
Ascendant System

In a world where the strong devour the weak, a young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and dominance. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates and get his revenge. Along his journey, Ryker encounters formidable foes, loyal allies, and a few captivating love interests who add complexity to his cold-hearted quest for vengeance and power.

Walid_Alkayed · Fantasie
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43 Chs

The Final Showdown

The Chen patriarch's face twisted with rage. "You... You will pay for that!"

He summoned dark energy into his hands, launching bolts of malevolent power at Ryker. Ryker dodged, but one of the bolts grazed his arm, sending a wave of pain through his body. He gritted his teeth, focusing through the pain. He had to end this.

He activated Phoenix's Rebirth again, the healing energy coursing through his veins. With renewed vigour, he charged at the patriarch, their blades clashing in a storm of sparks. The patriarch fought with the skill of a seasoned warrior, but Ryker's determination and rage gave him the edge.

With a final, powerful strike, Ryker activated Judgment once more, his blade glowing with a blinding light. He drove the sword into the patriarch's chest, the light overwhelming the dark energy. The patriarch let out a strangled scream as the light consumed him, leaving nothing but a black ring.

[Experience Gained: Master Chen Patriarch Defeated – 600 EXP, 120 AP]

As the ashes of the patriarch settled, Ryker turned to see the young master, the patriarch's son, trembling with fear and rage. "You... you killed my father!" he screamed, his voice cracking.

Ryker's eyes were cold and unyielding. "And now you will join him."

The young master drew his weapon, a finely crafted sword with dark energy swirling around it. He lunged at Ryker with a wild, desperate scream. Ryker met the attack head-on, his movements calm and precise, his sword cutting through the air with deadly accuracy.

The young master fought with fury and desperation, but it was no match for Ryker's skill and determination. With a swift, powerful strike, Ryker disarmed him, sending his sword flying across the courtyard. The young master fell to his knees, pleading for mercy.

"Please, spare me! I was only following orders!"

Ryker's face remained impassive. "You showed no mercy to the innocent. You will receive none from me."

With a final, decisive stroke, Ryker ended the young master's life. The courtyard fell silent, the air heavy with the scent of blood and the weight of Ryker's victory.

[Experience Gained: Adept Young Master Defeated – 100 EXP, 20 AP]

"hmm?, this must be a valuable ring, to be able to withstand my attack." said Ryker, as he picked up the ring the Chen patriarch dropped.

[Spatial Ring Acquired]

[Grade:] Legendary

[Description:] A ring that contains a pocket dimension for storing items, it has a space of 100 meters cubed. You are able to store any non-living things inside, and they will remain at peak condition.

[Current Level: 13]

[Grade:] Master

[Experience:] 950/3200

[AP:] 1160

With the Chen patriarch defeated, Ryker turned to the mansion. He searched the rooms, finding the family's treasure vault. Inside were piles of gold, valuable artifacts.

Ryker emptied the vault, storing the gold and artifacts in the spatial ring. He also found a powerful artifact, the Titan's Guard armor.

[Artifact: Titan's Guard]

[Grade:] Epic

[Description:] An armor set that increases the wearer's defence by 30% and grants resistance to physical attacks. The user will be able to use the skill "impenetrable" once every day, the skill allows the user to become resistant to any physical damage for 5 seconds, as they will pass through his body.

Ryker donned the Titan's Guard, feeling the strength and protection it provided. His mission was far from over, but with each victory, he grew stronger and more determined to end the demonic invasion and get his revenge on those who betrayed him.

"now, time to wipe this filthy lineage" said Ryker, as he charged Judgement, and lightning started flickering around his sword.


The whole estate turned to ruins, and a flood of notifications entered Ryker's brain.

[Experience Gained: Adept guard Defeated – 100 EXP, 20 AP]

[Experience Gained: Expert guard Defeated – 300 EXP, 60 AP]

[Experience Gained]

[Experience Gained]

Ryker stood amidst the ruins of the Chen estate, his eyes scanning the remnants of what once was a symbol of power and oppression. His heart beat steadily, but his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. This victory was only a small step in his larger quest for vengeance and power.

His mind drifted back to his family, their faces etched in his memory. The flames that consumed his home, the laughter of those who took everything from him. Every step he took was driven by the burning desire for revenge. He would tear down anyone who stood in his path, and in the process, he would become the most powerful being in the world.

As he left the destroyed Chen estate, the city of Eldoria began to whisper of the lone warrior who took on one of the most powerful families and emerged victorious. The Chen family's reign of terror was over, but Ryker knew many more battles awaited him.

Ryker left the ruined estate. The city was still in shock from the events that had transpired, whispers and rumours spreading like wildfire. But Ryker paid them no mind. His focus was singular: to grow stronger and exact his revenge.

Two powerful auras landed near the Chen's mansion, or once was a mansion.

"Who was this guy?, his mere aura was enough to install fear inside me" said a patriarch of one of the remaining three families.

"Sigh, he offended someone he shouldn't have" said the other patriarch, "We told him to stop being overbearing, he never listened"

As he walked through the city, he encountered various street vendors and shops. He bought supplies, knowing that his journey would require him to be well-prepared.

In the midst of his preparations, the Ascendant Path System notified him of a new mission.

[New Mission: Locate the Hidden Gate]

[Reward: Essence of the Storm]

Ryker's eyes narrowed. A hidden gate meant a new challenge and, more importantly, another step towards his ultimate goal.

The city of Eldoria was filled with secrets, and Ryker was determined to uncover them all. He followed the clues provided by the system, each step bringing him closer to the hidden gate. The path led him to an ancient, abandoned temple on the outskirts of the city.

The temple was overgrown with vines and vegetation, its entrance almost completely concealed. Ryker pushed through the thick foliage, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, ready for any threat that might emerge.

Inside, the temple was dark and musty, the air thick with the scent of decay. Ryker activated Shadow Step, allowing him to move silently through the shadows. He could sense the presence of powerful creatures within the temple, guarding the hidden gate.

He moved deeper into the temple, his senses on high alert. The sound of claws scraping against stone echoed through the corridors, growing louder as he approached the central chamber. There, standing before a massive, ornate gate, were several demonic beasts.

[Monsters Grade: Elite]

Ryker readied himself, the familiar thrill of battle coursing through his veins. He activated Dragon's Breath, his blade igniting with flames. With a roar, he charged at the beasts.