
Ascendant System

In a world where the strong devour the weak, a young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and dominance. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates and get his revenge. Along his journey, Ryker encounters formidable foes, loyal allies, and a few captivating love interests who add complexity to his cold-hearted quest for vengeance and power.

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48 Chs

The First Major Battle

Ryker's journey took him to the edge of a great desert, beyond which lay the legendary city of Arkaim. The city was known for its vast libraries and ancient knowledge, a treasure trove for anyone seeking to understand the mysteries of the world.

The desert was harsh and unforgiving, filled with dangerous creatures and treacherous terrain. Ryker battled through, each victory bringing him closer to his goal.

[Experience Gained: Greater Sand Serpent Defeated – 50 EXP, 25 AP]

[Current Level: 7]

[Grade:] Apprentice

[Experience:] 1070/1200

[AP:] 160

Ryker pushed on, driven by the promise of knowledge and power. He finally reached Arkaim, the city's towering walls standing as a testament to its ancient heritage. The city was a bustling hub of activity, with scholars and warriors from all corners of the world.

Ryker made his way to the Grand Library, a massive structure filled with countless scrolls and books. He spent days poring over ancient texts, seeking any information that could aid him in his quest. The knowledge he gained was invaluable, providing insights into the nature of the gates and the demonic invasion.

As Ryker travelled, the Ascendant Path System activated, providing a new mission and a glimpse of the path that lay before him.

[New Mission: Confront the Demon Commander]

[Reward: Epic Weapon]

[Description:] A powerful demon commander is guarding the gate. Defeating him will significantly weaken the demonic forces and provide a valuable reward.

Ryker's resolve hardened. The Demon Commander was a significant threat, but defeating him would be a crucial step in his mission. He set his sights on the Demon Commander's stronghold, ready to face his greatest challenge yet.

Ryker approached the next gate with determination. The demon forces were growing stronger, and each gate was more heavily guarded than the last. According to the Ascendant Path System, this gate was protected by a powerful demon commander.

Ryker knew that defeating the commander would be a critical victory. He carefully made his way through the corrupted land, using his skills to dispatch lesser demons quickly.

[Experience Gained: Common Demon Defeated – 20 EXP, 10 AP]

[Experience Gained: Common Demon Defeated – 20 EXP, 10 AP]

[Experience Gained]

[Current Level: 9]

[Grade:] Expert

[Experience:] 1900/2000

[AP:] 600

Experience notifications from the system rang in Ryker's ears as he killed many demons in his way to the gate.

[Experience Gained: Elite Demon Defeated – 150 EXP, 50 AP]

[Level Up]

[Current Level: 10]

[Grade:] Master

[Experience:] 50/2400

[AP:] 625

So im master grade now huh? I should be able to compete with the top existences of this world with my current power.

[New Feature Unlocked: Level-Up Rewards]

[Description:] Every time the user levels up, they will receive a special reward, which could be a skill, a weapon, knowledge of something unknown, a key to a hidden gate, or even a small reward like 5 gold coins.

[Level-Up Reward: New Skill]

[New Skill: Phoenix's Rebirth]

[Grade:] Epic

[Description:] A technique that enhances the user's physical abilities and heals minor wounds for a short duration.

Ryker felt a surge of power as the new skill integrated into his repertoire. Phoenix's Rebirth would be invaluable in his battles, allowing him to sustain himself in prolonged fights. He took a moment to catch his breath, knowing that the path ahead would only grow more challenging.

[Level-Up Reward: 1kg of beef jerky seasoned well and ready to eat]

After killing the surrounding demons, Ryker opened the System interface to check his progress.

[Current Level: 11]

[Grade:] Master

[Experience:] 2150/2800

[AP:] 760

Finally, he reached the heart of the corrupted area, where the gate stood ominously. The Demon Commander was a towering figure, clad in dark Armor and wielding a massive Warhammer. His aura exuded power and malice.

