.

"Tenten, these are the Genin rookies, in the chunin exams they will also participate in a short time, something that has not happened in five years... some overestimate one's capabilities" - said the strange young man. His words made the girls frown.

Tenten was looking at Suzetsu since they arrived at the place, her eyes seemed mesmerized and a little incredulous. Then she felt Ino's cough which seemed annoyed and regained her composure a bit.

"... Some want to raise their egos, leave them Lee, there you can show what they are made of, don't forget that Sasuke will also be there, maybe we will have many surprises" - Tenten says with a smile.

"And this is? He doesn't have a ninja headband" Lee, got annoyed after being completely ignored by Suzu, after all, he was part of Guy sensei's team and the rookies had respect for him.

"Tell me Hinata, would you like to meet Tsunade?" Of course, Suzetsu continued to ignore him.

"LadyTsunade?" the women murmured. Suzu could see that all the girls' eyes sparkled, it seemed they were quite excited about meeting her.

"She's here?" Sakura murmured excitedly.

Tenten was waiting outside the classroom not only because of her teacher Guy, but because she wanted to meet her childhood idol, the Sannin Tsunade. Now she wondered what the mysterious young man's relationship with her was.

"hears! You think you're cool, do you think you're Neji or Sasuke?" - Scream, but he continued to be ignored.

Tired of being looked down upon, he ran towards Suzetsu for a fight.

"Lee !" Tenten yelled.

The young man quickly appeared behind Suzu and threw a punch.

"How fast." Ino was anxious at the sudden attack.

~PUSH~-but before he hit, the young man dodged and quickly punched parallel to Lee's stomach and knocked him directly to the ground. The floor was broken by the impact of his body.

The knock was heard and all became silent as three women looked with hearts eyes at Suzetsu.

Tenten was surprised and her mouth slightly open, she knew that her partner specialized in speed, but now was repelled.

"You have the skill, now I'll get a little more serious"-he had a stoic face after a few seconds that he took to get up, apparently he was not too affected.

~ Fuuuu ~-he quickly ran towards Suzu and kicked and punched again, but the young man dodged them easily.



Right, left, down, up. Lee tried all the moves, but it was impossible, he always finished the other by dodging them.

Meanwhile, in the meeting room, the old man in the center had a crystal sphere where he transmitted what was happening outside, the ninjas were curious about the identity of the young man, and even Guy was surprised because he knew the physical qualities of his disciple. Tsunade looked at the image with a wide smile, without being too surprised. Only the old man supported his head in both hands while he analyzed the situation.

'Who is he? Is he avoiding Lee so easily?' Tenten is still surprised by the mysterious young man.

"Very well, then let's try something else" - said the boy in the green suit.

< blade hurricane > - The Blade Swirl/Konoha Senpu is taijutsu that consists of a series of high and low kicks.

Lee performed this jutsu, first, he attacked with a low kick to damage Suzu's lower part but dodged it by increasing his speed, but Lee was prepared and made a movement with his hand, and a new kick was directed directly at Suzu's face. This move Surprised the girls and the spectators in the meeting room.

Tsunade clenched her fists while nervous, but…

"WHAT?!"- Lee yelled in surprise.

Suzetsu at the last moment bent his body backward! displaying incredible flexibility.

"Well, is that all?" – Suzu got back up without even looking tired.

"I'm using taijutsu, fair martial arts, nothing else, not even the sharingan can respond to my movements because it is necessary to use the body to dodge... incredible, tell me, who are you?" - took a step back as he asked.

"Then it's my turn" - began his movement without even answering.

Suzetsu soon moved directly in front of Lee's body as he threw out a fist, the latter putting his arms forward to block the blow, but just as he expected to bloque it, Suzu disappeared.

'DAMN' - scream inside when he realized what was happening, but it was too late.

~BOOM~-Suzetsu appeared behind him and slammed his fist directly into his back with great force sending him flying into the adjoining wall and destroying it.

~BANG~- was heard and then there was silence in the corridor, even in the meeting room, only the women were staring at Suzu's place with shining eyes.

Seconds afters...

"Cough Cough"- the sound of coughing sounded with some blood falling from his mouth, also part of her clothes were destroyed. Lee struggled to get up, his eyes turned serious, and then he sighed.

He seemed to make up his mind and his hand went to something near his ankles. But before he continued, the doors to the meeting room opened.

"Enough Lee, in the Chunin exams you can have battles with other ninjas from the school" – Guy sensei said as he gave him a thumbs up with a huge smile.

"But Guy sensei, I…" he said biting his lips hard, unwilling to give up.

"Suzu, you were a bit heavy, aren't you hurt somewhere?" Tsunade who was already next to Suzetsu checked his body carefully.

"Don't worry Tsunade, shall we go now?"

"EHHHHH?" - Some surpraice as they looked at the confidence when calling the Sannin by name only.

"We finished the meeting, let's go home"- she replied with a beautiful smile.

"Okay" - the other nodded.

"aayyyy an exhausting day, I'll get to take a bath in the hot springs of the house with some sake hahaha" - Tsunade was happy and murmured without concern for the looks of others.

"Ahhh Lady Tsunade, do you have hot water in your house?" Kurenai said in surprise, after all, she hadn't visited the village hot springs in a long time, and she didn't like the privacy they gave, the same thing happened with Anko who looked at the Sannin with attention to her answer.

"Hahaha... of course, my dear Suzu made the constructions in my grandfather's house, and now we enjoy it every day" – Tsunade responds with a beautiful smile as she touches Suzu's hair.

Meanwhile, everyone looked at him carefully, wondering what mysterious things that young man had to make Tsunade, a woman who never smiled after the loss of her loved ones, begin to behave with such joy.

"Alright Suzu, come on... by the way, who are they?" Tsunade said as she looked at the three beautiful women who were looking at her nervously.

"These are Hinata, Ino, and Sakura, they wanted to meet you" he answered while looking at the little beauties.

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