
Ascension of Demon Empress of Chaos

Fang Xue was a 23-year-old human businesswoman from Earth, but after the destruction of Earth due to a fight between divine beings, her life changes drastically. Rejected by the God of Reincarnation and forced to reincarnate in the body of a young half-demon and half-human girl abandoned in the most dangerous place in the mortal world. She persists and swears revenge, and her prayers are heard by fate, which brings Fang Xue and Ancient Goddess of Chaos together as they pave their way to the top with corpses of Gods, Demons, Buddhas and Humans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ English is not my primary language ~The cover is not my own~ My first time writing a story. Please rate and comment on what could be improved. ~YURI ROMANCE? Yes, but it is not the focus.~

yuuhL · Fantasie
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69 Chs

Hope and 'Blood Will Flow Soon'.

After a few seconds of deafening silence, the room began to feel slightly chilly.

"Please don't joke about something serious," Hu Jiang's serious and cold voice rang out throughout the room, and his icy aura began to spread outside the room.

It wasn't that Hu Jiang doubted Fang Xue, but he didn't want to give his daughter false hope, only to have it dashed later.

Hu Wen and Hu Ling shuddered slightly. The two had never seen Hu Jiang speak so seriously before.

"Calm down, Dad. I'm sure Fang Xue wouldn't joke about something like that," Hu Wen said, trying to calm her father down.

However, Hu Jiang didn't even listen to his daughter and just stared into Fang Xue's emotionless gray eyes.

Ten seconds passed with Fang Xue and Hu Jiang facing each other.

"Sigh... Tell me, why do you think you can help my little Wen cultivate?" Hu Jiang stopped staring at Fang Xue and sighed, giving her a chance to convince him.

"Before we start, I want to confirm a few things... Was Miss Hu born on a full moon day?" Fang Xue said in a calm tone, her voice reverberating throughout the room.

All three of them were surprised, not because Hu Wen's day of birth was a secret, but because Fang Xue had deduced it without any prior information.

"Yes!" Hu Wen replied in a slightly excited tone.

"Okay... Miss Hu, when you turned 10, did your body feel cold and achy at night?" Fang Xue continued without changing her tone.

Hu Jiang stood up from his seat, completely stunned, as Fang Xue's words were true. When Hu Wen turned 10, she began to experience severe pain at night and emitted a cold aura.

"So it was, as I thought, Hu Wen possesses the Maiden Yin's physique!" When Fang Xue's voice faded, Hu Jiang, who was still standing, began to laugh loudly, his laughter echoing throughout the entire mansion.

"The heavens have not abandoned my daughter!" Hu Jiang couldn't contain his joy. He knew a few things about this unique physique.

Hu Wen and Hu Ling were stunned. They didn't know anything about the Maiden Yin's physique and didn't expect such a huge reaction from their father.

After a few seconds, Hu Jiang calmed down.

"Yes, it is indeed a remarkable physique. However, it often does not manifest itself at birth and instead manifests when entering the 4th Level of Body Training." When Fang Xue saw that Hu Jiang had calmed down, she repeated Li Qiang's words.

"I see, but why didn't little Wen awaken when she entered the 4th Level of Body Training?" Hu Jiang asked, somewhat confused but hopeful.

"Simply put, the person with this physique has a strong affinity with Yin Qi. However, if the physique doesn't awaken at birth, the person would usually cultivate a body training method that is Yin Qi-oriented. If they instead practice a Yang Qi-oriented method, it creates a Yin-Yang imbalance, preventing them from cultivating," Fang Xue explained calmly, repeating the words Li Qiang had said in her mind.

"Now that you mention it, our body training method is Yang Qi-oriented... Is there any way to reverse this?" Hu Jiang said with a tinge of guilt in his voice.

"I've said it before, I have a way to help Hu Wen, but I can't do it right now. I would need to enter the Qi Sense Realm," Fang Xue said confidently, although she was actually lying.

Fang Xue could already help Hu Wen, but she wanted to take advantage of the Hu Family's resources and showcase more of her talents.

"Why do you have to do it yourself, and why not now?" Hu Jiang expressed his doubts. He already trusted Fang Xue, but he wanted to know more about the process and assess any potential risks.

"For starters, it has to be me because this technique has been passed down in my family, and it involves my secrets. And I must be in the Qi Sense Realm because I will need to utilize my Qi. I understand your concern, but I assure you it's 100% safe," Fang Xue replied while stroking Li Qiang's fur.

"If you are so confident, I will trust you. As for entering the Qi Sense Realm, my Hu Family owes you a lot, so we will provide you with the necessary resources," Hu Jiang replied solemnly as he walked towards the exit, motioning for everyone to follow him.

Fang Xue held on to Li Qiang, cradling her in her arms.

'Looks like everything went well,' Fang Xue breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she wasn't sure if everything would go as planned.

'You're terrible. You're getting close to that girl and taking advantage of her family's resources,' Li Qiang's voice sounded in Fang Xue's mind.

'She has no connection to me. I will use everything at my disposal to exact my revenge,' Fang Xue replied coldly.

While Hu Jiang led the three of them to an unknown location, a servant came running towards him.

"Patriarch, some members of the Gu family have come to visit and celebrate that Young Miss is still alive," the servant humbly bowed and reported.

"Okay, take them to the guest lounge. I'll be there shortly," Hu Jiang said in a dignified tone befitting a patriarch.

"Understood!" The servant bowed again and left to carry out the orders.

"Before we proceed to the Room of Treasures, let's greet our guests," Hu Jiang suggested softly to the three behind him.

Fang Xue felt a surge of excitement upon hearing 'Room of Treasures,' but she concealed her emotions and followed Hu Jiang's suggestion.

Walking towards a pair of large and imposing doors, Hu Ling hurried over and opened them for his patriarch.

As the doors swung open fully, Fang Xue had a view of the interior, and her gray eyes quickly flashed a red hue, while her aura turned icy to the extreme.

'It was the right decision to come here,' Fang Xue said to Li Qiang, her tone icy and sinister.

Li Qiang, an Ancient Goddess, trembled in fear upon hearing Fang Xue's tone.

'Blood will soon be spilled,' Li Qiang thought, a little excited by the idea.

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Please excuse me if this chapter is not good, everything has been going wrong since this morning and it has affected my writing, but I didn't want to miss a chapter today.

Thank you <3

With Love, Author

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