[Monster Grade: Boss]

The battle began with a roar from the Demon Commander, who swung his Warhammer with earth-shattering force. Ryker sidestepped the blow just in time, feeling the shockwave ripple through the ground. He countered with a quick strike from Heaven's Edge, aiming for the gap in the commander's armor at the neck. The blade sparked against the dark armor, barely leaving a scratch.

The Demon Commander sneered, swinging his Warhammer in a wide arc. Ryker leaped backward, narrowly avoiding the devastating blow. He activated Shadow Step skill, disappearing from sight and reappearing behind the commander. Ryker slashed with Heaven's Edge, but the commander's dark energy flared, forming a protective barrier.

"Impressive," the Demon Commander growled. "But not enough."

The commander raised his Warhammer, chanting in an ancient demonic tongue. Dark energy crackled around him, forming tendrils that lashed out toward Ryker. He activated Blade of the Tempest, a technique that enveloped Heaven's Edge in a swirling vortex of wind and lightning. Ryker sliced through the dark tendrils, the energy dissipating with each strike.

The commander snarled and lunged forward, his Warhammer now wreathed in black flames. He swung with ferocious speed, but Ryker met the blow head-on, parrying with Heaven's Edge. The clash of weapons sent sparks flying, and the force of the impact pushed Ryker back several feet.

Ryker's eyes narrowed as he prepared his next move. He focused his energy, activating Dragon's Breath, a technique that unleashed a torrent of flames from his sword. The flames roared toward the Demon Commander, who raised his Warhammer to block. The black flames around the Warhammer clashed with Ryker's fire, creating a blinding explosion of light and heat.

Seizing the moment of distraction, Ryker dashed forward with Heaven's Strike, a high-speed attack that left a trail of light. He aimed for the commander's exposed side, and this time, the blade bit deep into flesh. The Demon Commander roared in pain and fury, swinging his Warhammer in a desperate attempt to crush Ryker.

Ryker ducked under the swing and delivered a powerful kick to the commander's knee, forcing him to stagger. He followed up with Thunderclap, a skill that sent a shockwave through the ground, destabilizing the commander further.

"Enough!" the Demon Commander bellowed. He slammed his Warhammer into the ground, causing dark energy to erupt in a wave. Ryker was thrown back, skidding across the dirt. The commander raised his Warhammer, now glowing with unholy light, and charged at Ryker.

Ryker gritted his teeth, feeling the strain of the prolonged battle. He channelled his remaining energy into Phoenix's Rebirth, a technique that he got from levelling up to level 10 that enhanced his physical abilities and healed minor wounds. With renewed strength, he met the commander's charge head-on.

The two clashed in a flurry of strikes and parries, their weapons moving with blinding speed. Ryker's attacks grew more precise, targeting the weak points in the commander's armor. The Demon Commander's movements began to slow, his injuries taking their toll.

With a final, powerful strike, Ryker activated Heaven's Judgment, a finishing move that channelled all his energy into a single, devastating blow. Heaven's Edge glowed with radiant light as it cleaved through the commander's Warhammer and buried itself in his chest.

The Demon Commander let out a final, gurgling roar before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

[Experience Gained: Abyssal Demon Commander Defeated – 500 EXP, 200 AP]

[Current Level: 11]

[Grade:] Master

[Experience:] 2650/2800

[AP:] 960

With the commander defeated, the gate was left unprotected. Ryker destroyed it with a powerful strike, severing another link to the demonic realm.

[Mission Complete: Confront the Demon Commander]

[Reward: Epic Weapon]

A new weapon materialized before Ryker, radiating a powerful aura.

[Epic Weapon: Storm breaker]

[Grade:] Epic

[Description:] A powerful sword that increases the user's attack power by 35% and channels lightning energy into each strike making the weapon immensely powerful.

Ryker felt the surge of power from Storm breaker as he sheathed Heaven's Edge and took up the new weapon. With his new weapon in hand, Ryker pressed on, determined to continue his mission.