
Ascendant System

In a world where the strong devour the weak, a young man named Ryker awakens with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and death. Granted a second chance by a mysterious system known as the Ascendant System, Ryker is determined to forge his path to power and dominance. Armed with knowledge from his previous life and unparalleled abilities, he sets out to become the supreme cultivator in a realm where humans with extraordinary powers fight against monstrous demons emerging from gates and get his revenge. Along his journey, Ryker encounters formidable foes, loyal allies, and a few captivating love interests who add complexity to his cold-hearted quest for vengeance and power.

Walid_Alkayed · Fantasie
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43 Chs

An assassin

In the dimly lit confines of a secluded chamber within the academy, Marcus sat, his usual swagger replaced by a simmering anger. Across from him, a shadowy figure leaned forward, their face obscured by the darkness.

"He embarrassed me in front of everyone," Marcus seethed, his voice low and venomous. "Ryker made me look like a fool. I won't stand for it."

The figure nodded slowly, their voice a mere whisper in the quiet room. "We understand your frustration, Marcus. But remember, direct confrontation could lead to unwanted attention. We must be strategic."

Marcus clenched his fists, his jaw tight with resolve. "I don't care about subtlety. I want him gone."

A soft chuckle emanated from the shadowed figure. "Gone he shall be tonight!"

Curiosity flickered in Marcus's eyes, tempered by a growing sense of satisfaction. 

The figure leaned closer, outlining a meticulous scheme that involved exploiting Ryker's vulnerabilities, leveraging the academy's structures and routines against him. Marcus listened intently, his initial impatience giving way to a calculated eagerness.

"And once Ryker is out of the way," Marcus interjected, a sly grin forming on his lips, "what then?"

The figure's eyes gleamed in the darkness. "Then, you will have your redemption. And perhaps more."

They continued to plot, voices blending with the shadows as their conspiracy took shape. Plans were drawn, alliances forged in the quiet of secrecy, all aimed at eliminating the thorn in Marcus's pride—the enigmatic Ryker, whose true abilities and intentions remained shrouded from their sight.

As they departed the chamber, Marcus's steps echoed with newfound purpose, fuelled by the promise of retribution and the tantalizing prospect of reclaiming his status in the eyes of the academy. Behind closed doors, the wheels of their plot spun silently, poised to unleash a storm that would test the limits of Ryker's cunning and resilience.

Later that night...

As Ryker approached his dormitory after a long day of covert manoeuvring through the academy's halls, he noticed something immediately amiss—the door to his room appeared subtly altered, as if tampered with in his absence. His instincts, honed through years of clandestine operations, instantly put him on edge.

Cautiously, Ryker extended a hand towards the door, his senses tingling with anticipation. He had rigged the room with subtle magical traps, designed to alert him to any unauthorized entry. As he touched the doorknob, a faint shimmer of arcane energy pulsed through his fingertips, confirming his suspicions.

With practiced precision, Ryker bypassed the traps using a series of intricate gestures, silently disabling them one by one. His heart raced as he pushed open the door, readying himself for whatever lay beyond.

Inside, the room was cloaked in darkness, save for a dim flicker of moonlight filtering through the window. Ryker's gaze swept the familiar surroundings, noting the subtle signs of disturbance—a displaced object here, a faint scent of unfamiliar magic lingering in the air.

Instinctively, he extended used his Seventh Sense , probing the shadows with a delicate touch. A presence, barely perceptible, lurked in the shadow of the corner of the room. His Seventh Sense unveiled the figure standing before him—a silhouette cloaked in darkness, its features obscured.

A surge of recognition flashed through Ryker's mind as his system scan revealed the figure's strength and identity.

[Name:] John

[Current Rank:] High Master

[Potential Grade:] A


Shadow Blend - Allows the user to blend into the shadows.

Invisibility - Allows the user to be invisible and hard to detect.

Before the figure could react, Ryker moved with lightning speed, striking with a precise combination of physical agility and magical finesse. His movements were a dance of calculated strikes and defensive manoeuvres, exploiting every opening with a fluidity born of years of disciplined training.

The shadow figure, caught off guard by Ryker's unexpected prowess, faltered under the onslaught. Blow after blow landed with strategic precision, incapacitating the intruder without lethal force. As the figure crumpled to the ground, Ryker stood over him, breathing calmly.

 When the figure began to stir, Ryker's voice cut through the tense silence, low and commanding.

"Why did you try to kill me?" Ryker demanded, his gaze unwavering as used his Seventh Sense.

[Seventh Sense]

[Description:] Enhances the user's senses to an extraordinary level, allowing them to perceive hidden objects, detect lies, and sense danger with unparalleled accuracy.

The figure groaned, eyes fluttering open with a mixture of defiance and resignation. "It was Marcus," he admitted, his voice strained. "He offered a reward... said you were a threat."

Ryker's expression hardened, his mind racing with implications. Marcus's vendetta against him had escalated beyond mere humiliation—it had turned deadly. With a firm resolve, Ryker continued his interrogation, extracting every detail of the plot while ensuring the truthfulness of the figure's words through his innate abilities.

Ryker, then used Dragon's Breath, turning the figure in front of him into ashes.


[Experience Gained: John the shadow Defeated – 600 EXP, 120 AP]

As the academy's halls echoed with the aftermath of their confrontation, Ryker knew that the game had changed. His path forward was now fraught with danger and betrayal.

"You will pay for this Marcus". Ryker smiled as he stood outside the balcony in his dorm room.