
Ascendant System

In a world where the strong devour the weak, a young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and dominance. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates and get his revenge. Along his journey, Ryker encounters formidable foes, loyal allies, and a few captivating love interests who add complexity to his cold-hearted quest for vengeance and power.

Walid_Alkayed · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Into the Abyss

As they entered, the gate's exterior shifted from black to a blood-red hue, unbeknownst to them.

The world inside the gate was a twisted landscape of shadows and malevolent energy. The air was thick with an oppressive aura, and the ground beneath their feet felt unstable, as if it could give way at any moment. Dark, twisted trees loomed overhead, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers.

"We need to stay alert," Ryker said, his eyes scanning the eerie surroundings. "This place is different from any gate we've entered before."

Liora nodded, her grip on her staff tightening. "I've never felt anything like this. It's as if the very air is trying to crush us."

They moved cautiously through the dark landscape, their senses heightened to the slightest sound or movement. The air was thick with tension, a palpable sense of unease settling over them as they ventured deeper into the ominous realm. Suddenly, without warning, the ground beneath their feet trembled, and a chilling presence slithered through the shadows.

"A LEGENDARY BEAST ALREADY!!!" Ryker's voice rang out, filled with disbelief and urgency as he drew his blade. "Something is wrong. They should be Horrors at best."

Liora stood frozen, fear coursing through her veins as she stared at the monstrous shadow panther emerging before them. Its eyes gleamed with a malevolent light, its form imposing and filled with dark energy.

"Ry... Ryker," Liora stammered, her voice trembling. "Shouldn't that be the dungeon boss? Why is it a normal mob?"

"I'm not sure," Ryker replied grimly, his mind racing to comprehend the anomaly. "But we can't afford to hesitate. We have to fight."

With a steady resolve, Ryker stepped forward, his blade gleaming in the dim light as he prepared for battle. "He'll come at us. Thankfully, he's only low Legendary, so I can handle him."

The shadow beast struck first, its movements fluid and deadly. It lunged at Ryker with claws extended, aiming to rend flesh with every swipe. Ryker met the attack head-on, his agility and swordsmanship allowing him to dodge and parry with precision. Liora, still shaken but resolute, channeled her magic, unleashing bolts of fire and waves of force to keep the beast at bay.

The battle erupted into a flurry of action. Ryker and Liora moved in tandem, their synergy evident as they seamlessly alternated between offense and defence. Ryker's Shadow Clone skill came into play, creating doppelgangers that engaged the shadow panther from multiple angles, distracting it and providing openings for devastating strikes.

The shadow beast was relentless, its dark aura pulsing with each attack. It countered with ferocious swipes and bursts of shadowy energy, testing Ryker and Liora's resolve. Yet they fought on, their movements becoming a blur of steel and magic as they pressed their advantage.

Liora's Fire Ball skill proved invaluable, its searing heat causing the shadow panther to recoil whenever it struck true. The beast roared in frustration, its form flickering momentarily as the flames licked at its shadowy fur. Ryker seized the opportunity, launching a series of precise strikes aimed at weakening its defences.

As the battle raged on, Ryker and Liora remained steadfast. They knew the stakes were high—the outcome of this encounter could determine their fate in this treacherous realm. With each coordinated attack and strategic manoeuvre, they edged closer to victory, determined to overcome the unexpected challenge before them.