
Ascending Beyond Gods

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH Join the damn discord mortals! Check out my other two novels too, they got lots of chapters already Righteous Master of Villainous Gods I'm God, So What? Former Protagonist is now my sidekick -------------------------------- A God who has been at Peak at universe now at bottom, rising again after being betrayed by his own, but he is still loved by Universe, worshipped by Dao, severed by Heavens, a God is a God no matter the place, if he is at bottom of universe then that bottom is peak of universe They betrayed because of their inferiority and obsession for strength but this betrayal, this attack, this timing everything 'According to my plan~' Zhao Jun, the First God with greatest talent and Greatest Sect on his way to conquer the 6 universes and reach his True Peak... An Ascension Beyond Gods!

Painful_truth_ · Aktion
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36 Chs

Wild Rampage 2

[Successfully defeated the 'Corrupt White Eagle']

[Gained 500 points]

[Team distribution has been confirmed]

[Gained 125 points]

[Gained 125 points]

[Gained 125 points]

[Gained 125 points]

"Haha! Nice! We've already defeated three Tier 4 monsters! At this rate, we might even make it into the top 30! Imagine getting into the Great Jade Peace University with this achievement!"


"Brother's spear skills are truly remarkable!"


A group of students was seen relaxing and celebrating after their collaborative victory over another monster.

"Yeah, thankfully, we have this teaming-up system. Without it, dealing with Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters from day one would have been incredibly tough. Most students are already out of the competition. It's clear why they call it one of the top universities – even getting admitted is as challenging as graduating from many other universities."

A candidate student remarked with a deep sigh, looking around at his peers. The other three nodded in agreement, acknowledging the difficulty of the challenge.

"Hah! But don't worry! We won't face any troubles as long as we're together. All of us are at the Core Formation Realm. Who would dare to bully us?"

Upon hearing this, all their faces lit up, and the morale boost was significant enough for them to stand up once again, looking forward to the competition with renewed enthusiasm.


"Who would dare to bully us! If the worst comes, we can easily escape even Tier 4 monsters with our teamwork!"

"Hahaha! Right! We've been friends throughout our school life! Fight together! Die together!"

All grinned, exchanging smiles with each other in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. However, the mood abruptly changed when they noticed that one of their friends had been gruesomely pierced through the head with a sharpened piece of wood, shaped like a spear and glowing with an ominous aura.


"Who attacked?!"


The remaining three immediately went on high alert. In the next instant, a shadow loomed over them from above. As they looked up, they saw Zhao Jun, grinning menacingly, his arms engulfed in a fierce, flame-like aura.

"I dare to attack! If you don't like it, then fight!!!!"

Hearing Zhao Jun's challenge, the three remaining candidates were drenched in sweat from head to toe. In the next moment, Zhao Jun landed on the ground, crushing another of their group with a single, powerful strike of his fist.

"Damn! It's the rank 1 guy from the rankings before!"

"Shit, he's already eliminated our 3rd and 4th brothers! 2nd brother, help me attack! So what if he's rank 1! How dare he be so arrogant!?!"

Both survivors reacted quickly. The elder one grabbed his spear and charged towards Zhao Jun without hesitation, while the other, fists ablaze with green flames, rushed forward.

"Dare to pick a fight now! Don't blame us now!"

He shouted, swinging his fists at Zhao Jun, creating fierce wind blasts with the sheer force of his strikes. However, Zhao Jun casually dodged them all. With a grin, he suddenly grabbed the wrist of the attacking candidate and coldly retorted,

"Who is blaming whom?"


Stunned, the candidate could only watch as Zhao Jun smirked and then drilled a hole through his chest with a devastating fist strike.

"Second brother!?! How dare you!?!"

Enraged at the sight, the spear-wielding candidate's weapon burst into dangerous red flames as he swung it violently towards Zhao Jun

Each of his spear strikes created a wave of flames at the point of impact, and the heat radiating within a dozen-meter radius was intense enough to roast a chicken alive, even if it wasn't the direct target of the flames. Meanwhile, Zhao Jun, enveloped in his Qi, effortlessly dodged all the fiery assaults.

"Lot of love and friendship among you brothers, huh? Now, I feel a bit bad..."

"You dare show pity to a warrior now! Arghhh! How arrogant!!!! Die!!!"

Zhao Jun heard his opponent's enraged shout and scoffed, backing off a few meters as he replied,

"Why be so angry, brother? You'll still be accepted into the University. Sure, your ranking might not be top-notch, but hey, it's a competition after all!"

As Zhao Jun spoke, his eyes sparkled, and he casually stepped forward. In the next moment, he stood right in front of his opponent, effortlessly grabbing the flame-engulfed spear in his hand.


The opponent displayed a mix of rage, fear, and nervousness, while Zhao Jun remained impassive. In the next instant, his opponent disintegrated into light particles, logging out without a chance to resist.


Zhao Jun exhaled deeply, relaxing his posture and the cold aura around him. Suddenly, Fang Xiyue landed a few meters away, brushing dust off her hands.

"Oh, I'm done with the other side. That guy was dumb. I can't believe he fell for such a simple trick."

"Haha! That's great. So, we've taken down 30 people today."

Zhao Jun remarked, glancing at the bracelet on his wrist. Fang Xiyue sighed, a frown crossing her face.

"But we're going to get so much hate from our classmates, even though we did well here... Haha..."

"Well, you have to lose something to gain something, right? It's the efficient path!"

[Detected you eliminated 4 candidates carrying 1500 points]

[750 points gained]

"Too bad the points get halved when we receive them, but it's still better than taking on 13 monsters alone," Zhao Jun remarked. Hearing this, Fang Xiyue nodded in agreement, sighing. Zhao Jun grinned, patting her back, and began moving towards the forest, inquiring,

"So, did you find the location of what I asked you to look for? There are only a few hours left before the first day ends, you know. We've got to eliminate as many candidates as possible before the third day."

"I know, I know. I got a clue. It's in the southern corner of this area. There were hardly any candidates there. The Qi is richer, so the monsters are stronger. I think the one we're looking for is at the core of all this commotion," Fang Xiyue reported.

Hearing this, Zhao Jun's face lit up with a smile. He casually placed his hands in his pockets and confidently said, "Guess we'll be able to claim our machine gun by tonight, huh?"


Suddenly, both Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue's eyes gleamed coldly as they vanished into the woods, cold grins etched on their faces.



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